Simple Coding Help - No Promise.

Need to alter anything in the following Function ?
function TimeNumToStr(TmNum)
  SS = TmNum % 100;
  MM = (TmNum - SS) % 10000;
  HH = int(TmNum / 10000);
  return StrReplace(NumToStr(HH,1.0,False)+":"+NumToStr(MM,1.0, False)+":"+ NumToStr(SS,1.0,False), " ", "0");
It does not Prefix "0"
and MM displays 4 digits

Thank u Sir



Well-Known Member
Need help with this AFL it shows an error. Can you please correct this:::
// These ICHIMOKU signals are from the site:
// The Chart can be changed to either the short 9,18,52 range or the longer
range 18,52,104
// Also added optimized of all Ichimoku Signals
// Run in explore mode to get all buy signal
// The first column will show No Buy or Buy with condition meet.
// The Second AND third columns show Volume % above the 16 & 30 Day Vol moving
// The Fourth Column show the Today Low is higher then the previous 12 days
price Highs buys
// Columns 6-14 are the Ichimoku signals
// Please make suggestionx that will make this system more profitable.
// Many many Thanks for all the other author's that contributed to this.


EPSYield= (GetFnData("EPS") / C) * 100;
DIVYield = (GetFnData("DividendPerShare") / C) * 100;

"SellNeutralChikouSpanCross =" +WriteVal(SellNeutralChikouSpanCross );
"SellStrongChikouSpanCross =" +WriteVal(SellStrongChikouSpanCross );

Working fine,paste the code correctly.

// These ICHIMOKU signals are from the site:  
// The Chart can be changed to either the short 9,18,52 range or the longer range 18,52,104
// Also added optimized of all Ichimoku Signals
// Run in explore mode to get all buy signal
// The first column will show No Buy or Buy with condition meet. 
// The Second AND third columns show Volume % above the 16 & 30 Day Vol moving average
// The Fourth Column show the Today Low is higher then the previous 12 days price Highs buys
// Columns 6-14 are the Ichimoku signals
// Please make suggestionx that will make this system more profitable. 
// Many many Thanks for all the other author's that contributed to this.
EPSYield= (GetFnData("EPS") / C)  * 100;
DIVYield = (GetFnData("DividendPerShare") / C)  * 100;
_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) Vol ="
+WriteVal( V, 1.0 ) +"\n DIVYield = (%.1f%%),\n{{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 )), DIVYield  ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); 
// ******************************************************************
// Volume
// ******************************************************************
Volsum5 = MA(V,5); 
Volsum10 = MA(V,10);
Volsum16 = MA(V,16);
Volsum30 = MA(V,30);
Volpercent16 = (Volume - Volsum16 )/Volume *100;
Volpercent30 = (Volume - Volsum30 )/Volume *100;
pricePercent =  (C-Ref(C,-1))/Ref(C,-1)*100 ;
//printf("pricePercent = %g\n",pricePercent );
volflg1 = V  >  Ref(V,-2)
AND V > 0.90 * MA(V,16)
AND Ref(V,-2) > 0.90 *MA(V,16)  AND Ref(V,-2) < 1.1 * MA(V,16);
volflg2 = IIf((V>1.3*Volsum16)OR (V>1.2*Volsum10), 1,0);
volflg3 = V > 1.2  * MA(V,16) AND (Ref(V,-1) >  MA(V,16)) ;
// Catch volume spike 1,2,3 days ago
Volflg4 = Ref(volflg1,-1) OR Ref(volflg1,-2) OR Ref(volflg1,-3) OR Ref(volflg1,-4) OR Ref(volflg1,-5) OR
          Ref(volflg2,-1) OR Ref(volflg2,-2) OR Ref(volflg2,-3) OR Ref(volflg2,-4) OR Ref(volflg2,-5) OR
          Ref(volflg3,-1) OR Ref(volflg3,-2) OR Ref(volflg3,-3) OR Ref(volflg3,-4) OR Ref(volflg3,-5);
PeriodS = Param("Short period", 12, 9, 100,2);//PeriodS = Optimize("Short period", 43, 8, 50,2 );
PeriodL = Param("Long period", 14, 10, 50,2 ); //PeriodL = Optimize("Long period", 38, 20, 50,2 );
PeriodSig = Param("Smoothing period", 7, 7, 100,3 );//PeriodSig = Optimize("Smoothing period", 87, 7, 100,2 );
PeriodS  = 12; PeriodL = 26; PeriodSig = 9; // default
PeriodS  = 12; PeriodL = 38; PeriodSig = 87; // 30.83%W Tot Profit with index
PeriodS  = 12; PeriodL = 30; PeriodSig = 27; // 32.29%W
LongMA = EMA( V * C, PeriodL ) / EMA( V, PeriodL );
