General Trading Chat


Well-Known Member
Tommorow RBI decision will either way shake up nifty atleast for some minutes ..that is enough to make few hundred crores provided u know what there in RBI announcement bit earlier .
ST sir RBI maintaining the secret ??really wondered ..


Well-Known Member
SEBI's intention is very clear .It wants to protect general investors and traders from tipsters who are not regulated, they have no research facilities. These people come on TV,Print media, forums, and people believe their tips. SEBI wants that such analysts do real research and comply with reporting and inspection. Any SEBI regulation is for protecting common investor and bringing transperency in securities market. It is not concerned whether the market goes up or down or who buys and sells but it wants to ensure that there are no malpractices in the securities business.


What would you call a research house giving buy call on JP associates on moneycontrol before iit tanked more then 10% in a day??
What would you call a research house giving buy call on JP associates on moneycontrol before iit tanked more then 10% in a day??
I am not going into individual research can forecast something happening unexpectedly....but we need to see if that buy call was made with any fraudulent intensions...and this is where this SEBI regulation will help.

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Tommorow RBI decision will either way shake up nifty atleast for some minutes ..that is enough to make few hundred crores provided u know what there in RBI announcement bit earlier .
ST sir RBI maintaining the secret ??really wondered ..
No secret in RBI decision
We all know that there will a status quo and no rate cut will happen
But it will really a secret, if there is a rate cut of 50 bps, as market has already discounted a rate cut of 25 bps
Tommorow RBI decision will either way shake up nifty atleast for some minutes ..that is enough to make few hundred crores provided u know what there in RBI announcement bit earlier .
ST sir RBI maintaining the secret ??really wondered ..
This decision is known to only few senior people in RBI....junior staff does not know it.....but that can be said about any important decision ...budget for example...we have to believe a system unless proved otherwise.

Tommorow RBI decision will either way shake up nifty atleast for some minutes ..that is enough to make few hundred crores provided u know what there in RBI announcement bit earlier .
ST sir RBI maintaining the secret ??really wondered ..
There are honest people in this world with undisputable integrity who cannot be purchased with money....

When budget preparation starts, for about 15 days, ( not very sure about number of days ) all involved in budget provisions finalisation are confined to Finance Ministry office...they are not allowed to use phones, contact family members, go home...even their food is cooked in the outside contact....even Finance Minister goes through this excercise.


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