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  • hi sir can u pls help i have a afl which i want someone to convert it into mt4 version ..please

    2. Rule says that we should get our accounts audited if profit is less than 8% of turnover. say my total capital is 10k and am in net loss of 2K. Then as per law i should get my accounts audited. That means a trader with a capital of 10K will have to pay 5-6K to auditor to get the books audited ? Or am i missing something ?
    I have following question regarding Income Tax for Traders. Can you please clarify.

    1. How should we arrive at 2 Crore of turnover. Should we add Turnover of both Speculative Trade(Intraday) and Non Speculative(FnO) to arrive at final turnover or both of them are calculated separately ?
    Dear ST,:)
    I first thank you for giving some valuable suggestions and insights in trades esp.5/12/2008 day trade.There is total disagreement with the values what is posted by you and the values recorded in ODIN trade screen.As a result of this price variations at times I miss the trades mentioned by you in your post.If you could tell me which company chart programme you are using I will go for it.Please!
    With regards,
    dear st,
    I have more or less understand the intraday mini method of saint sir (with the help of ur charts & trade explanation & sunil sir's messages about multiple time frames). But I am not very confident about 60min flow method yet. I know the basic rules but many confusions
    1) what are exactly the rules for gaps
    2) what is pivot (I can see major pivot but then there are minor pivots also) do we use all of them
    3) how we can raise sl to new PL even before price moves to make new PH (in case of long trade) when its clear stated in rules to move SL after price crosses PH.
    there are also some other questions. I would be greatful to u if u can clear this method to me(no hurry,as & when u have time). also if possible give a chart of NF for 1or 2 week with brief explanation. that will be great. I know i am asking too much. sorry for that
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