ShortMA = EMA( V * C, PeriodS ) / EMA( V, PeriodS );
VMACD = ShortMA - LongMA;
SignalLine = EMA( VMACD, PeriodSig );
pricePercentValue = Optimize("Price %",2,1,10,1); //pricePercentValue =2;
BuyVol = (VMACD-SignalLine > 0 OR volflg1 OR volflg2 OR volflg3 OR Volflg4)
AND pricePercent > pricePercentValue ;
// ******************************************************************
// ******************************************************************
stocup = StochK()>StochD() ;
MFIup = MFI()>MA(MFI(),7) ;
MACDup = MACD()>Signal() ;
Lim = ADX()<30 AND StochK()<70 ;
PDIup = PDI()>MDI() ;
// *********************************************************************************
// LONG (Low12High)- Today Low is higher then the previous 12 days price Highs
// SHORT(High12Low) - Today High is Lover then the previous 12 days price Lows
// *********************************************************************************
//LONG- Today Low is higher then the previous 12 days price Highs
Low12High = L > Ref(HHV(H,11),-1);
//SHORT - Today High is Lover then the previous 12 days price Lows
High12Low = H < Ref(LLV(L,11),-1);
// "Low12High =" +WriteVal(Low12High );
// "High12Low =" +WriteVal(High12Low );
// ******************************************************************
// Ichimoku Signals
// ******************************************************************
CStyle = ParamToggle("Short?","N/Y",0);//Choose 
if(Cstyle ){
t1= 9;t2=26;t3=52;}
t1= 18;t2=52;t3=104;}
//t1 =Param("t1",9,9,50,2); //
//t2 =Param("t2",18,9,100,2); //
//t3 =Param("t3",52,9,120,2); //
// Uncomment below line to use shorter range for Optimization. 
// t1= 9;t2=26;t3=52;
WriteIf(Cstyle ==  0,"Ichimoku Long Chart 18,52,104","Ichimoku Short Chart 9,18,53");
SLblue = ( HHV( H, t2 ) + LLV( L, t2) )/2;
TLred = ( HHV( H, t1 ) + LLV( L, t1 ) )/2;
Lagging = Ref( C, t2 );
Span1 = (( SLblue + TLred )/2);
Span2 = (HHV( H, t3) + LLV(L, t3))/2;
aboveKumo=IIf((C>=Ref(Span1,-t2) AND C>=Ref(Span2,-t2)),1,0);
withinKumo=IIf((C>=Ref(Span2,-t2) AND C<=Ref(Span1,-t2)),1,0) OR IIf((C>=Ref(Span1,-t2) AND C<=Ref(Span2,-t2)),1,0);
belowKumo=IIf((C<=Ref(Span1,-t2) AND C<=Ref(Span2,-t2)),1,0);
//       price26 above Lagging               lag26 above C          Lag26 is rising
dlUp =   (Ref(C,-(t2+1)) > C )              AND  Ref(C,-t2) < C    AND C > Ref(C,-1);
dlDown = (Ref(C,-(t2+1)) < C )              AND  Ref(C,-t2) > C    AND C < Ref(C,-1);
//                          Tenkan Sen (RED) / Kijun Sen (BLUE)Cross
// The Tenkan Sen / Kijun Sen Cross signal occurs when the Tenkan Sen (Turning line - RED) crosses the Kijun Sen (Standard line - BLUE).
//A bullish signal occurs when the (Tenkan Sen) crosses from below to above the (Kijun Sen)
BuyWeakTKCross    = Cross(TLred,SLblue) AND belowKumo ;
BuyNeutralTKCross = Cross(TLred,SLblue) AND withinKumo;
BuyStrongTKCross = Cross(TLred,SLblue) AND aboveKumo;
//A bearish signal occurs when the (Tenkan Sen) crosses from above to below the (Kijun Sen)
SellWeakTKCross    = Cross(SLblue ,TLred) AND aboveKumo;
SellNeutralTKCross = Cross(SLblue ,TLred) AND withinKumo;
SellStrongTKCross  = Cross(SLblue ,TLred) AND belowKumo;
//                              Kijun Sen Cross
//The Kijun Sen Cross signal occurs when the PRICE crosses the Kijun Sen (Standard line - BLUE)
//A bullish signal occurs when the price crosses from below to above the Kijun Sen (Blue)
BuyWeakPriceCross = Cross(C,SLblue) AND belowKumo;
BuyNeutralPriceCross = Cross(C,SLblue) AND withinKumo;
BuyStrongPriceCross = Cross(C,SLblue) AND aboveKumo;
// A bearish signal occurs when the PRICE crosses from above to below the Kijun Sen
SellWeakPriceCross = Cross(SLblue,C) AND aboveKumo;
SellNeutralPriceCross = Cross(SLblue,C) AND withinKumo;
SellStrongPriceCross = Cross(SLblue,C) AND belowKumo;
//                          Kumo Breakout
//The Kumo Breakout signal occurs when the price leaves or crosses the Kumo (Cloud).
