this ratio 7/10 or 9/10 etc is the most misleading stuff. one can have a 3/10 win/loss ration and still make money, similarly one can have a 7/10 win/loss ratio and still loose money. one should be more interested in maximizing their capital rather than this win/loss ratio.
What u are saying may hold good for successful medium/long term investors (LTI) (including Venture funds). In their universe, typically a mere couple of 'multibaggers' can comfortably offset losses in maynbe a dozen poor investments
But my friend, in daytrading such phenomena (ie multibaggers) are absent; as a corollary : the variation between the average profit per trade and the average loss per trade will be very low, relative to LTI scenario.
If you agree with this premise (underlined) , then arithmetically you will make profits only if, in the long run, your Win/Loss ratio (defined as No of winning trades divided by No of losing trades) is generally more than 50 %.
Can you contest this mathematically/statistically, with some examples (even if hypothetical)
Happy to stand corrected ....