Never give up in Life but it's good to give up in Trading..


Well-Known Member
Do you know why this thing happens ?
Your view plz.
This usually happens when you try to trade intraday trends. We deceive ourselves if we consider intraday moves as trend moves. You select any random chart in 5 minutes intervels there will be atleast 5 trend changes on most of the days barring some exceptional days. These quick trend changes give no room for profits most of the time.
Intraday and Swing trading should be left for seasoned traders who have atleast 10 years of experience in the field. Intraday trading is nowadays taken over by Algo traders which constitutes about 40% of volume.


Active Member
These losing streaks happens because trading is a zero sum has no value like stocks as one traders loss is other traders if market has given you profit for some period of will give losses and if market has given you loss it will give you profit after some time provided you use the same approach...but at the end result will still be zero.. ..
If you think you are smart enough to change the system after making some profits market is even more smarter it will start giving losses on the new system that you have started trading in..
it doesn't matter whether you are trading intraday,swing or positional will never make money trading in the long run as same geometry is applied in all of these..
"A man beat a stock or a group at a time but no man living can beat the stock market....Money is made by sitting, not trading"
"It never was my thinking that made the big money for me it always was my sitting tight"
- Jesse livermore


Well-Known Member
Trading is not zero sum game, but it is negative sum game. The loss of loosers is not fully transferred to winners. Some pie is eaten by brokers, and govt.
Say Nifty at 8000 soared to 11000. The people who entered at 8000 the price plus taxes, brokerage. When they sell at 11000 they paid again taxes, brokerage. It is the case with shorts also. So, the net loss of 3000 is not entirely transferred to is less than that.
Negative sum game.:D


Active Member
Please don't say that or I will be blocked again...
Money can be made from trading but only when you don't accept your defeat(losses) and you trade in cash..
keep investing every month..
Cash is the king of the market..
"Trading is only for creating capital..investment is to grow that capital as in trading risk is extreme but in investment risk is not extreme"
- Rakesh jhunjhunwala


The Disciplined Trader
Dear Raj354u , when big guys like warren buffet say's , "Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No. 1." they are saying it for investing. Don't take their advice for trading. Not accepting small loses is like wiping out account at once. Honestly their is no business in the world where you can not or never lose any money so why it should be different in trading business.

Trader only earn when other trader lose. Thats obvious man... nobody print their own money for themselves. Money goes from one person to another person no matter which business it is.
Market is not zero sum game...its negative sum game..thats true. But that has nothing to do with you as a trader. Market never asked you to buy or sell at any time or at particular price. Its you who made all the decisions. So there is no need to blame on market.

As you said, you can make profit sometimes and then you lose sometimes and again profit...and this cycle continues.......dear raj thats why risk reward and money management is extremely important in order to keep the loses small and profit bigger and make profit over the period of time.

I hope you take it in a positive way. :)


Well-Known Member
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Active Member
You got me wrong bro ...I never blame was my wrong decision of not sticking to my own trading plan when I knew money cannot be made by taking losses and blew account trading on leveraged money..
Leveraged positions cannot be carry forwarded you will be forced to square off or else your account will be wiped out..I am repeating again..Please read carefully ..account will be wiped out only when you trade in leverage money..
When I am trading in cash I can hold my losing position then I would never be in a stocks eventually moves up..I can sell it higher maybe next day, next week next month or an year but never lose.... as opposed to losing everyday with use of stop loss and these small small losses will surely wipe my account and make my broker,exchange & govt rich..
A trader should never be stubborn...Market always finds ways to humble the way bro how many years experience you have in Trading?