BuyKumoBreakout =  (aboveKumo AND Ref(withinKumo,-1)) OR (aboveKumo AND Ref(belowKumo ,-1));
SellKumoBreakout = belowKumo AND Ref(withinKumo,-1)   OR (belowKumo AND Ref(aboveKumo ,-1));
//                          Senkou Span Cross
//The Senkou Span Cross Signal occurs when the Senkou Span A (1st leading line) crosses the Senkou Span B (2nd leading line).
//As the Senkou Spans are projected forward, the Cross that triggers this Signal will be 26 days ahead of the price AND, hence, 
//the actual Date that the Signal occurs. The strength of the Signal is determined by the relationship of the price on the 
//Date of the Signal (NOT the trigger) to the Kumo (Cloud).
//A bullish signal occurs when the Senkou Span A crosses from below to above the Senkou Span B
BuyWeakSenkouSpanCross = belowKumo AND Cross(Ref(Span1,-t2),Ref(Span2,-t2));
BuyNeutralSenkouSpanCross = withinKumo AND Cross(Ref(Span1,-t2),Ref(Span2,-t2));
BuyStongSenkouSpanCross = aboveKumo AND Cross(Ref(Span1,-t2),Ref(Span2,-t2));
//A bearish signal occurs when the Senkou Span A crosses from above to below the Senkou Span B
SellWeakSenkouSpanCross = aboveKumo AND Cross(Ref(Span2,-t2),Ref(Span1,-t2));
SellNeutralSenkouSpanCross = withinKumo AND Cross(Ref(Span2,-t2),Ref(Span1,-t2));
SellStrongSenkouSpanCross = belowKumo AND Cross(Ref(Span2,-t2),Ref(Span1,-t2));
//                          Chikou Span Cross
//The Chikou Span Cross Signal occurs when the Chikou Span (Lagging line) rises above OR falls below the price.
//Note that the Chikou Span must be rising when it crosses to above the price for a bull Signal AND falling
//when it crosses to below for a bear Signal; just crossing the price alone is NOT sufficient to trigger the Signal.
//As the Chikou Span is the closing price shifted into the past, the Cross that triggers this Signal will be 26 
//days behind the price AND, hence, the actual Date that the Signal occurs.  The strength of the Signal is 
//determined by the relationship of the price on the Date of the Signal (NOT the trigger) to the Kumo (Cloud).
//A bullish signal occurs when the Chikou Span rises from below to above the price
BuyWeakChikouSpanCross = belowKumo AND dlUp;
BuyNeutralChikouSpanCross = withinKumo AND dlUp ;
BuyStrongChikouSpanCross = aboveKumo AND dlUp;
// A bearish signal occurs when the Chikou Span falls from above to below the price
SellWeakChikouSpanCross = aboveKumo AND dlDown ;
SellNeutralChikouSpanCross = withinKumo AND dlDown;
SellStrongChikouSpanCross = belowKumo AND dlDown;
//BuyTenkanSen34EMACross = Cross(TLred,EMA(C,34)) AND aboveKumo  ;
//SellTenkanSen34EMACross = Cross(EMA(C,34),TLred) AND belowKumo ;
BuyWeak     = BuyWeakTKCross     OR BuyWeakPriceCross      OR BuyWeakSenkouSpanCross      OR BuyWeakChikouSpanCross;
BuyNeutral  = BuyNeutralTKCross  OR BuyNeutralPriceCross   OR BuyNeutralSenkouSpanCross   OR BuyNeutralChikouSpanCross ;
BuyStrong   = BuyStrongTKCross   OR BuyStrongPriceCross    OR BuyStongSenkouSpanCross     OR BuyStrongChikouSpanCross   OR BuyKumoBreakout ;
SellWeak    = sellWeakTKCross    OR SellWeakPriceCross     OR SellWeakSenkouSpanCross     OR SellWeakChikouSpanCross ;
SellNeutral = SellNeutralTKCross OR sellNeutralPriceCross  OR SellNeutralSenkouSpanCross  OR SellNeutralChikouSpanCross;
SellStrong  = SellStrongTKCross  OR SellStrongPriceCross   OR SellStrongSenkouSpanCross   OR SellStrongChikouSpanCross   OR SellKumoBreakout;
"BuyWeak     =" +WriteVal(BuyWeak     );
"BuyNeutral  =" +WriteVal(BuyNeutral  );
"BuyStrong   =" +WriteVal(BuyStrong   );
"SellWeak    =" +WriteVal(SellWeak    );
"SellNeutral =" +WriteVal(SellNeutral );
"SellStrong  =" +WriteVal(SellStrong  );
BuyAll     = BuyWeakTKCross     OR BuyWeakPriceCross         OR BuyWeakSenkouSpanCross      OR BuyWeakChikouSpanCross OR
               BuyNeutralTKCross  OR BuyNeutralPriceCross   OR BuyNeutralSenkouSpanCross   OR BuyNeutralChikouSpanCross OR
