MMTC stocks misfired

Hello All,

I kept accumulating MMTC stocks to 800 shares. I'm not able to sell the shares in the market for the past 3 trading sessions:mad:. Any suggestion on how to handle it ? Greatly appreciate your valuable suggestions.


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
MMTC has been in lower circuit continuously for the past few days. This means there are sellers rushing to sell, but there are no buyers. If you are desperate to sell, I can only suggest to put your order as early as possible and at the least possible price for that day(after checking the day wise range limits)


Well-Known Member
Mmtc is a shut company, why did you even accumulate it? Call your broker and ask him to get your shares sold. Brokers can do that if the exchanges are hitting circuit as trade will be private and not through exchange.


Well-Known Member
today also upper circuit LTP 55.10

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