do traders subconsciously really want to lose?

The Problem, as I see is, we tend to feel that "WIN" is outside ... Actually it is not ...
It is inside .... it is "I" ... I'm The Winner ....

That is the reason, I strongly Believe that Trading is more about the Psyche of the Trader ... FA, TA, TF, Analysis are all inside this "I" ...

Otherwise, how can you interpret ... Two people looking at same charts ... from same school of thought ... But still 1 sells and the other buys ...

It is The Interpretation ... and who Interprets .... "I" and ONLY "I" ...


Well-Known Member
The Problem, as I see is, we tend to feel that "WIN" is outside ... Actually it is not ...
It is inside .... it is "I" ... I'm The Winner ....

That is the reason, I strongly Believe that Trading is more about the Psyche of the Trader ... FA, TA, TF, Analysis are all inside this "I" ...

Otherwise, how can you interpret ... Two people looking at same charts ... from same school of thought ... But still 1 sells and the other buys ...

It is The Interpretation ... and who Interprets .... "I" and ONLY "I" ...
This reminds me an interesting demonstration,
once a psychology professor asked:
when a writer writes a word in a plain sheet of paper, why do you think he is doing that?
The immediate answer is: ofcourse to complete a sentence we need words.
okay why we need sentences?
answer: well, to build paragraphs, chapters and book finally.
prof: well, why do you think he needs to write a book?
answer: well, in this competitive world, if he doesn't publish he is going to perish
prof: why he want's to stay alive in the business?
answer: well... he wants be a respected man, build his career and family some day.

At this point prof. stops and says do you see, a simple word on the paper is NOT that simple at all, it has a tag attached to multiple levels of existence, that simple word has a context at every level of the story and the contextual layers are unending...!

That's why when both traders see same data on screen and learned the same basics,
the contexts inside each of their heads are completely different and hence different conclusion and different actions!

btw if you are wondering who is that professor, his name is Jordan Peterson, above excerpt is from one of his youtube videos.


Well-Known Member
Making Winning ..... a Habit

I have reference many times my travails early on in my trading career whereby fear caused me to expect a loss – completely manifested as the result of my bad habits. How was I eventually able to overcome and change?
Think about some of your own bad habits – especially the behaviors that create the internal dialogue “I know better” or “I’ll never do that again!” The problem is that most of the time your internal dialogue is not supportive of your desired outcome. In order to change those bad habits and behaviors, you must commit to change them.
Commitment – that is the key word. Most traders think they are committed. They spend hours studying charts, asking every question under the sun, and trying to nail down some form of certainty to overcome their fears. However, they are always looking for some external resource to solve their problems.
The commitment that is most vital is the commitment to look inward; to explore the psychology of why you are fearful, why you repeat the same mistakes while knowing they are sabotaging your success.
We know that we must build a belief in our trading plan and trading system. With that we must also build trust in ourselves. That trust comes from having realistic expectations, understanding time is required to become an expert, and working smart.
Happily, I get many emails from traders telling me they are now starting to get it. They are beginning to see the light – working through their psychological challenges. The single greatest revelation is that they all have calmed down and redirected their focus on the process. This is the beginning of positive change. The process as outlined through complete Trade Plan Development is the road map to success. In short, process will lead to profits.
The other great discovery is that they now know they can not trade $500.00 into $1 million. They are no longer counting on pipe dreams and wishes. They are treating their trading as a business, allocating appropriate capital and applying sound principles to their money management. They are developing the patience to seek and execute the best trade signals; following their trade plan and rules.
These are the signs of true commitment; of professionals – and real professionals make money. These milestones build confidence and self-trust.
Now, what once seemed impossible becomes a good habit – a winning habit. The defining moment is when you realize that winning is really not difficult at all. In fact, you will expect it!
So many traders are mystified and curious – somehow still assuming that I am afraid or reluctant to post losing trades. But at this stage of my trading, I just don’t have that many. I have tried to illustrate how winning is possible using thorough preparation; Top Down Analysis, market structure, valid signal choices, patience, discipline and not over trading – all learnable skills! But all skills that required a true commitment on my part!
Remember in My Story that I emphasized that I had to work on me. That’s when things began to change for the better.
My habits changed, from fearful to controlled. I stopped acting like a loser and began acting like a winner- a professional. From there, it became more fluid and simple.
Winning became a habit.
If you don’t have the fortitude or the heart to make the commitment, you are going to struggle. If you do, you will struggle at the outset, but will eventually be successful.
The fact is that most people simply do not want to expend the effort or energy to do what it takes – at anything. That’s really great for those of us who do.
Remember to make an honest assessment of what you are doing and why. Make the commitment to change and follow the process. You will soon find winning the norm, not the exception.
“Long-lasting change that will help you create new habits and actions requires an inside-out approach, as well as two very important tools: the mirror and time.” Darren L. Johnson
This is it . Need to salute ur attitude boss:thumb:
Your Signature sums up Trading Process ...

Take a bow ... :thumb::clap::clapping:
You are super's shows you are....committed towards MANKIND.....I am silently reading your......thread .......visible/invisible......keep go on........Regards rajgreenpeace :thumb:

Galts Gulch

Well-Known Member
You are super's shows you are....committed towards MANKIND.....I am silently reading your......thread .......visible/invisible......keep go on........Regards rajgreenpeace :thumb:
I do not know if I'm committed to mankind ... but surely committed to THE MAN (not as a gender) ... As The Achiever, as a Power as Illustrated and exemplified by my Mentor ... My teacher ... my motivator ... Ayn Rand ...

And it hurts Big time ... When You know that things are not going right way but helpless to do anything ...

A MAN (AN INDIVIDUAL) is The Ultimate Creation and A CREATOR ... AND when he is Suppressed / Manipulated / Coaxed / Forced ... on the pretext of / Illusion of Social Justice / Socialism / Democracy and all the other Boundaries that a MAN has to compromise with ... It is DOOM'S DAY ...

Yadaa Yadaa Hi Dharmasya Gyaanir Bhavathi Bhaaratha ...
Abhythaanam Adharmasya ... Tat Aatmaanam Srijaami Aham ...

Who is John Galt is passe ....

Where is John Galt is more apt ....

my thoughts ......

Professionals traders do their trading to win.
Amateurs trade for not to loose.....this feeling of not to loose make them to loose ultimately.....they take small profits with the fear of giving back... and take large losses with the hope of recovering back....

amateurs who have done some research believe in Efficient Market Hypothesis....which(EMH) i beleive is totally wrong for traders...

Very well said, sir!


Well-Known Member

some more thoughts on....what traders(newbies and even some professionals) subconsciously believe.....

1) selecting/entering in the right trade/investment(i.e picking right stock... etc) the key to success.

2) Holy grail belief....which helps in selecting a right trade/investment.

these two beliefs are very common....and some more might include the following.

3)traders/investors are at the mercy of the market in the short term,but if traders/investors hold on for long time,..... the market will eventually goes up.

4) if traders/investors lose money,its not their fault,finding someone to blame and a good lawyer to put up a case upon them.

5) The market is efficient.(believing in "Efficient Market Hypothesis")


if they are successfully eliminate/erase these beliefs they will come out as winners(what i think)...but ... its very hard to fight with inner-self and it will take sometime.



Well-Known Member
Jahan bhai can u tell me in short how u do the position sizing , as i read in ur sign.