How is that.......?


Well-Known Member

If the express road could be a four lane road, why can’t all the major roads of the city be atleast 3 lanes, with proper in-ways and out-ways that avoid the crossings and hence the traffic light at crossings….. the traffic policemen on duty, like any other govt servant, may not be keen in doing their duty religiously, to ease the problems of the traveller/commuter.

Today’s newspapers in Mumbai mention that those engineers who shall ensure absence of pot-holes on the roads, shall get 2 extra increments. A wrong strategy. It should rather be the other way around. Those who maintain the roads properly, should only get their annual increment. Those who fail consistently for 2-3 years, should be thrown out of service as being incompetent. But that would never happen, because the tax payers have not yet united to raise their voices. May be it will happen someday.

Mera Bharat Mahan
I can answer that, if you had noticed closely you will find shops and residences closely hugging the major roads in Mumbai, so no place for wider roads. Hence the numerous flyovers.:)
How come no mention of the flyover tax, may be since you are not affected , however let me point out a strange fact. All cars entering and leaving the city have to pay the toll tax , but cars plying within the city can use all the flyovers free of charge as long as they don't leave the city limits.:rofl:
Mera Mumbai Mahan....

I totally agree with the latter, those who do not perform should be sacked without a second thought.


Well-Known Member
No one enters politics to solve problems or to do city planning or to do any government or public related work. One enters politics with only intention is to get more and more money legally or illegally. Bribe plays the major roll. Most of the bribes come from corporates and Foreign investors. the rules and regulations are made for the benefit of FI and corporates after taking money.
"REFORM" is an such example.
Indira Gandhi did very good politics.
1. Made all banks as government banks. Therefore tight control on money and finance.
2. In all company FII should have less than 50% stake ( correct me if am wrong)
There was tight control on FII too.


Well-Known Member

Capricorn.... like I said.... we get used to it. I refuse to accept even the idea that India does NOT have engineers who could find solutions that would provide better roads within the city. But such engineers shall never be appointed by the system, because the goal of such engineers shall be to provide the best possible results that would help the public in general, and not to satisfy the political machinery to get kick-backs. Our mindset today, is to accept what appears on the surface, than trying to go deep and find the reality.

Whenever I start writing about the merits, that the people suitably place me as having an opposition for the reservation policies. No such thing.

I am for a proper reservation policy, with accountability.

A person with 90% marks is denied an entry into an engineering college, and instead a 65% student is admitted under reservation policy does NOT make sense to me, unless the person taking the admission for the 4 year course completes it in a reasonable time period. There is info available about the drop-outs. This number could be indicative of the real utilisation of the policy. Anyway, such student is there after going to look around only for govt jobs under reservation, as he/she cannot compete the private sector on merits.

To start with, the 50% or even more reservation is fine, provided that the entry norms for both do NOT differ. Because while the merit is respected, the importance is given to the backward classes, who can make efforts o get the advantages. Today, without effort, many of them are having the facilities, which sends a wrong signal.

After 60 plus years of independence that we are in no different condition vis--vis the improvements for the real backward classes, except that in some cases, the creamy layers have been formed.

So…. One person takes the advantage of reservation policies, gets good education [mostly in extended years], gets a good job in govt department, gets faster promotion to climb up the ladder [and increase his nuisance value fast to get heavy paper weights] …. Could afford a better education for kids, who under education policies get admission for better courses through reservation, and follow their parent’s foot steps…. to create a creamy layer.

What happens to other families? Who cares? But the other families THINK that this political party cares for them, and hence a vote bank gets created due to illusions.

As far as the country is concerned, nothing happens worthwhile, but things keep proceeding from Bad to Worst.

NDTV yesterday said that a Hong Kong based firm did a survey for the IAS or equivalent cadre officers in different countries. While Singapore topped for having the most efficient bureaucrats and Hong Kong followed, India was the LAST in the list.

And like the say “Yatha Raja, Tatha Praja” that everyone simply follows and finally gets used to it. Again… who cares?

Mera Bharat Mahan


Well-Known Member
Our govt. is willing to waste Rs 300 crores to erect a statue of Chatrapati Shivaji in the arabian sea for birds to s(h)it on while the debt ridden farmers in Maharashtra continue to commit suicide, and the state of power and infrastructure continue to remain dismal.


Well-Known Member

Like I said, we all have become a part of this system so much, that we fail to see what is in front of our eyes.

Like for example, the govt is considering to float a pension scheme for private sector…. everyone gets happy, without knowing what it means.

It means that the new scheme shall be yet another means to take out public money through scams.

When Rajiv Gandhi was the PM, he once said that of the 100 Crores intended for the public help, hardly 1.75 Crore actually reaches the needy people for whom the govt is expected to spend 100 Crores. So, 98.25 Crores is eaten-up by the govt machinery.

That was decades ago.

In recent times, It is 101.75 or more gets eaten-up by the govt machinery…. sounds idiotic? How could it be more than 100 Crores?

Answer is simple. The govt machinery eats up all 100 Crores, and then shows a carrot to farmers for getting the amount of say, 5 lacs released on priority, for which asks for a paper weight of 1 lac. But after collecting the paper weight the machinery does not release any money, because there is no money. Everything is already eaten-up by the govt machinery.

