Insights & Inspiration


Well-Known Member
@ Dan, Actually I am clearing my mail account, which has a lot of fw's. I usually I do not read mails adressed to me and 20 other people, and if I do so, it is only at leisure. I came across these two, and posted as thought it would be of interest to members. Usually, all my post does have link to the source. Take care and good weekend to you as well.


What was the source for post four? It even would be great if you can post the sources to post one and any other post you do here. Take care and have a nice weekend :)


Well-Known Member
Have you tried to do something good to help somebody, and the end result was that you regretted doing it? My nephew is doing some research on the subject as a part of his college submission, and was discussing the same with me. He shared something called the Law of unintended consequences. A part of his submission, I am posting here.

(I could also share with him something which happened on TJ, where a good thread of Combing trend and VWAP by Pratapbv created contraversy, and a good man stopped posting on his thread - unfortunately)

So what is the law of unintended consequences?

The Cobra effect.

The cobra effect occurs when an attempted solution to a problem actually makes the problem worse. The term cobra effect stems from an anecdote set at the time of British rule of colonial India. The British government was concerned about the number of venomous cobra snakes in Delhi. The government therefore offered a bounty for every dead cobra. Initially this was a successful strategy as large numbers of snakes were killed for the reward. Eventually, however, enterprising persons began to breed cobras for the income. When the government became aware of this, the reward program was scrapped, causing the cobra breeders to set the now-worthless snakes free. As a result, the wild cobra population further increased. The apparent solution for the problem made the situation even worse.

A similar incident occurred in Hanoi, Vietnam, under French colonial rule. The colonial regime created a bounty program that paid a reward for each rat killed. To obtain the bounty, people would provide the severed rat tail. Colonial officials, however, began noticing rats in Hanoi with no tails. The Vietnamese rat catchers would capture rats, lop off their tails, and then release them back into the sewers so that they could procreate and produce more rats, thereby increasing the rat catchers' revenue.

(Historian Michael Vann argues that the cobra example from British India cannot be proven, but that the rats in Vietnam case can be proven, so the term should be changed to the "rat effect)

Related : Perverse incentive is an incentive that has an unintended consequences and an undesirable result which is contrary to the interests of the incentive makers.

19th century palaeontologists traveling to China used to pay peasants for each fragment of dinosaur bone (dinosaur fossils) that they produced. They later discovered that the peasants dug up the bones and then smashed them into many pieces, greatly reducing their scientific value, but which resulted in a higher payment to the peasants.

In life, we are all governed by laws - legal, social, moral, natural. Some of these are not written, but known by us at an unconscious level. It helps to be aware the basic principal that govern these laws of life. As I write this, wondering how many of these relate to trading, which we disregrad, neglect, brush off or violate? Food for thought.
Have you tried to do something good to help somebody, and the end result was that you regretted doing it? My nephew is doing some research on the subject as a part of his college submission, and was discussing the same with me. He shared something called the Law of unintended consequences.
So what is the law of unintended consequences?

The Cobra effect.
Superb post. Hope you can get your nephew, when he is done with the assignment, to post his submission online and provide a link for the same.


Well-Known Member
“It is extremely difficult to stay alert and attentive, instead of getting hypnotized by the constant monologue inside your own head (may be happening right now). Twenty years after my own graduation, I have come gradually to understand that the liberal arts cliché about teaching you how to think is actually shorthand for a much deeper, more serious idea: learning how to think really means learning how to exercise some control over how and what you think. It means being conscious and aware enough to choose what you pay attention to and to choose how you construct meaning from experience. Because if you cannot exercise this kind of choice in adult life, you will be totally hosed. Think of the old cliché about “the mind being an excellent servant but a terrible master.”
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Well-Known Member
Just some observations for the weekend....

I just came back today after attending the first day of the two day seminar held by Arfeen Khan. Many people may not have heard of him, as he is not as popular as Anthony Robbins, Richard Bandler, Dr. Phil or such. However, have some good insights from the seminar (for which I had got a free pass) quite impressed. Sharing some thoughts....

* We all spend on gadgets/fads or such. But do we take time to invest into something that is most important to each of us i.e ourselves? How many would have invested a good amount of money to develop or sharpen our skills? The number will be very few. Especially if we compare to the people who not think anything about spending 5 figure sum for some electronic gadget or such, which may have a useful life of 4-5 years only? Which is greater a gadget or such or ourself?

