Day Traders Lounge.

this series has been reality check for me. last 7 months went on top of moon. ye mahine loss has put me back into confusion mode.

Your post tells nothing about any details why it is like that in your case. Is it may possible for you to post a bit more in details what happens to your trading?

What was your biggest loss in this series and why did it happen or did you have a row of losses which got a problem for you or was it just the first time that you experienced in general bigger losses in a row?

Most of us know the smart aleck posters here in the forum who know every move in advance, only have profit like fire work at all the time because of there intelligence trading posted with :lol::D, do only trade for 300% profit and more :rofl:, but who cares about those junk posters.

Posts from such of yours are the once who come from deep heart and good personality.

Any way: You are not obliged to comment on this post.

Take care and have a nice weekend / Dan :)
Anyone following the Greek drama?
Yes, I do daily and I am most surprised what comes out new day by day. Not only by the press but by what is seen and committed on live discussions and behind the line information from different sources. It is a huge spectacle and manipulation of the masses so that the bank system in Europe will survive with the help of the politicians. They talk about billions in front of the public and in silent the EZB pumps in even more billions in the Greek bank system to keep it alive. Other wise they would be bankrupt the next day. But such information have not been public for a long time.

Here an other article I just saw about the topic:

Rarely in modern times have we witnessed such a display of petulance and bad judgment by those supposed to be in charge of global financial stability, and by those who set the tone for the Western world.

The spectacle is astonishing. The European Central Bank, the EMU bail-out fund, and the International Monetary Fund, among others, are lashing out in fury against an elected government that refuses to do what it is told. They entirely duck their own responsibility for five years of policy blunders that have led to this impasse.

They want to see these rebel Klephts hanged from the columns of the Parthenon – or impaled as Ottoman forces preferred, deeming them bandits - even if they degrade their own institutions in the process.

Take care and have a nice weekend / Dan :)
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Well-Known Member
monday turned out to be a non event. messed up expiry .. not following it anymore .. The Greeks and EU can screw themselves .. Every 3-6 months ka natak .. :annoyed:
Monday was a good day wrt to greece/eu as it seemed they were making some progress. We did see the markets rally on tuesday on the hopes of a new bail out. Our own Nifty closed up 40 points.

The greek PM seems desperate to go the extra mile to accepts EU's terms but his party wont let it happen. Sadly, he came to power by promising the people of greece that he would never opt for austerity measures that the previous government was willing to take in order to keep greece afloat.

Some 3 hours ago, the EU offered a fresh 5 month bail out extension which greece refused saying it was unacceptable. The greek finance minister sounded optimistic that a deal could be reached by saturday.

According to some reports, Eurozone finance ministers and Greece’s creditors are preparing to draw up plans for emergency measures on Saturday to quarantine the country in the event of default next week - unless the Greeks accept the terms for a bailout extension. The big question is if it will be backed by the parliament!!!!

Dow Jones: Was up 90 points an hour ago. Now giving up gains and up only 25 points

SGX Nifty: Was up 39 points an hour ago. Now giving up gains and up only 18 points.


Well-Known Member
A silly query :D

I have been a full time day trader since April 2015 (took a 2 week break in between for CFA exam). I am unable to cope with the adrenaline 'crash' post market hours. I am pretty high till 3:30 PM, but feel so lethargic for next 2-3 hours. Have you guys experienced it too? Any suggestions on how to cope with it?
What you may be experiencing could be termed as mere anxiety. The effect of adrenaline is mainly limited to broncho dilation i.e increasing oxygen flow in your blood stream. Adrenaline works by stimulating the heart rate, dilating blood vessels, and dilating air passages, all of which work to increase blood flow to the muscles and oxygen to the lungs. So unless you have hyper heart beating and a kind of hyper breathing, its not the Adrenaline :)

Anxiety is very normal when you are trading, especially if you are a newbie. During trading hours, your system is in a tightened state of alertness. Post 3:30 pm when you have no external stimuli in the form of price action, your body will try to return to normalcy. The heightened state of arousal does take a toll on your body though. Post arousal, your body needs rest. So sleep is a very good option. Second option is to load yourself with sugary things to make you feel better( althought i dont suggest it).

As you put in more hours trading, your body will get used to the excitement. Eventually, over a period of time, your body will get used to the external inputs. Just like when you are new to driving a car you are very excited and anxious. Eventually you get used to it.

Give yourself some time. If you think it bothers you, go out for a walk if you can as walking will give your brains enough oxygen. Working out in the gym/doing any stressful bodily activity at that time will only increase your cortisol levels which can be counter productive. A long walk, sleep or lots of laughter is the best remedy here

Lastly, stop worrying about small things like mood/lethargy etc. Just listen to what your body is saying. If it says eat, you eat. If it says you sleep, you sleep. Thats it.


Well-Known Member
A silly query :D

I have been a full time day trader since April 2015 (took a 2 week break in between for CFA exam). I am unable to cope with the adrenaline 'crash' post market hours. I am pretty high till 3:30 PM, but feel so lethargic for next 2-3 hours. Have you guys experienced it too? Any suggestions on how to cope with it?
Don't worry soon you will go to the other side of the spectrum..
when u will doze off during market hours....


Well-Known Member
Greece is paying for the sins of its politicians (who fudged the numbers to get an entry into Eurozone) and many of the rich and middle-class (who habitually evade taxes) that has got Greece into this mess. The present situation was inevitable. But is only Greece to blame? What about the bankers who in their greed for 'yield' did not do due diligence, and lent money so as to get fat bonuses at the year end. The banks should be the last to protest.

It is however in Greece's best interest to default. It will be painful, but quickly needed cut, that will stop it bleeding forever. There is not much sense to take loans to pay interest. The conditions that are being negotiated are not in the interest of Greece. IMF/EU are rejecting Greece's proposal to bridge the budget deficit by raising taxes on business (the argument is that this will stifle economic growth) but they want to reduce further the pensions of the elderly (which have already been cut before) and increase taxes. These measures are ofcourse going to be unpopular for the Greek govt. The choice is thus clear - a quick but painful decision to default on debt or an equally painful but torturous decision to accept EU's terms and maybe default after a few long years as Greece's economy cannot sustain its enormous debts.....
historically whatever party is at the helm of affair when the country goes to default faces a rout in the next election.
So yeah they have incentive to go against their poll promises and follow what the eu is asking ...