Feedback of Mr.Deepak Mohoni's Workshop


Does Deepak Mohoni have classes in bangalore also ?

the reviews about him are mixed. some very good reviews online. . but one of my frnd had a bad experience. . saying its too clinical and the same thing could have been learnt by studying one book - TA by JOHN MURPHY

another friend has attended a course techno trends and bharat dugar. says both were very good.

now i am seeking more enlightment before i actually enroll into one of the above 3 - deepak mohani, techno trends or bharat dugar.

plz advice:thumb:
Hi Gopal
I attended his seminar in Mumbai.Good part was he provided some ebooks,he has method to screen bullish and bearish shares for trading but for day trading this I did not found useful for me.I don't know of others.But his strategy is buy/sell on breakouts.If this suits you then perhaps It may be beneficial.Hope this helps you