* Some takeaways from the seminar :

# Use opportunities that you get. It may at times, comes only once in a lifetime or rarely.

# How many of us operate at level 10 i.e being the best that we can be?

# Any thought given or planned on reflecting where you will be 5 years from now.?

# Much of our focus in life is on nonsense. It may be TV, timepass or such. These 'fillers' at times can represent our lives. Don't waste the time that you have. Make the most of it to live for your dream.

# Where you find yourself now - is an outcome of your choices. Take responsibility for it. Blaming others, is just trying to shift responsibility for your choices and outcomes. It does not help. Accept personal responsibility if you want to change.

# Our mental Blueprint is embossed in our minds. It is the programming that we are led to believe in, and act out in life from what we are told by our parents, family, teachers, society. To change your life, change your mental blueprint.

# Any limitations in your life, no matter for what reasons, are just a mental block. To move ahead and overcome them, hold just one attitude - I will get over it. You are responsible for your destiny.

# Your thinking reinforces or rejects our 'blueprint' Change your thinking, change your outcomes, and change your destiny.

# Anything we do, like, dislike, is based on our reference in our mental file, and the filters we use. These becomes our beliefs and the truth for us. For e.g One person may be petrified seeing a cockroach or a snake. To another person, these may not matter, or may be considered a 'tasty snack' How do we have beliefs on the far ends of the spectrum? Two people have an opposite perception of the same thing, as they reference the same differently based on their mental programming. In essence, this means we can create a new reference to a behaviour we would like to change or see in our self.

# Take personal responsibility for everything that is not as per your liking in your life. This is the only way to change. Blaming others, society or anybody or anything else will keep the outcomes the same. i.e no change is possible without thinking about these as your own responsibility.

# Whatever we experience in life is based on what we think or hold as true in our mind.

# Our mental rules, beliefs, rationale are invisible, but powerful mental processes that help or hinder us to achievement, success, growth or the lack thereof.

# One of the technique to change, is to have deadlines. They help you take a first step, or start to make a change.

# As individuals, we are looking for either of the following. The importance that we place on these determine that how we act/behave/live our lives :

* Certainity/Security
* Excitement/Variety
* Sense of Importance/Significance
* Love/Connection
* Growth
* Making a contribution

# An easy step to change : Think of 3 things that you can do to make changes in your life. Then act on it, without excuses.

# Something to reflect on : What beliefs, if eliminated, can impact your life in a very positive manner.

# We all carry baggage of unwanted thoughts/emotions. These hinder our growth and progress in life. Identify and junk these. At times, these baggage may be negative people holding us back.

# To turnaround our life, we need to create more positive references in our life. Many people are angry, negative, doubting, anxious, fearful. A start around this would be to create good or positive references. E.g a small start/choice. To start the day with 10 minutes of meditation, instead of oversleeping.

# Have an attitude - Anything you think you cannot do, you must.

# For any change, we must change/work on our identity. If you hold the belief or mental programming that are contradictory : E.g You want to make money in trading. But if you hold an opposite belief that 'money is the root of all evil' or hold the believe 'it is not easy to make money' or 'easy come, easy go') There will be conflict in beliefs at a subconscious level, and in which the negative belief will always win.

# How we act out in life, have outcomes, or find our selves are the basis of these :

* Our identity. Who we think we are.
* Beliefs, values and rational/thinking.
* Skills and abilities
* Behaviour
* Of the above, our self-identity is the first and the most important aspect on which we need to work on, followed by others.
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Have you tried to do something good to help somebody, and the end result was that you regretted doing it? My nephew is doing some research on the subject as a part of his college submission, and was discussing the same with me. He shared something called the Law of unintended consequences. A part of his submission, I am posting here.

(I could also share with him something which happened on TJ, where a good thread of Combing trend and VWAP by Pratapbv created contraversy, and a good man stopped posting on his thread - unfortunately)

So what is the law of unintended consequences?

The Cobra effect.

