Swing Calls

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Well-Known Member
hi friends,

i have sarted this thread for giving you swing calls. Am not starting any service or am not any service provider and have no such intention.

well, as a tribute to Traderji...........
will be updating as and when i search good swing calls......
try some below:

Scrip Code Buy Target Stop loss

3MINDIA 523395 1510 1750 1460
Raipur alloys 504614 122 166 110
Aban offshore523204 1245 1450 1150
Infotecent 532175 310 370 290
Kpit 532400 600 750 578

Sesa goa 500295 1310 1570 1260
Shasun Chem524552 106 136 98

As a rule dont risk more than 2% of your capital to any single trade.
eg. if you start with 1,00,000/- and wanna buy shasun chem, your max. risk is 2,000/- and hence 2,000 divided by 8( stoploss ) =250 .
Hence Buy only 250 shares of shasun chem @106 with stoploss at 98.



Well-Known Member
Hi Winstonn,

A very good thread. Keep it up.

Myself as a SwingTrader & i'm sure many others will find it useful.

Its great you're mentioning SLs too. This is an area i struggle with.

Thanks & Regards,


Well-Known Member
I WOULD REALLY SHARE THE TECHNIQUE. But , let me post loads of call, let them bang on target, and then it would be nice to share the technique.

Also friends, the targerts above are minimum.
please do run 5 EMA and 13EMA on above charts.
I use EMA for exits. Empty all of your position when 5 cross below 13 EMA.
Target is minimum area.

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