Terrorist attack in Paris : How will it affect the markets ?


Well-Known Member
Bro,India shud support secularism,we are the largest foreigner groups in other countries, for example mauritius more than 60% are Indians, second largest shiva sculpture is there......gulf,Europe,America,Canada ( defence minister is indian).....Microsoft,Google,Pepsi heads are Indians... and many many examples.
India is always secular...it is secular...it will be secular....multi color culture is beauty of India.....No one can in this earth destroy India's image by secularism.....they will fail...anyone trying to fix single culture for India...they will fail literally....people power is more powerful than any Individual.....


Well-Known Member
India is always secular...it is secular...it will be secular....multi color culture is beauty of India.....No one can in this earth destroy India's image by secularism.....they will fail...anyone trying to fix single culture for India...they will fail literally....people power is more powerful than any Individual.....
I read it somewhere our relationship with indo iranian ancestors, who were gypsies and built civilisation of indus valley,


Well-Known Member
I read it somewhere our relationship with indo iranian ancestors, who were gypsies and built civilisation of indus valley,
there is no point of reading any history book bec all of them are written by westerners who are hell bent on proving that they never stole any knowledge from india that is why a lot of knowledge of india is credited to Greece which is not true.. who bulit indus valley civilization.. people of india did it...You gotta understand ancient india empire was wide ranging up to Afghanistan..


Well-Known Member
there is no point of reading any history book bec all of them are written by westerners who are hell bent on proving that they never stole any knowledge from india that is why a lot of knowledge of india is credited to Greece which is not true.. who bulit indus valley civilization.. people of india did it...You gotta understand ancient india empire was wide ranging up to Afghanistan..
In India...we never documented anything...we are lacking till now...on documentation part...

Because..we sell our knowledge/resource for peanuts...

Simple Example...pepsi is looting Indian Resource (Water) and encashing from us...transferring wealth to their country (our money and our wealth)......we are selling our resource for peanut agreement...

So many medical products are manufactured in other countries...knowledge looted from India...because we never documented anything by way of Patent..

Let us not sell our knowledge / resource for peanut......we are (Indians) powerful...we don't know our strength....this is the problem...


Well-Known Member
there is no point of reading any history book bec all of them are written by westerners who are hell bent on proving that they never stole any knowledge from india that is why a lot of knowledge of india is credited to Greece which is not true.. who bulit indus valley civilization.. people of india did it...You gotta understand ancient india empire was wide ranging up to Afghanistan..
Yeah, what was said is we are mixed race, this mix is known as indian, Hohanjadaro and harappa are situated now in Pakistan, if there was no narrow minded religious divide india and pak were one.

This is a mosque behind temple in south india, both ppl enter here without any problems

Did you know:

In order to supply the many casualties of the attacks in Paris, 10,000 units of blood are at least needed every day. :confused::eek: Thousands donate their blood in the hospitals - but it might not be enough.

Thoughts from my side: How badly must they be insured that so much blood is needed?

Source: Der Spiegel (Hilfe für Anschlagsopfer: Blutsbrüderschaft which means in English: Help for victims of stroke: Blood brotherhood)

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