How is that.......?


Well-Known Member
Public donating to a tune of 20 lakhs per day ... it never happened ( at least in last two decades ) a common man shelling out some money to political party ..
guess every one will be surprised to see the AAP numbers ..
its not the public that is donating.
mostly its the terrorists and pakis who r donating.
they see aap as an anarchic anti national party, who sympathesise with their agenda.
aap supports giving away kashmir, naxalites etc.


Well-Known Member
I sympathize with Kejri. Poor chap. Never had thought that he shall rule the capital so strongly, getting 67 out of 70 seats. Now the major problem in front of him is, how to keep the promises that he has made prior to the elections? Virtually, he has offered a “Hawa Mahal” to Delhi residents.

And I am sure that he shall go back to his cribbing habit and starts blaming other political parties, when he cannot achieve anything worthwhile. Now, why do I sound so negative?

Couple of days ago, he came on a channel to talk about, how he saved 1000 Crores in the short duration of 49 days as Delhi’s CM. Anyone would be impressed, though he did not have any supporting documents for what he had been saying.

Little after that, the same channel showed a retired finance secretary pointing out that Kejri had been too kind to businessmen and had allowed lesser percentages of levies in some cases, due to which there was a shortfall of over 1100 Crores in the government treasury. He also did not provide any proof to support his say, but commented that if that continues to happen, then Delhi shall be bankrupt well before Kejri finishes half his term as CM of Delhi.

Now that is worrying.

Kejri has no experience in heading any government or private business to make it profitable. All he has is the experience as CM of Delhi for 49 days, which he could not sustain and ran away. This time he has promised free water and extremely cheap electricity. That is possible if he raises the Delhi taxation beyond it’s capacity, so that the middle and higher classes pay for lower and lower middle classes comfort.

This no one seems to have envisaged. It is extremely easy to make promises or to show faults in other person’s work, but not so easy to do it oneself to one’s own satisfaction, leave aside the expectations of common residents of Delhi.

This reminds me about what happened in the time period of 1974-79 era. In 1974, Mrs Indira Gandhi was the PM and George Fernandez was the union leader for the railways, demanding a bonus for railway employees. When Indira did not agree, he declared strike effective 8th May 1974, which ran for over a week, and yet Indira did not agree. The strike was called off with a warning to Indira government.

In 1977 was the debacle year when Indira and her Congress lost to the newly formed Khichadi called Janata Party, where all the other political parties, except the communists had united under the leadership of Jaiprakash Narayan. George Fernandez became the Defense Minister for the reasons best known to him, than becoming Railway Minister. Personally, I felt that he purposely avoided Railways, for which he had been demanding bonus, and knew that it was not possible for the railways to do so.

1979, with the Charan Singh move, Janata party lost to Indira’s congress and when she was back to power that George Fernandez demanded bonus for railway employees and declared a likely chance for indefinite strike.

But few days before the strike to commence, Indira declared bonus for railway employees and the importance of George Fernandez as the leader employees drastically fell.

Indira could do it because she had ample experience of handling the financial matters for the country. For George Fernandez, it was showing a Hawa Mahal to railway employees, which Indira changed into reality.

Now Kejri has shown the Hawa Mahal again without a proper experience. Wonder what would be his plans to survive. I am sure, that like always, he shall be consistently in the news for the days to come, to crib about other political parties trying to sabotage his plans.

Worst, he shall demand statehood for Delhi. What difference does it make? Today, because of the presence of the President and the PM of the country, the police force in Delhi reports to the Union Home Minister. If Delhi gets the statehood, then the Delhi police shall have to report to the Home Minister of Delhi, who may not be careful about the ministry at the centre.

However, it may bring some pressure on the NaMo government to re-organise the entire Police force in the country, in the lines with the Military set up, after which, the Law & Order shall not remain with the States but shall be a Union government responsibility. Then Delhi may get it’s statehood.

My wishful thinking : For once, Kejri stops cribbing and concentrates on achieving on something positive to do for him and his team. So far, he had only been talking. We all shall know in few days by watching TV channels. Is he continues to give more time to the news channels about what he has to say, he has not changed and then Delhi is sure to get bankrupt. But instead, if he decides to work, then we all shall not see him on the TV channels, and shall know that he is now a changed man, understanding his own responsibility. I sincerely hope that to happen.

My opinions, and I could be wrong.

AAP said that electricity distribution companies supply power to Delhi at rates carrying from Rs 1.2 per unit to Rs 12.21 per unit. According to AAP, since Delhi has limited power generation capacity of its own, the prices per unit that the citizens have to pay are high because the city has to rely on external sources for power.

