How to identify stock for trading....


Yes it is possible to filter out good stocks for trading from 5000 stocks. For that you should follow Top Down Approach

Macro Economic Factors

Micro Economic Factors

Sector Strength

Industry Strengh

Strong Stocks ( For Long Trades )

Weak Stocks ( For Short Trades )

First you need to have a good grasp of all the basic TA and then you can develop your own scanners.

Thanks Trady,
I think you could not understand my query...I am ready to apply TA knowledge to find out stock...but I wanted to know is there any software available where I can apply these sorting condition to find out Good / worst stock where I can buy / sell accordingly..
just click on my name and see the "send private msg" option then send pm me and also u turn on ur pm settings by go to "usercp" is headed in the top of the page..:thumb:
I am not able to see Personal Message option in front of your name??? Can you pls write back to ""bhupesh at the rate myself dot com"" ???
Also the question is what should you learn. Is your objective to make money? Or is it to make money the next day?
Hello Sanjosedesi,
Obvious my moto and primary and ultimate target is to Earn money, whether it come today or tomorrow doesn't matter. But it should consistently not some day out of 22-24 trading day...
The only concern of mine is, in Intraday you can earn money some day...A general study says Intraday Trader hardly make 15% in full year in total rather a short term / mid term trader (Investor) can earn 36-75% in a year, provided he trade with good stock...
And my only problem is how to identify these good stock for trading/investing ???
I don't mind if one stock can give good return, I will square my position on that particular day itself.

So can you suggest me the way to identify the good stock for Intraday/Short term in which I can Make money.

hi letusgrownow,
pm me i will help u to find out right stocks at right time...:thumb:
happy trading...
Hello Metatrader..
Sorry I could able to PM to you..Don't know why but that option is not activated for my account...Neither I can PM to any body nor I can receive PM from others. Pls write me letsgrowtogether(at the rate)hotmail(dot) com...or just give your mble no. I will contact back to you.


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