How is that.......?


Well-Known Member
The said authorities are tying to ease traffic congestion in the city by steeply increasing parking charges and get people to use public transport facilities . Have a look at these facilities.

May be the netas should take the lead and give up their luxury cars and travel by the public transport they expect the aam junta to use.


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Well-Known Member

Thanks Capricorn, for the pictures.

Being born and brought up in Mumbai, I have seen the growing number of passengers in the local trains here. Way back in 1956, when I was a kid that I travelled on Sunday around 11 a.m. with my uncle, from Dadar to Goregaon in 3rd class. And yet, I was able to run from one window seat to another….so much was the place available…..which may appear impossible in terms of today’s rush.

But I would want to comment on a different issue altogether. Few months ago, the ‘Most Khatarnak’ and disturbing news had broken out, and I wonder, how I missed mentioning it here in this thread.

That the Union govt is working out on a plan for ‘Pension Scheme’ for the Private Sector.

So, they get yet another ‘Baba Ka Bagicha’ to play around with.

This is going to be the ground for covering a major scam in future. As usual, the ministers and bureaucrats shall have a major roll in working towards the effectivity of the scam, that the blame shall get conveniently put on the private sector and the small entrepreneurs.

Just imagine the size of money, that shall get collected through deduction of salaries of the private sector employees. We have already have a problem with the PPF, the complete details of which are not known yet.

As if, that was NOT sufficient, that this new activity shall get started. One more way of public lootmar.

Mera Bharat Mahan.


Well-Known Member

Slowly, everyone of us starts becoming a scape-goat for the political system being practised by the politicians and the political parties of India, and accepts a mindset that is based on un-truth.

More than Sixty years ago, that the literacy levels in the country was very poor. It was then fine to start with the democratic elections, without any minimum qualifications for the candidate.

Today, all the equations have changed. Merit and people with Merit are no more respected. Only the Cast in which one is born, is important if one belongs to reservation categories.

Fine. No complaints. But then, there should atleast be some minimum qualifications for the candidates, filing their nomination forms.

And the nomination form should be with one more important enclosure which needs to be made essential….proof of filing of income tax returns and also the assessment orders for the five years prior to the election. Only such candidates need be given approval for filing their nominations.

And likewise, each and every political party should also have the proof of filing of income tax returns, and also the assessment order for those five years.

Political parties are NOT charitable trusts, and therefore they work through profit motives. It has to be made public, as to how much profit a party makes, and what is the tax collected by the govt from that party, irrespective of the party being in power or opposition.

Needless to say, that such accounts need to be properly audited before they are made public.

But as of today, this all appears to be lot of wishful thinking, though for a country like India, it is a high time to make it all legal.

Mera Bharat Mahan.


Well-Known Member

There is one thing that keeps bugging. The ‘Red Tapeism Policy’ of the Congress party.

Evenif something is required for the citizens of India, that this party has NEVER offered a free hand to make the people happy. For anything and everything, ‘what is in it for me?’ like questions always lead to Red Tapeism.

Maharashtra was once the leading state. In 1991, after the death of Rajiv Gandhi, when Narasimha Rao became the PM to include Manmohan Singh as FM for the first time, doors were opened for Globalisation. During the five years tenure for this ministry, Maharashtra had taken more than 80% advantage of the new policies.

Today, it is the neighbouring Gujarat State is walking away with benefits. Why would a common man in that state be NOT happy?

Not only in Maharashtra, but all over the country, we have a power shortage. Electricity getting generated is far too less compared to it’s demand.

But this govt shall never think of giving a free hand to established business houses like Tatas, for setting up more plants to solve the issue. Instead, they shall still try to keep working on Dabhol project, to check what more they can extract.

Sick selfish mentality. But without such mentality, no one appears to sustain in Indian Politics in the current times.

Because the eye is on the Vote Bank, no issue gets resolved because the politicians do NOT wish to destabilise their vote banks, and therefore, may adapt policies that are either NOT required or are NOT suitable for the country.

That is the reason the City-State like Delhi, which is the Capital of this country, has to suffer through power cuts of un-explainable natures. And the shameful politicians yet manage to smile and face the residents of the city, who are facing the heat in absence of both electricity and rains.

Mera Bharat Mahan.


