Workshop with LIVE TRADES


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2005
It is the obvious that is very often the most difficult thing to deduce. The Markov chain unfolded
--> Now here's a guy who's registered today
--> His first post is in a controversial thread (Why would any new member pick such a thread to introduce? (It must be someone with really deep interest in the subject matter)
--> He introduces himself in the very thread claiming to act as a "neutral" (why? He could really be a neutral or is Mr.Nandy/his marketer himself in a new ID to avoid moderator regulations on advertising)
--> This guy seems to have a degree of mastery over what is written in the entire thread of 8 pages. A casual reader wouldn't bother to go through the details. He must be following this thread right from the beginning.
--> All his posts are directed at people who ask for evidence,, in rather a crude manner (there is obviously only one person who benefits from this)
--> If truly this guy interested is a neutral, he would have asked the "supporters" to mail "the one" and ask for the ledger, not the critics. It is not the inventor who asks proof that his invention doesn't work, it's the critics who ask proof that the invention actually works. Whose duty is it to supply the same?
--> Indiatrader (now who could that be?), who had some 25 out of his 33 odd posts promoting a particular company has disappeared from the thread entirely. A mere coincidence?

Garbage in, garbage out maybe. The end result is obvious. Oh, and you are still welcome to post your ledger Mr.Nandy
Beta (as in Son) the country needs you (in CBI, RAW or Military Intelligence)!


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2005
To oxymorouz, biyasc, deb, hariom and all, ( who are asking for one year ledger)-

I fully agree on the idea of you guys that it is the best way to prove. However, it seems that all if you guys are "forum tigers", happy , contented to shout in this forum in typical Indian fashion ( yeh mangta hai, woh mangta hai)
Why don't you guys email or call up mr.nandi and ask for the same??? If you guys go on shouting here, will it serve any purpose other that congratulatory messages from fellow "forum tigers"? Or is it the only thing you guys want?
Its about some fellow who posted some stuff here about some brilliant TA. Otherwise nobody cares (except you perhaps). So its not about shouting. Its weeding out crap. And yeah, if this was the typical Indian way, all vindis and pindis would be on the roadside out of business long ago. Unfortunately most people tend to accept disguised crap at face value.



Long time since I have seen such a fast moving thread, maybe after we thrashed that tipster, whose name I forgot.

Yes... Hitesh Sabharwal :)

The perennial bear :)

After 3:30 where do u guys get all this energy?????? :)
The 'entertainment value' is the motivator itself!


oxy u wont get a blind/double blind test cos he wont reveal the parameters, he can just show the test result after picking up the steepest peak from the optimization graph, of course if he actually knows anything about optimization.
Few things collected from here & there & being shared here the intention is to understand few things as straight forward as possible in subsequent posts.


What Is Optimization?
Optimization is the process of trying to find the best solution to a
problem that may have many possible solutions. Most problems
involve many variables that interact based on given formulas and
constraints. For example, a company may have three manufacturing
plants, each manufacturing different quantities of different goods.
Given the cost for each plant to produce each good, the costs for each
plant to ship to each store, and the limitations of each plant, what is the
optimal way to adequately meet the demand of local retail stores while
minimizing the transportation costs? This is the sort of question that
optimization tools are designed to answer.

From looking at some Report (posted by Ajay)we have to consider ;
What type of Constraints used := Hard ///(or conditions that must be met for a solution to be valid)/// Soft ( or conditions which we would like to be met
as much as possible, but which we may be willing to compromise for a big
improvement in fitness)/// Range ( or minimum and maximum possible values
for each of the variant's ranges entered).
We do not know whether a PENALTY Functions on specific soft constraints used or not.
The population size:= how many organisms (or complete sets
of variables) used & stored in memory at any given time.
The Random Number Seed:=
When the same seed value is used, an optimization will generate the exact same answers for the same model as long as there are no random elements in
the model and the model has not been modified.

Why ? Optimization needs constant monitoring.
For larger or more complex problems, you may be able to write specific, customized algorithms to get good results, but this may require a lot of research and development. Even then, the resulting program would require
modification each time your model changed.

Here enters Genetic Algorithm:=
Genetic algorithms mimic Darwinian principles of natural selection by creating an environment where hundreds of possible solutions to a problem can compete with one another and only the fittest survive. Just as in biological evolution,each solution can pass along its good genes through offspring solutions so that the entire population of solutions will continue to
evolve better solutions.

Our Objective :=
Grouping of variables that produces the highest profits, the lowest risk, or the most Profits from deployment the least amount of available Resource.

Crossover and Mutation:= (GA terms)
One of the most difficult problems with searching for optimal solutions,
when your problem has seemingly endless possibilities, is in
determining where to focus your energy. In other words, how much
computational time should be devoted to looking in new areas of the
solution space, and how much time should be devoted to fine-tuning
the solutions in our population that have already proven to be pretty
A big part of the genetic algorithm success has been attributed to its
ability to preserve this balance inherently. The structure of the GA
allows good solutions to breed, but also keeps less fit organisms
around to maintain diversity in the hopes that maybe a latent gene
will prove important to the final solution.

A higher mutation rate simply means that more mutations or random
gene values will be introduced into the population.

If all the data of the optimal solution was somewhere in the population,
then the crossover operator alone would be enough to eventually piece
together the solution. Mutation has proven to be a powerful force in the
biological world for many of the same reasons that it is needed in a
genetic algorithm: it is vital to maintaining a diverse population of
individual organisms, thereby preventing the population from
becoming too rigid, and unable to adapt to a dynamic environment. As
in a genetic algorithm, it is often the genetic mutations in animals which
eventually lead to the development of critical new functions.

Auto-Mutation:= (Of a GA software)

By selecting Auto in the Mutation rate field,
users of Professional and Industrial field can select automutation
rate adjustment. Auto-mutation rate adjustment allows
to increase the mutation rate automatically when an organism
"ages" significantly; that is, it has remained in place over an extended
number of trials. For many models, especially where the optimal
mutation rate is not known, selecting Auto can give better results faster.

So for Better Optimization we can take recourse of GA (which Jesse is more
knowledgeable ,& obviously Ajay is more knowledgable than me.)

Let us stop squabbling & start Learning.


Even in the ongoing Twenty 20 match Peoples are using the
"Resource Allocation " or "Assignment of Tasks" of Genetic Algorithm s/w to find the right combinations.:D


However still the Eternal Wave movement of the Mkt is still there & was there.The Saint's method is still the best for begginers (including me).

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