Most lose Money so somebody must be cashing-in.

Thanks for your interest My dear friend but My strategies are My bread & butter so i would not disclose it on public forum......:)
LOL Your strategy is your bread and butter so you would not post it here, OK
Let us assume your strategy is your bread and butter so if you post your strategy over here we will steal your bread and butter and eat it therefore you will have no bread and butter to survive on and will go bankrupt? In this case I agree with you you can keep your bread and butter !
good luck :)
LOL Your strategy is your bread and butter so you would not post it here, OK
Let us assume your strategy is your bread and butter so if you post your strategy over here we will steal your bread and butter and eat it therefore you will have no bread and butter to survive on and will go bankrupt? In this case I agree with you you can keep your bread and butter !
good luck :)

Thanks Dear :)
Out at 4676 almost at the low of the day ...dude you are killing it ... you are the one who is profeeting from all others losses :) continue the good work

BTW... bread and butter hmmmm..... profit to aapka Murga aur daru wala hai :)
Always remember trading is a game of probability so profits and losses are part of this game.
As a good trader all we need to do is to make sure that most of our trades are winning trades and "when we lose, lose very small but when we win, win it big" :)
best of Luck.....:)

I think proper money management is more important then having most of the trade as wining trade . I mean if most of the trades are winning ones but when we loose we loose big then net amount will be negative . As oppose to 50 50 scenario where when we win we win big and when we loose we loose small then we make profit even when most of our trade are loosing trade ....
My friend it all depends on your style of trading.
Money management is important no douts about it...i have seen many budding traders who got out of trading business just because of poor money management.
Having said that i truely believe in My previous statement, for me its all about winning most of the trades(70-80%) and "loosing small but winning big".


Always remember trading is a game of probability so profits and losses are part of this game.
As a good trader all we need to do is to make sure that most of our trades are winning trades and "when we lose, lose very small but when we win, win it big" :)
best of Luck.....:)

see winning 70 - 80 % is difficult (specially in Intraday) , but if one can manage its good and also icing on cake is that you win big and loose small . What I meant is that the 2nd condition is mandatory (Winning big and loosing small) but 1st condition we can be a bit lenient (winning %)
see winning 70 - 80 % is difficult (specially in Intraday) , but if one can manage its good and also icing on cake is that you win big and loose small . What I meant is that the 2nd condition is mandatory (Winning big and loosing small) but 1st condition we can be a bit lenient (winning %)
Yes true you can be a successful trader with even 50-60% wins provided you "win big but lose small".
But as you said if you can achieve 70-80% then it works as an icing on the cake or call it Shahi-paneer...;)


Always remember trading is a game of probability so profits and losses are part of this game.
As a good trader all we need to do is to make sure that most of our trades are winning trades and "when we lose, lose very small but when we win, win it big" :)
best of Luck.....:)
