My trades ! mostly intraday

Hi all ,
though newly registered i am going to post my trades to seek advice to correct/enhance my method from all traderji members.

I am not posting any calls. as usualy i tgt 15-20 points in nifty and bnf many times R/R ratio is also not valid. u may call it as scalping !

but fortunately I am earning with a specific chart method since 4-5 months.

will be posting a few charts also as i cannot write other than too basic afls !

need help to create a afl for my method.

I am no good in technical analysis but this 1 setup gives me money(most of the times) !

what all i see is
3 diff stochastic
rsi 2
macd 12/26/9 and macd 12/26/34
RMI 20/5,34/5,8/5,5/2

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