               BuyStrongTKCross   OR BuyStrongPriceCross    OR BuyStongSenkouSpanCross     OR BuyStrongChikouSpanCross   OR BuyKumoBreakout ;
SellAll    = sellWeakTKCross    OR SellWeakPriceCross     OR SellWeakSenkouSpanCross     OR SellWeakChikouSpanCross OR
             SellNeutralTKCross OR sellNeutralPriceCross  OR SellNeutralSenkouSpanCross  OR SellNeutralChikouSpanCross OR
             SellStrongTKCross  OR SellStrongPriceCross   OR SellStrongSenkouSpanCross   OR SellStrongChikouSpanCross   OR SellKumoBreakout;
BuySig1 = Cross(TLred,SLblue) AND macdup OR
      Cross(MACD(),Signal()) AND TLred>SLblue AND lim OR
      Cross(C,SLblue) AND MACDup AND dlup OR
      Cross(MACD(),Signal()) AND C>SLblue AND dlup AND lim OR
      Cross(C,Ref(C,-t2)) AND MACDup OR
      Cross(MACD(),Signal()) AND dlup AND Lim OR
      Cross(StochK(),StochD()) AND StochK()<50 AND L>=SLblue AND TLred>SLblue AND PDIup AND dlup;
Filter = Status("lastbarinrange");
Buy1 = 
BuyKumoBreakout AND BuyVol;
Buy2 = 
BuyKumoBreakout AND BuyVol AND Low12High;
Buy3 =
BuyVol AND Low12High;
Buy4 =
AND BuyVol
AND RSI(14) > 50 
AND BuySig1 
Buy = (Buy1 
OR Buy2
OR Buy3
OR Buy4)
AND MA(V,30) > 25
AND C > 2
Sell = SellStrongTKCross  OR SellStrongPriceCross   OR SellStrongSenkouSpanCross   OR SellStrongChikouSpanCross   OR SellKumoBreakout
OR High12Low;
Buy = ExRem(Buy,Sell);
Sell = ExRem(Sell,Buy);
// Optimize
B=7 S=1 Net 33% 316 winners 51.8% Us Stocks 2-20
B=10 S=12,9,7,2,6,3,8,13,4,1,5,10 Net 1.33% 45 winners 52.94% Us Stocks 2-20
Opt = BuyVol;
b = Optimize("b",1,1,19,1);
if (b ==1)
Buy = BuyWeakTKCross  AND Opt  ;
if (b ==2)
Buy = BuyNeutralTKCross  AND Opt  ;
if (b ==3)
Buy = BuyStrongTKCross AND Opt;
if (b ==4)
Buy = BuyWeakPriceCross AND Opt ;
if (b ==5)
Buy = BuyNeutralPriceCross AND Opt;
if (b ==6)
Buy = BuyStrongPriceCross AND Opt ;
if (b ==7)
Buy = BuyKumoBreakout AND Opt;
if (b ==8)
Buy = BuyWeakSenkouSpanCross AND Opt ;
if (b ==9)
Buy = BuyNeutralSenkouSpanCross AND Opt;
if (b ==10)
Buy = BuyStongSenkouSpanCross AND Opt;
if (b ==11)
Buy = BuyWeakChikouSpanCross AND Opt;
if (b ==12)
Buy = BuyNeutralChikouSpanCross AND Opt ;
if (b ==13)
Buy = BuyStrongChikouSpanCross AND Opt ;
if (b ==14) 
Buy = BuySig1 AND Opt;   
if (b ==15) 
Buy = Low12High AND Opt; 
if (b ==16) 
Buy = buy1; 
if (b ==17) 
Buy = buy2; 
if (b ==18) 
Buy = buy3; 
if (b ==19) 
Buy = buy4; 
s = Optimize("s",1,1,13,1);
if (s ==1)
Sell = sellWeakTKCross    ;
if (s ==2)
Sell = SellNeutralTKCross; 
if (s ==3)   
Sell = SellStrongTKCross;
if (s ==4)
Sell = SellWeakPriceCross ;
if (s ==5)
Sell = sellNeutralPriceCross ;
if (s ==6)
Sell = SellStrongPriceCross ;
if (s ==7)
Sell = sellKumoBreakout ;
if (s ==8)
Sell = SellWeakSenkouSpanCross ;
if (s ==9)
Sell = SellNeutralSenkouSpanCross ;
if (s ==10)
Sell = SellStrongSenkouSpanCross ;
if (s ==11)
Sell = sellWeakChikouSpanCross ;
if (s ==12)
Sell = SellNeutralChikouSpanCross ;
if (s ==13)
Sell = SellStrongChikouSpanCross ;
// *********************************************************************************
// *********************************************************************************
Plot(SLblue,"SLblue",colorBlue,styleThick); // standard, base, or kijun-sen line
Plot(TLred,"TLred",colorRed,styleThick); // turning, conversion, or tenkan-sen line
Plot(C,"",colorBrightGreen,styleDashed |styleThick,Null,Null,-t2); // delayed, lagging, or chikou span
Plot(Span1,"",colorBrown,1,0,0,t2); // senkou span A, kumo, or white clouds
Plot(Span2,"",colorLightOrange,1,0,0,t2); // senkou span B, kumo, or white clouds
PlotOHLC(Span1,Span2,Span1,Span2,"",IIf(Span1>Span2,colorLime,colorLightOrange),styleCloud|4096,0,0,t2); // span out 26 days
// *********************************************************************************
// LONG (Low12High)- Today Low is higher then the previous 12 days price Highs
