1 min IEOD data

This is a database dump that I have. I will convert the data to your format - typically a CSV file or an excel file for all the market segments that you want. Whether you have it in watchlist of any trading platform doesnt matter. It an all inclusive list of all instruments that traded on the day for every day since Sep 2017.
Typically, you will use this data to study and do your own back test. Please refer to algo2trade.com. Site is work in progress but you may get an idea and contact inputs from the bottom of the page.
I have been downloading this for the past 1 year from Zerodha for nse cash, futures, commodity, currency. It is 1 minute and includes expired instruments too. Since I have spent a lot of effort to write the code, you just need to pay a very nominal cost for all 4 segments. Pls send me a pm if interested.
can you please share cost details

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