Well-Known Member
There is no shortage of electricity in Mumbai proper. It does not matter if the rest of the state is plunged into darkness. A prehistoric power sharing agreement and the vote hungry politicians see to it that it remains POWERFUL. and if there is a power cut even for 5 minutes or the tariffs are raised to what the rest of Maharashtra subscribers pay, a particular political outfit goes on rampage destroying private as well as public property demanding immediate withdrawal of the same. So in effect the rest of Maharashtra pays for ups to Mumbai and Mumbaikars have the last laugh.

Sometimes I am ashamed of being a Mumbaikar.

praveen taneja

Well-Known Member
There is no shortage of electricity in Mumbai proper. It does not matter if the rest of the state is plunged into darkness. A prehistoric power sharing agreement and the vote hungry politicians see to it that it remains POWERFUL. and if there is a power cut even for 5 minutes or the tariffs are raised to what the rest of Maharashtra subscribers pay, a particular political outfit goes on rampage destroying private as well as public property demanding immediate withdrawal of the same. So in effect the rest of Maharashtra pays for ups to Mumbai and Mumbaikars have the last laugh.

Sometimes I am ashamed of being a Mumbaikar.
Ohh yes you must every body should be Hindustaani or Bhartiya instead of mumbaikar, jaat ,baniya,bihari,purabiya,punjaabi,and the list goes on. sorry if anyone dont like my view


Well-Known Member
Ohh yes you must every body should be Hindustaani or Bhartiya instead of mumbaikar, jaat ,baniya,bihari,purabiya,punjaabi,and the list goes on. sorry if anyone dont like my view

PT, I think Capricorn has possibly written in a sarcastic manner.

With the states having been made based on the languages, this dirty party has first divided the country based on languages, and then based on casts.

Maharashtra is currently celebrating it's 50th anniversary and yet, people from it’s capital city of Mumbai are required to fight for the language of the state… ironic.

My major point was different.

Mumbai being the Financial capital of the country enjoys virtually no power cut, irrespective of the power situation in the state or in the country.

Delhi being the capital of the country is subjected to unlimited hours of power cuts.

Both places being governed by the same political party.

Somewhere the nuisance value is less and can be managed, the other place being of more importance to the country, nuisance value is high and therefore cannot be managed, resulting into power cuts.

Finally, it all gets reduced to the politicians and their nuisance values, that a common man has to pay for.

Really….my country is Mahaaaaaan.


Well-Known Member

And then there is my favourite topic. This has a large impact tough.

We have Veg restaurants and Non-Veg restaurants. Some serve both type of dishes. Those who do NOT like the ‘SMELL’ of non-veg dishes may avoid visiting the restaurants serving both type of dishes.

But the fact is, we have both type of restaurants.

Hindus do NOT eat Beef and Muslims do NOT eat Ham-Beckon-Salami. But there are restaurants who offer either of the two or even both type of food.

So once again, we have restaurants for both type of food.

And although Gandhiji was totally against consumption of liquor, that we still had a permit system and a place for permit holders to sit and enjoy their drinks without hindrances from non-drinkers.

Even today, we have restaurants with bar and restaurants without bars. Customer has a choice of visiting either of the two.

So once again, we have restaurants for both types – with bars or without bars.

Finally the current attitude, for which our first Prime Minister was never against.

All the current laws appear to be “Anti-Smokers” and NOT “Anti-Smoking”

Every law and every concerned-unconcerned person talks about the places one SHOULD NOT smoke.

There are no places separately allocated for smokers, which in itself confirms the Anti-Smoker base of the law.

Smokers are responsible for passive smoking by non-smokers : A Totally Buxl Shxt statement. It is politically based and is vague in totality.

Today, no smoker smokes in public. Usually, the smokers walk away from the group and smoke to ensure that they are NOT a nuisance to non-smokers. But most of the time, the non-smoker walks to that group and declares himself to be a nuisance by objecting to their smoking.

When under the Indian Law, cigarettes are legally produced and sold, and as a Tax Payer, I buy them and help the govt get more excise duty, govt needs to identify the places separately provided for smokers to enjoy their smoking without being a nuisance to the non-smokers.

That will NOT happen, because of the mindset.

It is NOT the smokers who are a nuisance to the society any more. It is the non-smokers, who enjoy being a nuisance to the smokers….which can be understood through the existence of Anti-Smoker laws prevailing in the country.’

Forget any restaurant, there is NOT a single place provided by the law for the smokers to enjoy their smoking, without being a nuisance to non-smokers.

Mera Bharat Mahan