The poor guy…. after having taken a loan of one lac feels that he could get 5 lacs released fast, so that once the five lacs are available, he could re-pay 1 lac loan, and use the 4 lacs for farming.

But when nothing happens, the poor farmer commits suicide.

Govt machinery is happy to keep collecting such amounts, and every time, some new idea is floated.

The whole thing goes back to low literacy levels. I wonder that when the literacy rate in the Hindi speaking areas like UP, MP, Bihar and adjoining states is 30% or below, how can that language be forced in a state like Kerala, where the literacy rate for the state language Malyalam is almost 100%.

Today, the states who almost opposed Hindi and also communists are the better off in the country. Kerala and Bengal, in spite of opposition to Hindi, cannot compete with Tamil nadu, Karnataka & Andhra Pradesh.

Maharashtra, once the leading state of the country, is slowly falling back. I strongly feel that it is due to undue importance to Hindi over other languages, but I could be wrong.

Mera Bharat Mahan

praveen taneja

Well-Known Member
Our govt. is willing to waste Rs 300 crores to erect a statue of Chatrapati Shivaji in the arabian sea for birds to s(h)it on while the debt ridden farmers in Maharashtra continue to commit suicide, and the state of power and infrastructure continue to remain dismal.


Well-Known Member

And while on the political scene that one should NOT forget an important factor : The Media.

TV Channels are free to give a lot of Buxl Shxt, as they wish. I had been wondering about the Racists attacks in Australia, especially on Indians, and why no action so far from the govt, that I got the following info from my friend in Australia, and I quote :

Quote “
The attacks were random attacks by gangs and petty thieves prowling the cities late at nights for easy targets.

Two attacks on Indians and we Indians make it a race issue.

Yesterday one Lebanese boy was stabbed by a gang in Sydney and got robbed. No… not a racial attack as the thieves were also Lebanese.

A person, who was also living with us for a while, a blue eyed aussie Blonde male got bashed up at a railway station at 2.00 am while on his way home from a party….. Was it a racist attack ? No… because the boys who bashed him were all aussies..

Although a Bangalore resident today, having been born and brought up in Mumbai, that I could understand the speeches of Raj Thackrey. I do NOT necessarily agree with all his thoughts, but I find that many channels quote out of context contents to make him a target. Those who do not understand the language spoken by Raj Thackrey, go by the news seen on TV and react accordingly. He reminds me the way Pramod Mahajan spoke or reacted.

One can be sure that this all has a political base. Then the question arises … is the news appearing on TV channels or in newspapers, really reliable? How much part of that news is distorted.

Some time ago, in the famous Arushi murder case, the channels kept assuring that Arushi’s father was the murderer …. that later shifted to the home servant … and no one was actually booked because CBI could not solve the mystery.

In that case, and assuming that Arushi’s father was NOT the murderer, imagine his condition of having one’s daughter murdered, and instead of police and CBI finding the culprits, he himself is made the scapegoat. And in such a case, how could he be compensated? …. atleast by throwing out and sacking all the concerned persons from Police & CBI for being irresponsible? … but can that ever be possible ? Can a citizen of this country ever be important to the bureaucrats?

Mera Bharat Mahan

praveen taneja

Well-Known Member
A man whom we Indian saw with too respect for so many months when he pose like Hanuman in RAMAYAN (Dara Singh)
Now no one criticise him when he sell eggs for a few thousand Rs.:mad:
Still we say Mera Bharat Mahaan


Well-Known Member
Believe me racism exists. If the recent attacks in Indians were random why would 2000+ people organize a protest rally. All could not be wrongly influenced by the media.

I have lived on foreign shores and any one else who has done so can tell you the pay of a non white doing the same job as a white is much lesser. Non whites are not welcome to reside in white dominant townships nor are welcome at their social functions. So unless you are really rolling in the green stuff you are just a second class citizen.


Well-Known Member

The country known as United Kingdom [UK] or also as Great Briton [GB] consists of two islands. The larger island has Scotland in the north and England in the south. Scotch is the whisky made in Scotland :D

The smaller island is Ireland, that has two parts politically.

The southern part of Ireland is an independent nation. While the Scotland, England and Northern Ireland for UK, also known as GB.

And yet, ICC has allowed Scotland and England as two separate cricket teams to compete in the T-20 world cup, when in reality, they claim to be a part of a single nation. I understand that when the IPL-2 winning team, The Deccan Chargers of Hyderabad, was being considered for a direct entry to T-20 world cup, that ICC declined. My info is based on media reports and I am NOT sure that the reports are necessarily dependable.

But if they are, in this particular case, then BCCI should have raised the voice.

Does this also mean, that states like Maharashtra, Karnataka, and others can participate separately in this tournament, than playing as one single Indian team?

I am NOT for this idea at all, but technically speaking, is this possible? Will it be allowed by ICC? What would be BCCI’s stand ?

It would be interesting, if someone actually raises this issue to ICC. But for that BCCI should take a tough stand, which is less likely. The BCCI officials, possibly will NOT be interested in such a debate, and only for technical reason, when they will be unable to en-cash their nuisance value.

Mera Bharat Mahan