// SHORT(High12Low) - Today High is Lover then the previous 12 days price Lows
// *********************************************************************************
Low12High_n = 
WriteIf(Low12High  ==  1," Low12High ",
WriteIf(High12Low ==  1," High12Low ",""));
// *********************************************************************************
// BUY Tenkan Sen / Kijun Sen Cross
// *********************************************************************************
WriteIf(BuyWeakTKCross==  1,"\n>> Buy Weak Tenkan Sen (RED) / Kijun Sen (BLUE)Cross",
WriteIf(BuyNeutralTKCross ==  1,"\n>> Buy Neutral Tenkan Sen (RED) / Kijun Sen (BLUE)Cross",
WriteIf(BuyStrongTKCross ==  1,"\n>> Buy STrong Tenkan Sen (RED) / Kijun Sen (BLUE)Cross","")));
BuyTKCross1 = BuyWeakTKCross OR BuyNeutralTKCross OR BuyStrongTKCross;
WriteIf(BuyTKCross1==  1,"The Tenkan Sen / Kijun Sen Cross Signal(Blue) occurs when the Tenkan Sen (Turning line - Red) crosses the Kijun Sen (Standard line -Blue).",
WriteIf(BuyTKCross1==  1,"A bullish signal occurs when the Tenkan Sen crosses from below to above the Kijun Sen.",""));
WriteIf(BuyWeakTKCross ==  1,"A weak bullish signal occurs when the cross is below the Kumo.",
WriteIf(BuyNeutralTKCross ==  1,"A neutral bullish signal occurs when the cross is inside the Kumo.",
WriteIf(BuyStrongTKCross ==  1,"A strong bullish signal occurs when the cross is above the Kumo.", "")));
// *********************************************************************************
// BUY Kijun Sen Cross
// *********************************************************************************
BuyPriceCross = 
WriteIf(BuyWeakPriceCross ==  1,"\n>> Buy Weak Kijun Sen (Price) Cross",
WriteIf(BuyNeutralPriceCross ==  1,"\n>> Buy Neutral Kijun Sen (Price)Cross",
WriteIf(BuyStrongPriceCross ==  1,"\n>> Buy Strong Kijun Sen (Price)Cross"," ")));
BuyPriceCross1 = BuyWeakPriceCross OR BuyNeutralPriceCross OR BuyStrongPriceCross ;
WriteIf(BuyPriceCross1 ==  1," The Kijun Sen Cross signal occurs when the price crosses the Kijun Sen (Standard line).",
WriteIf(BuyPriceCross1 ==  1,"A bullish signal occurs when the price crosses from below to above the Kijun Sen",""));
WriteIf(BuyWeakPriceCross ==  1,"A weak bullish signal occurs when the cross is below the Kumo.",
WriteIf(BuyNeutralPriceCross ==  1,"A neutral bullish signal occurs when the cross is inside the Kumo.",
WriteIf(BuyStrongPriceCross ==  1,"A strong bullish signal occurs when the cross is above the Kumo.", "")));
// *********************************************************************************
// BUY Kumo Breakout
// *********************************************************************************
BuyKumo = 
WriteIf(BuyKumoBreakout ==  1,"\n>> Buy Kumo Breakout ", "");
WriteIf(BuyKumoBreakout ==  1,"The Kumo Breakout signal occurs when the price leaves or crosses the Kumo (Cloud).",
WriteIf(BuyKumoBreakout ==  1,"A bullish signal occurs when the price goes upwards through the top of the Kumo.",""));
// *********************************************************************************
// BUY Senkou Span Cross
// *********************************************************************************
BuySenkouSpanCross = 
WriteIf(BuyWeakSenkouSpanCross ==  1,"\n>> BuyWeak Senkou Span Cross",
WriteIf(BuyNeutralSenkouSpanCross ==  1,"\n>> BuyNeutral Senkou Span Cross",
WriteIf(BuyStongSenkouSpanCross ==  1,"\n>> BuyStrong Senkou Span Cross","")));
BuySenkouSpanCross1 = BuyWeakSenkouSpanCross OR BuyNeutralSenkouSpanCross OR BuyStongSenkouSpanCross ;
WriteIf(BuySenkouSpanCross1 ==  1,"The Senkou Span Cross signal occurs when the Senkou Span A (1st leading line) crosses the Senkou Span B (2nd leading line).
\nAs the Senkou Spans are projected forward, the Cross that triggers this Signal will be 26 days ahead of the price AND, hence, the actual Date that the Signal occurs.
