Currency Options

What is the best way to trade currency options and do weekly currency options have liquidity

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What is the best way to trade currency options and do weekly currency options have liquidity

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There is no best or worst way to trade.

Current week and monthly expiry contracts have good liquidity.

One thing I have learnt is that, in currency options, take whatever the profit you have on the table, because these options have the tendency to reverse.
Which is more suitable, hedging or directional trades? Also can we take decay advantage in weekly OTM contracts by hedging.

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In IMO hedging, the decay will be slow right? Can you please elaborate how IMO hedging will help. If you could share with example that would be very helpful.

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Well-Known Member
In IMO hedging, the decay will be slow right? Can you please elaborate how IMO hedging will help. If you could share with example that would be very helpful.

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Hedging is better because it limits your losses and provides protection to some extent against gaps.

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