Companion guide for Saint's 60 minutes Flow

hi everybody i am new memeber to this site and to this flow theory. I tried to understand it but it squite confusing. can anybody tell me from where to start, the basic exactly.
It seems to me lot many people are using the same theory so i want to understand it.
Anybody guidance apperciated.
Re: Pivots

Dear Samfisher,

Many thanks for this great pic of pivots (on the first page) . It clarifies many things. Just few dumb questions.
What is major pivot and minor pivot?

Also in your diagram you have 3 bars with almost same height marked as pivot. Now in this example is it considered as high pivot or low ? what eaxactly is teh guideline here?

Once again many thanks for your help and patience.

Kind regards,


Well-Known Member
Can someone give me a link to the compilation of 60 mins FLOW method. The latest one. I mean a pdf or a doc one.
Search it ...its there some where in traderji...:)...

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