\nthe relationship of the price on the Date of the Signal (NOT the trigger) to the Kumo (Cloud).", 
WriteIf(BuySenkouSpanCross1 ==  1,"A bullish signal occurs when the Senkou Span A crosses from below to above the Senkou Span B",""));
WriteIf(BuyWeakSenkouSpanCross ==  1,"A weak bullish signal occurs when the cross is below the Kumo.",
WriteIf(BuyNeutralSenkouSpanCross ==  1,"A neutral bullish signal occurs when the cross is inside the Kumo.",
WriteIf(BuyStongSenkouSpanCross ==  1,"A strong bullish signal occurs when the cross is above the Kumo.", "")));
// *********************************************************************************
// BUY Chikou Span Cross
// *********************************************************************************
BuyChikouSpanCross = 
WriteIf(BuyWeakChikouSpanCross ==  1,"\n>> BuyWeak Chikou Span Cross",
WriteIf(BuyNeutralChikouSpanCross ==  1,"\n>> BuyNeutral Chikou Span Cros ",
WriteIf(BuyStrongChikouSpanCross ==  1,"\n>> BuyStrong Chikou Span Cros","")));
BuyChikouSpanCross1 = BuyWeakChikouSpanCross OR BuyNeutralChikouSpanCross OR BuyStrongChikouSpanCross ;
WriteIf(BuyChikouSpanCross1 ==  1,"The Chikou Span Cross signal occurs when the Chikou Span (Lagging line) rises above or falls below the price.
\nNote that the Chikou Span must be rising when it crosses to above the price for a bull Signal AND falling when it crosses to below for a bear Signal; just crossing the price alone is NOT sufficient to trigger the Signal.
\nAs the Chikou Span is the closing price shifted into the past, the Cross that triggers this Signal will be 26 days behind the price AND, hence, the actual Date that the Signal occurs.  The strength of the Signal is determined by the relationship of the price on the Date of the Signal (NOT the trigger) to the Kumo (Cloud).",
WriteIf(BuyChikouSpanCross1 ==  1,"A bullish signal occurs when the Chikou Span rises from below to above the price",""));
WriteIf(BuyWeakChikouSpanCross ==  1,"A weak bullish signal occurs when the cross is below the Kumo.",
WriteIf(BuyNeutralChikouSpanCross ==  1,"A neutral bullish signal occurs when the cross is inside the Kumo.",
WriteIf(BuyStrongChikouSpanCross ==  1,"A strong bullish signal occurs when the cross is above the Kumo.", "")));
// *********************************************************************************
//SELL Tenkan Sen (RED) / Kijun Sen (BLUE)Cross
// *********************************************************************************
SellTkCross = 
WriteIf(SellNeutralTKCross ==  1,"\n>> SellNeutral Tenkan Sen (RED) / Kijun Sen (BLUE)Cross",
WriteIf(SellStrongTKCross  ==  1,"\n>> SellStrong Tenkan Sen (RED) / Kijun Sen (BLUE)Cross",
WriteIf(SellWeakTKCross    ==  1,"\n>> SellWeak Tenkan Sen (RED) / Kijun Sen (BLUE)Cross","")));
SellTkCross1 = SellWeakTKCross OR SellNeutralTKCross OR SellStrongTKCross;
WriteIf(SellTkCross1 ==  1,"The Tenkan Sen / Kijun Sen Cross Signal(RED) occurs when the Tenkan Sen (Turning line - BLUE) crosses the Kijun Sen (Standard line).",
WriteIf(SellTkCross1 ==  1,"A bearish signal occurs when the Tenkan Sen crosses from above to below the Kijun Sen)",""));
WriteIf(SellWeakTKCross ==  1,"A weak bearish signal occurs when the cross is above the Kumo.",
WriteIf(SellNeutralTKCross ==  1,"A neutral bearish signal occurs when the cross is inside the Kumo.",
WriteIf(SellStrongTKCross ==  1,"   A strong bearish signal occurs when the cross is below the Kumo.", "")));
// *********************************************************************************
//SELL Kijun Sen Cross
// *********************************************************************************
SellPriceCross = 
WriteIf(SellWeakPriceCross ==  1,"\n>> SellWeak Kijun Sen (Price)Cross ",
WriteIf(SellNeutralPriceCross ==  1,"\n>> SellNeutral Kijun Sen (Price)Cross",
WriteIf(SellStrongPriceCross ==  1,"\n>> SellStrong Kijun Sen (Price)Cross","")));
SellPriceCross1 =SellWeakPriceCross OR SellNeutralPriceCross OR SellStrongPriceCross ;
WriteIf(SellPriceCross1 ==  1,"The Tenkan Sen / The Kijun Sen Cross signal occurs when the price crosses the Kijun Sen (Standard line - Blue).",
WriteIf(SellPriceCross1 ==  1,"A bullish signal occurs when the price crosses from below to above the Kijun Sen",""));
WriteIf(SellWeakPriceCross ==  1,"A weak bullish signal occurs when the cross is below the Kumo.",
WriteIf(SellNeutralPriceCross ==  1,"A neutral bullish signal occurs when the cross is inside the Kumo.",
WriteIf(SellStrongPriceCross ==  1,"A strong bullish signal occurs when the cross is above the Kumo.", "")));
// *********************************************************************************
// SELL Kumo Breakout
// *********************************************************************************
SellKumo = 
WriteIf(SellKumoBreakout ==  1,"\n>> Sell Kumo Breakout ", "");
WriteIf(SellKumoBreakout ==  1,"The Kumo Breakout signal occurs when the price leaves or crosses the Kumo (Cloud).", "");
WriteIf(SellKumoBreakout ==  1,"A bearish signal occurs when the price goes downwards through the bottom of the Kumo.","");
// *********************************************************************************
// SELL Senkou Span Cross
// *********************************************************************************
SellSenkouSpanCross = 
WriteIf(SellWeakSenkouSpanCross ==  1,"\n>> SellWeak Senkou Span Cross",
WriteIf(SellNeutralSenkouSpanCross ==  1,"\n>> SellNeutral Senkou Span Cross ",
WriteIf(SellStrongSenkouSpanCross ==  1,"\n>> SellStrong Senkou Span Cross","")));
SellSenkouSpanCross1 = SellWeakSenkouSpanCross OR SellNeutralSenkouSpanCross OR SellStrongSenkouSpanCross ;
WriteIf(SellSenkouSpanCross1 ==  1,"The Senkou Span Cross signal occurs when the Senkou Span A (1st leading line) crosses the Senkou Span B (2nd leading line).