The cobra effect occurs when an attempted solution to a problem actually makes the problem worse. The term cobra effect stems from an anecdote set at the time of British rule of colonial India. The British government was concerned about the number of venomous cobra snakes in Delhi. The government therefore offered a bounty for every dead cobra. Initially this was a successful strategy as large numbers of snakes were killed for the reward. Eventually, however, enterprising persons began to breed cobras for the income. When the government became aware of this, the reward program was scrapped, causing the cobra breeders to set the now-worthless snakes free. As a result, the wild cobra population further increased. The apparent solution for the problem made the situation even worse.

A similar incident occurred in Hanoi, Vietnam, under French colonial rule. The colonial regime created a bounty program that paid a reward for each rat killed. To obtain the bounty, people would provide the severed rat tail. Colonial officials, however, began noticing rats in Hanoi with no tails. The Vietnamese rat catchers would capture rats, lop off their tails, and then release them back into the sewers so that they could procreate and produce more rats, thereby increasing the rat catchers' revenue.

(Historian Michael Vann argues that the cobra example from British India cannot be proven, but that the rats in Vietnam case can be proven, so the term should be changed to the "rat effect)

Related : Perverse incentive is an incentive that has an unintended consequences and an undesirable result which is contrary to the interests of the incentive makers.

19th century palaeontologists traveling to China used to pay peasants for each fragment of dinosaur bone (dinosaur fossils) that they produced. They later discovered that the peasants dug up the bones and then smashed them into many pieces, greatly reducing their scientific value, but which resulted in a higher payment to the peasants.

In life, we are all governed by laws - legal, social, moral, natural. Some of these are not written, but known by us at an unconscious level. It helps to be aware the basic principal that govern these laws of life. As I write this, wondering how many of these relate to trading, which we disregrad, neglect, brush off or violate? Food for thought.

Best Insights.............Thanks DSM bro for the post......:thumb:


Well-Known Member
Just some observations for the weekend....

I just came back today after attending the first day of the two day seminar held by Arfeen Khan. Many people may not have heard of him, as he is not as popular as Anthony Robbins, Richard Bandler, Dr. Phil or such. However, have some good insights from the seminar (for which I had got a free pass) quite impressed. Sharing some thoughts....

* We all spend on gadgets/fads or such. But do we take time to invest into something that is most important to each of us i.e ourselves? How many would have invested a good amount of money to develop or sharpen our skills? The number will be very few. Especially if we compare to the people who not think anything about spending 5 figure sum for some electronic gadget or such, which may have a useful life of 4-5 years only? Which is greater a gadget or such or ourself?

* Some takeaways from the seminar :

# Use opportunities that you get. It may at times, comes only once in a lifetime or rarely.

# How many of us operate at level 10 i.e being the best that we can be?

# Any thought given or planned on reflecting where you will be 5 years from now.?

# Much of our focus in life is on nonsense. It may be TV, timepass or such. These 'fillers' at times can represent our lives. Don't waste the time that you have. Make the most of it to live for your dream.

# Where you find yourself now - is an outcome of your choices. Take responsibility for it. Blaming others, is just trying to shift responsibility for your choices and outcomes. It does not help. Accept personal responsibility if you want to change.

# Our mental Blueprint is embossed in our minds. It is the programming that we are led to believe in, and act out in life from what we are told by our parents, family, teachers, society. To change your life, change your mental blueprint.

# Any limitations in your life, no matter for what reasons, are just a mental block. To move ahead and overcome them, hold just one attitude - I will get over it. You are responsible for your destiny.

# Your thinking reinforces or rejects our 'blueprint' Change your thinking, change your outcomes, and change your destiny.

# Anything we do, like, dislike, is based on our reference in our mental file, and the filters we use. These becomes our beliefs and the truth for us. For e.g One person may be petrified seeing a cockroach or a snake. To another person, these may not matter, or may be considered a 'tasty snack' How do we have beliefs on the far ends of the spectrum? Two people have an opposite perception of the same thing, as they reference the same differently based on their mental programming. In essence, this means we can create a new reference to a behaviour we would like to change or see in our self.

# Take personal responsibility for everything that is not as per your liking in your life. This is the only way to change. Blaming others, society or anybody or anything else will keep the outcomes the same. i.e no change is possible without thinking about these as your own responsibility.

# Whatever we experience in life is based on what we think or hold as true in our mind.

# Our mental rules, beliefs, rationale are invisible, but powerful mental processes that help or hinder us to achievement, success, growth or the lack thereof.

