General Trading Chat

for no reason sometimes this error and ami crashed any resolutions ??
Mostly due to data feed this type of issue happens. Change your default database to your working database that may help resolving the issue as this issue also happens while changing or saving the database.
Another trick to use the 15min chart that i have posted is to take the trend from the 1st day of the month. Very often we get a good trending moves from that cue itself. For example, the cue we got from 4th of july has held thru out this month. (It is something like a monthly ORB). 24000CE for 27th expiry was available at sub 60 levels on that day. so on every long signal if one was to add this option only, it made a high of more than 550 today and never went below 50 in this month. You may call this hind sight but i call this out of the box thinking.
On 24th our positional sl was 24335 as per LVbar+36EMA method. We have now turned red in the ribbon, if now the ribbon turns green again then the SL would go up to whatever low we make in this red ribbon period (the current low is 24522). This is as per 5min.charts.

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