\nAs the Senkou Spans are projected forward, the Cross that triggers this Signal will be 26 days ahead of the price AND, hence, the actual Date that the Signal occurs.
\nthe relationship of the price on the Date of the Signal (NOT the trigger) to the Kumo (Cloud).",
WriteIf(SellSenkouSpanCross1 ==  1,"A bearish signal occurs when the Senkou Span A crosses from above to below the Senkou Span B",""));
WriteIf(SellWeakSenkouSpanCross ==  1,"A weak bullish signal occurs when the cross is below the Kumo.",
WriteIf(SellNeutralSenkouSpanCross ==  1,"A neutral bullish signal occurs when the cross is inside the Kumo.",
WriteIf(SellStrongSenkouSpanCross ==  1,"A strong bullish signal occurs when the cross is above the Kumo.", "")));
// *********************************************************************************
//SELL Chikou Span Cross
// *********************************************************************************
SellChikouSpanCross = 
WriteIf(SellWeakChikouSpanCross ==  1,"\n>> SellWeak Chikou Span Cross",
WriteIf(SellNeutralChikouSpanCross ==  1,"\n>> SellNeutral Chikou Span Cross",
WriteIf(SellStrongChikouSpanCross ==  1,"\n>> SellStrong Chikou Span Cross","")));
SellChikouSpanCross1 = SellWeakChikouSpanCross OR SellNeutralChikouSpanCross OR SellStrongChikouSpanCross ;
WriteIf(SellChikouSpanCross1 ==  1," The Chikou Span Cross signal occurs when the Chikou Span (Lagging line) rises above or falls below the price.
\nNote that the Chikou Span must be rising when it crosses to above the price for a bull Signal AND falling when it crosses to below for a bear Signal; just crossing the price alone is NOT sufficient to trigger the Signal.
\nAs the Chikou Span is the closing price shifted into the past, the Cross that triggers this Signal will be 26 days behind the price AND, hence, the actual Date that the Signal occurs.  The strength of the Signal is determined by the relationship of the price on the Date of the Signal (NOT the trigger) to the Kumo (Cloud).",
WriteIf(SellChikouSpanCross1 ==  1,"A bearish signal occurs when the Chikou Span falls from above to below the price",""));
WriteIf(SellWeakChikouSpanCross ==  1,"A weak bullish signal occurs when the cross is below the Kumo.",
WriteIf(SellNeutralChikouSpanCross ==  1,"A neutral bullish signal occurs when the cross is inside the Kumo.",
WriteIf(SellStrongChikouSpanCross ==  1,"A strong bullish signal occurs when the cross is above the Kumo.", "")));
// ********************************************************************************
// Buy Explore Columns
// ********************************************************************************
BuyN =
WriteIf(Buy1 ==  1,"B1: Kumo&V",
WriteIf(Buy2 ==  1,"B2: Kumo&V&L12H",
WriteIf(Buy3 ==  1,"B3: V & L12H",
WriteIf(Buy4 ==  1,"B4: V & SIG1","No Buy"))));
//dColumn( Buy, "Buy", 1 );
AddTextColumn( BuyN , "BUY", 1, colorDefault,
IIf( Buy1 == True, colorGreen,
IIf( Buy2 == True, colorGreen,
IIf( Buy3 == True, colorGreen,
IIf( Buy4 == True, colorGreen, colorWhite)))),width = 75);
AddColumn( Volpercent16 , "V16", 1.4,IIf( Volpercent16 > 0 AND pricepercent > 2,  colorGreen, colorWhite));
AddColumn( Volpercent30 , "V30", 1.4,IIf( Volpercent30 > 0 AND pricepercent > 2 , colorGreen, colorWhite));
"Volpercent30 =" +WriteVal(Volpercent30 );
"pricepercent =" +WriteVal(pricepercent );
AddTextColumn( Low12High_n, "Low12High", 1 , colorDefault,
