Want to learn Options Trading

It is not about indicators. Out there are hunderts of indicators and the industry finds every year some more new stuff to make the people believe, it is all about indicators. The industry sells that stuff and makes a hell of money. Do not believe them and go for what already exist.

Go for example to the thread about Crossover with BB in this forum and apply your ideas to this thread. Get familiar with this two or three indicators in every market situation and you are far ahead of all the people how search for the holy whatever.
Tune that stuff for your purposes, learn by doing and get experience. With that in your head, you can start NOW and you do not have to loose any time more to search for indicators.
Make a good trading plan, money management, RISK REWARD RATIO, have discipline and put your trading style together with your personality. Do it now and with this idea you just saved a hell of money.

Regards and good trading


All option traders you can learn ALL about options trading (Beginner to Advanced levels). Check out he most popular options trading course by Options Univeristy called Option Mastery Series.

Believe me, I had bought it and it definetly packs a bang for your buck. Fully paisawasool.


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