My trades ! mostly intraday


sslt gained 2.5 rs =5000
nifty exited at cost =0
nifty puts holding= (-15X100)
relcap booked loss @ 347 = (-1.3)
gold exited with 10 rs loss = -2000

overall not a good day mostly confused state !

nifty fut hrly chart till now

1.upside looks capped near 6770 with s/l 6810 aprox
2. looks weak below 6726 with s/l abv 6780
3. possible tgts 6687-6642-6600-6554-6508-6370/90
4. volumes in rally dragging.
5. MACD has good negative divergence + MACD 12-26-9 had a crossover with its signal.
6. momentum showing some slowdown. RSI has some minor negativity may turn into good trade !?

this is what i feel from this chart.. It may prove wrong .my bias is all set for short

DLF fut

sell below 174.7 s/l 180 t 171.80-166.7-163 below it possible near 150
buy above 182.1 s/l 177 tgt possible 188-190 if abv 192 ---198/200

on EOD chart looks like a flag/pennant
in hrly chart as posted abv... a triangle breakout may occur.
I have posted some charts.

Plz correct me if you feel I have read something wrong from the charts.
And give me a chance to improve my chart readings!

Thanks in advance !
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