The Nifty Trading Lounge


Well-Known Member
I just got back from vacation so I'm feeling kind of chipper with a bit feisty.

My question is, if it is truth, how can it be adjusted. There are no gray areas with what is truth.
TL's are kind of the same way. If they have to be adjusted, then they were not drawn in the "true" way to begin with, thus the need for them to be readjusted. Therefore, it is safe to say the one who drew them messed up to begin with, so the TL's are not to be blamed.
Welcome back to the Lounge.:)Hope you enjoyed your vacation.


Well-Known Member
Timepass, I don't know if someone responded, as I'm catching up from being away, but responses below:

Sitting here, nothing to do, so I thought of doing a bit of trading in my GCI account. Never done it, you know, though have had the account for months now.

Tried to place an order.. got flummoxed !!!! is this ?? Is it one order or multiple orders in one ??
You place one order on the lot size of your choice by writing in the quantity of lots you want. If it is buy, you get the ask price. If it is a sell you get the bid price.
I can place a stoploss order along with my buy/sell ??
and what is this "Take Profit" thingy ??
You order will close when your TP (No pun intended.) is hit.
Can I define the whole trade in one order ??
Sell at 1.3220 buy at 1.3205 stoploss 1.3227.. can I really do that ??



Well-Known Member
Taurus, I love your posts, if for any other reason, your emoticons.
Thanks 4xp, I was wondering why you hadn't posted in some time.
It's good to have you back. :)
Something big cooking in the spx and I'm thinking of a huge volat spike in the next few days.


Well-Known Member
Taurus, if my posts are absent for awhile, it is never anything personal. I enjoy reading in this thread. You guys increase the entertainment value of my computer, which is why I probably do more reading than posting in this thread.

I wish I had a chart for the SPX, then I could see what you are talking about.

Thanks 4xp, I was wondering why you hadn't posted in some time.
It's good to have you back. :)
Something big cooking in the spx and I'm thinking of a huge volat spike in the next few days.


Well-Known Member
Thank-you, Sudris. It was only a small vacation we took. I got another one coming up next month.
The picture shows how Tucker got his name, believe it or not.
My step-daughter owned Tucker the first 6 weeks of his life. She could not properly care for him (Am I ever happy over that!!!!), so we volunteered to take him. A look at the white on the front of him has a tuxedo like look. Tuxedo- Tucker. Similar in sound, and thus, the name, Tucker.
I actually tried to post one wile he was sitting at his seat at the kitchen table during supper time, but the pic would not post.

good to see you back Paul

ahh and finally I can figure out the Tucker in your new dp ;)


Well-Known Member
The color is off on this pic, as I had to transpose it to another format.
This was taken near the bay window and fireplace when we were getting ready for a game of Aggravation (My wife's favorite game.). That was actually Tuckers plate that he licked clean. He does not get on the table which is hwy we allow him to eat at the table with us. Usually it is in the dining room.
He also knows not to get up when we have company, so company never needs to worry about him jumping up when we eat. They only have their ankles to be worried about--lol.

png image hosting


Well-Known Member
He'll be 7 on July 5th. He was born on my 48th birthday, so I'll be 55 on July 5th.
My wife says me and Tucker had to have been made for each other when we even share the same birthday.

It's funny watching them 2 in action. My wife will chew him out like he is being bad, and then he'll bark, and it sounds like he is protesting. I told her the way she and Tucker get along, they should be married instead--lol.

seems to be well trained. how old is it by now?

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