Problems with Getbhavcopy downloader (Hemen Kapadia software)

Hi, I am able to open both the sites in my browser. As I have said earlier, Getbc has problems on certain days only, could be the server prob. unable to download from4-8.30pm., whereas the other s/w worked fine.

log file for today
11/12/2009 19:31:26 Message ********* Starting Getbhavcopy *********
11/12/2009 19:31:49 Message Downloading symbols for index NSENIFTY
11/12/2009 19:32:31 Error Error downloading symbols for index NSENIFTY
Rajesh from the log i observe that you are trying to download too early. Download around 7 in the evening. Things should be good at that time.

I do not see any issue in Getbhavcopy at it is able to download indices earlier in the log.

In the latter part of the log i saw that the server was unreachable. did you try accessing nse-inda from your browser at that time ?


Well-Known Member
Hi Hemen,
1. nse-india was able to load at that time. you can see the download time is 7.30 in the evening.

anyway, thanks for your time. I would check with my network also.

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