AAP's solution is that Delhi sets up its own power plant either own its own or in collaboration with other players at the most economical rates and locations.

However, setting up of power plants don't come cheap. A fresh 1000-MW power plant can take anywhere between 3-5 years to come up and may entail costs at least Rs 5,000 crore, an analyst said.

In this scenario, not only setting up a new power plant for Delhi is unviable in the short term but also expensive. Even if the new Delhi government under the Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal decides to follow the route one can be assured that the results won't come anytime soon.

Making sure that electricity theft in Delhi comes down and the citizens pay their bills fair can be a good start.


AAP's 'Jal Swaraj' resonated well with the citizens of Delhi.

For a city of 1.8 crore people where nearly 50 lakh don't get piped water supply, water is an issue that AAP will have to tackle firsthand.

AAP says that it will provide 700 litre of free water to every household that has piped connection.

Although AAP says that this will encourage people to put up water meters and conserve water, experts have their doubts.

Providing water to perched Delhi is going to be difficult as the city gets its water supply from external sources.

Its solutions like Yamuna Revival and Rainwater harvesting sound good on paper but implementation is surely going to take time.

Moreover, the Munak canal in Haryana needs to supply more water to Delhi as per the order of the High Court and AAP intends to ensure its implementation.

Also, AAP's plan to operationalise water treatment plants in Dwarka, Bawana and Okhla is likely to improve water situation in Delhi.

AAP wants Delhi Jal Board to save Rs 1000 crore annually which is lost due to corruption and mismanagement. However, this isn't going to be enough if Delhi needs to meet its water demands.

AAP claims that Delhi's water woes are due to mismanagement and inequitable distribution of water.

With only plans that entails spending and only a 10% increase in water bills as the main source of increasing income of Delhi Jal Board, the mammoth task that AAP has put in front of itself looks difficult at the moment.

Plugging water leaks and a clampdown on water mafia in the state is going to be challenging and one can only hope that AAP manages to do it.

How AAP is going to do it is something everyone is watching with hawk's eye.


Well-Known Member
What was the real reason that Kejri ran away last time, after completing only 49 days in office as CM? The answer to this question shall reveal Kejri’s future during his fresh tenure as CM of Delhi.

In any place, when the Governor’s rule is applied, it is the bureaucracy that runs the government functions. The politicians, when elected are o make only policy decisions and to ensure that the policy decisions taken by them are well implemented.

During the Congress regime, the politician is said to have looked the other way, when wrong things happened. Obviously, there was a reason to do so for him. Kejri does not want to do that, but wants to get everything straight.

For this, he shall need the help from the complete bureaucracy. The bureaucracy which is used to a complete corrupt environment in the earlier rulings of Delhi and has, to some extent, has become equally corrupt.

Will they listen to Kejri’s dictates very easily? I doubt. Then Kejri shall be after transferring one person from here to there and the other from there to somewhere else. But Delhi is a small place and such transfers may not really matter o the bureaucrats. In turn they shall openly declare a no cooperation war with Kejri.

Now if I can see it and understand it, so should be Kejri seeing it along with his party colleagues. It is they who are in politics, not me. But will they accept the challenge to do something worthwhile for Delhi people? I doubt.

Since having graduated from IIT Kharagpur, if one sees his experience in the chronological order, it was always to grumble against one or the other political decision. Most of the time, maybe he was correct. But that does not make him able to carry out the work responsibly and the way he had been promising.

To add to that is his nature of cribbing against others. Only the dis-satisfied people may get collected around him, who in a way, are of the same category of cribbers and not achievers.

Elsewhere in the country, we find that picture that although the Loksabha election gave BJP & Namo a clear majority, almost in each state a regional party has been elected. Possibly because after Rajiv Gandhi’s death, the Congress became irrelevant to the regional issues. Likewise, the AAP is a regional party for Delhi, nothing else.



Well-Known Member
In a way AAP victory might turn out to be blessings in disguise for Rest of India, except Delhi, the grand loss will push BJP to work hard on its loksabha promises. AAP might act as control for elephant BJP


Well-Known Member
Now PM should talk less...and do more and show in activities...

Instead of giving lectures to Indian Public....want delivery not speeches...this is was the message by Delhi Citizens.


Well-Known Member
“Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the Ark, professionals built the Titanic”
Ark is mythological story, and after Titanic professional have built many a wonders.