online currency exchange... could use suggestions

Hey guys,

any trusted brokers for online trading forex in India? im looking to get started but im not too sure where to start. I could use some advice and tips.



Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

any trusted brokers for online trading forex in India? im looking to get started but im not too sure where to start. I could use some advice and tips.

Alpari is the only broker operating full time in India. Though there are many other brokers,which operate worldwide.

Thanks for the info about forex trading. Have you traded with them before? Any idea of how they operate? Heard of any success stories??

I found a company based out of NYC whom ive heard has done business within India in the past, and with great success with regards to online currency exchange. Have you heard of them? Let me know if you have, and if not... let me know what you think about them! Thanks!:D


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