"price action, swings and sense"

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re: "price action, swings and sense"

Target and SL of every trade should be inside traders Emotional threshold, no excitement after winning and no depression/frustration after loosing...... In both condition TRADING RULES go away for walk.........


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re: "price action, swings and sense"

Many blame Emotions, still more systems, still more strategies, but that's not the issue, issue is somewhere else.
"Do not try to stare at the Market, because the Market never blinks"


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re: "price action, swings and sense"



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re: "price action, swings and sense"

"Be humble or else market will humble you" and on the other side " markets are non emotional, they don't care about trader positions, they will do what they have to do".... How can a emotionless thing can fix or make someone realize about being humble???? So my GUESS is trader himself make "HIMSELF" humble after going on a ride of ARROGANCE.......... Just as a physical body has a system for survival to keep our physical body fit, MIND or SELF has its own system for survival "EGO", there can be no trading without Ego, the whole reason of people being trader is to satisfy the urge of ego, all the reason trader have to become a trader are related to ego (Financial Freedom, Be your own boss, Work from any were etc etc), to satisfy his/her ego requirements and its not only valid in trading but in ever-thing. EINSTEIN teacher said you wont be able to do any thing in life, you are as dumb as ass.... His EGO gets hurt and he thinks i ll show them what i can do, BOOM he becomes the best physicist in the world of his time.... There are many cases like this... Instead of DISCARDING what ego is saying, make peace wit it, expectation and reality should be in synch wit each other...


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re: "price action, swings and sense"



Well-Known Member
re: "price action, swings and sense"

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