# One of the technique to change, is to have deadlines. They help you take a first step, or start to make a change.

# As individuals, we are looking for either of the following. The importance that we place on these determine that how we act/behave/live our lives :

* Certainity/Security
* Excitement/Variety
* Sense of Importance/Significance
* Love/Connection
* Growth
* Making a contribution

# An easy step to change : Think of 3 things that you can do to make changes in your life. Then act on it, without excuses.

# Something to reflect on : What beliefs, if eliminated, can impact your life in a very positive manner.

# We all carry baggage of unwanted thoughts/emotions. These hinder our growth and progress in life. Identify and junk these. At times, these baggage may be negative people holding us back.

# To turnaround our life, we need to create more positive references in our life. Many people are angry, negative, doubting, anxious, fearful. A start around this would be to create good or positive references. E.g a small start/choice. To start the day with 10 minutes of meditation, instead of oversleeping.

# Have an attitude - Anything you think you cannot do, you must.

# For any change, we must change/work on our identity. If you hold the belief or mental programming that are contradictory : E.g You want to make money in trading. But if you hold an opposite belief that 'money is the root of all evil' or hold the believe 'it is not easy to make money' or 'easy come, easy go') There will be conflict in beliefs at a subconscious level, and in which the negative belief will always win.

# How we act out in life, have outcomes, or find our selves are the basis of these :

* Our identity. Who we think we are.
* Beliefs, values and rational/thinking.
* Skills and abilities
* Behaviour
* Of the above, our self-identity is the first and the most important aspect on which we need to work on, followed by others.
Thanks a Lot!It is a wonderful list.
It will find a place in most readers' souls, as we meander our way..
Everyday through the haze and maze, the dazzle and frazzle ..
And to END each day as worthy‘ and beautiful..
For the impact ,of what you have written ,are immense and here to stay.
Thank you once again.
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Well-Known Member
Some quotes :

Losers live in the past, and focus on their losses and wounds. Winners learn from the past, live in the present, and work towards the future - Denis Waitley

Problems and difficulties challenge winners. For losers, they provide a good excuse as to why they fail - M.E Kerr

Winners win in their minds even before they enter the battle - Unknown

Winners focus on the joys of success. Losers focus on the pain of failing - William Gilbert

Winners prepare for the war, and are ready to deal with any challenges ahead. Losers are ill-prepared and ill-equipped. Any obstacles and difficulties in the task comes to them as a surprise - Unknown

Winners win because they are flexible, and are able to change their strategy midway. Losers are rigid, and persist with their strategy, even when they they are losing - Unknown

Winners don't hold on to fixed opinion or judgement. Losers are ego bound, and rigid as they equate being wrong as a personal failure - Unknown


Well-Known Member
Some quotes :

Losers live in the past, and focus on their losses and wounds. Winners learn from the past, live in the present, and work towards the future - Denis Waitley

Problems and difficulties challenge winners. For losers, they provide a good excuse as to why they fail - M.E Kerr

Winners win in their minds even before they enter the battle - Unknown

Winners focus on the joys of success. Losers focus on the pain of failing - William Gilbert

Winners prepare for the war, and are ready to deal with any challenges ahead. Losers are ill-prepared and ill-equipped. Any obstacles and difficulties in the task comes to them as a surprise - Unknown

Winners win because they are flexible, and are able to change their strategy midway. Losers are rigid, and persist with their strategy, even when they they are losing - Unknown

Winners don't hold on to fixed opinion or judgement. Losers are ego bound, and rigid as they equate being wrong as a personal failure - Unknown
Thank you! Great post!!
BWN.. I am not sure what this means " you must spread reputation before'..a few options are restricted from being available to newcomers perhaps...


Well-Known Member
Catch22, Not sure about the context of your quote, but it does not matter. ;)

If you think you are doing something good, right or which makes you smile or happy, do it anyway. On the forum, don't look for bouquets, and ignore the brickbats. People will always act according to their nature, be it graciousness or pettiness. Just be grateful if you are not the latter. My philosophy : Don’t have enemies. It gives you more time to focus on what you desire.

Cheers, and happy trading :)

Thank you! Great post!!
BWN.. I am not sure what this means " you must spread reputation before'..a few options are restricted from being available to newcomers perhaps...

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