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  • actualy i will a make 2 partition in ssd and in c partition i will install amibroker and in d partition i will copy my amibroker eod database from my old system and will access it by amibroker ,is that ok.?i dont want to put database in amibroker directory. will that work?
    Happy new year.
    I have a question for you. I want to know how I can recognize a strong trend? Is there any indicator or oscillator? Do you know about TDF? Does it work? Can you suggest me something like that?
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    Tejas Khoday
    Tejas Khoday
    If a stock/index is making higher lows and higher highs without breaking previous lows, it indicates a strong trend.
    Likes: sr114
    Thanks for your reply, but for how many days? because you can find a lot of candles with the above-mentioned condition and they are not strong.
    Tejas Khoday
    Tejas Khoday
    On all time-frames. It's a bit subjective. For instance, such a pattern in a weekly chart means a lot more than daily charts. Intraday time-frame charts are also useful but you will have to understand that the validity of a trend is short-lived.
    Likes: sr114
    Dear Sir,

    This is Venkatesh...from Switzerland

    Like to know whether had anyone using Arthachitra Trading Platform with Zerodha Kite Connect.

    could Pls throw me more light on this?

    i can be reached at my email [email protected] and on whatsapp +91 9952974610

    Hope to hear from you

    With regards
    No never used Kite Connect - so unable to comment on this matter. Sorry again.
    hello sir,
    can u pls give me afl for my following logic
    buy when 20 ema >50 ema and when next candle is half percent greater than previous candle close value
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