
  1. G

    Google Docs to track Indian MF NAV

    Just thought of sharing it https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ah16IsF681SudFJVdGNEbmVTRjFWOUUwLVo4RHRaYUE&hl=en_GB It gets data from http://amfiinda.com/spages/NAV0.txt. Just enter Fund Name, NAV price ,Quantity ,Date( optional ). It will do the rest. Please find correct...
  2. Debarghya Mukherjee

    Free Customized Trading Platform with Real time data

    Hello all my Trading friends, I wanted to make a free of cost trading platform for the traderji Users, who doesn't have real time data feed. I saw some threads are there, but there was no solution. I have computer science background. So I decided to make one for myself first. So here in this...
  3. V

    [Tutorial] Using Excel web query

    Hi, I am new to this forum. I found this article online on importing web data into excel sheets, I was hoping this would be of some use to other traders out here. http://articles.techrepublic.com.com/5100-10878_11-6115870.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=tr Hope this helps
  4. K

    Import from Y A H O O into Excel using Web-query!

    I'm making an excel to keep updating my current portfolio with the latest rates. For this I'm using web-query in excel to pull the LTP of the stock in the portfolio. Now, I'm able to pull the necessary data properly in the required cell. But the problem is that the cell below becomes blank...