IIf( Low12High==True, colorGreen,
IIf( High12Low==True, colorRed,colorWhite)),width = 75);
//AddTextColumn( TenkanSen34EMACross_n, "TenkanSen34EMACross", 1 , colorDefault,
//IIf( BuyTenkanSen34EMACross==True, colorGreen,
//IIf( SellTenkanSen34EMACross==True, colorRed,colorWhite)),width = 75);
AddTextColumn( BuyTKCross , "B TkCross ", 1 , colorDefault,
IIf( BuyStrongTKCross ==True, colorDarkGreen,
IIf( BuyNeutralTKCross==True, colorGreen,
IIf( BuyWeakTKCross==True, colorLime,colorWhite))),width = 75);
AddTextColumn( BuyPriceCross , "B PriceCross ", 1 , colorDefault,
IIf( BuyStrongPriceCross ==True, colorDarkGreen,
IIf( BuyNeutralPriceCross ==True, colorGreen,
IIf( BuyWeakPriceCross ==True, colorLime,colorWhite))),width = 75);
AddTextColumn( BuyKumo , "Buy Kumo ", 1 , colorDefault,
IIf( BuyKumoBreakout ==True, colorDarkGreen,colorWhite),width = 125);
AddTextColumn( BuySenkouSpanCross , "B SenkouSpanCross ", 1 , colorDefault,
IIf( BuyStongSenkouSpanCross ==True, colorDarkGreen,
IIf( BuyNeutralSenkouSpanCross ==True, colorGreen,
IIf( BuyWeakSenkouSpanCross ==True, colorLime,colorWhite))),width = 125);
AddTextColumn( BuyChikouSpanCross , "B ChikouSpanCross ", 1 , colorDefault,
IIf( BuyStrongChikouSpanCross ==True, colorDarkGreen,
IIf( BuyNeutralChikouSpanCross ==True, colorGreen,
IIf( BuyWeakChikouSpanCross ==True, colorLime,colorWhite))),width = 125);
// ********************************************************************************
// Sell Explore Columss
// ********************************************************************************
AddTextColumn( SellTKCross , "Sell TkCross ", 1 , colorDefault,
IIf( SellStrongTKCross ==True, colorDarkRed,
IIf( SellNeutralTKCross==True, colorRed,
IIf( SellWeakTKCross==True, colorOrange,colorWhite))),width = 75);
AddTextColumn(SellPriceCross , "Sell PriceCross ", 1 , colorDefault,
IIf( SellStrongPriceCross ==True, colorDarkRed,
IIf( SellNeutralPriceCross ==True, colorRed,
IIf( SEllWeakPriceCross ==True, colorOrange,colorWhite))),width = 100);
AddTextColumn( SellKumo , "Sell Kumo ", 1 , colorDefault,
IIf( SellKumoBreakout ==True, colorDarkRed,colorWhite),width = 75);
AddTextColumn( SellSenkouSpanCross , "Sell SenkouSpanCross ", 1 , colorDefault,
IIf( SellStrongChikouSpanCross ==True, colorDarkRed,
IIf( SellNeutralSenkouSpanCross ==True, colorRed,
IIf( SellWeakSenkouSpanCross ==True, colorOrange,colorWhite))),width = 125);
AddTextColumn( SellChikouSpanCross , "Sell ChikouSpanCross ", 1 , colorDefault,
IIf( SellStrongChikouSpanCross ==True, colorDarkRed,
IIf( SellNeutralChikouSpanCross ==True, colorRed,
IIf( SellWeakChikouSpanCross ==True, colorOrange,colorWhite))),width = 125);
// Uncomment to debug 
"BuyWeakTKCross                    =" +WriteVal(BuyWeakTKCross);
"BuyNeutralTKCross                 =" +WriteVal(BuyNeutralTKCross );
"BuyStrongTKCross                 =" +WriteVal(BuyStrongTKCross );
"\nBuyWeakPriceCross                =" +WriteVal(BuyWeakPriceCross );
"BuyNeutralPriceCross             =" +WriteVal(BuyNeutralPriceCross );
"BuyStrongPriceCross              =" +WriteVal(BuyStrongPriceCross );
"\nBuyKumoBreakout                    =" +WriteVal(BuyKumoBreakout );
"\nBuyWeakSenkouSpanCross    =" +WriteVal(BuyWeakSenkouSpanCross );
"BuyNeutralSenkouSpanCross =" +WriteVal(BuyNeutralSenkouSpanCross );
"BuyStongSenkouSpanCross   =" +WriteVal(BuyStongSenkouSpanCross );
"\nBuyWeakChikouSpanCross    =" +WriteVal(BuyWeakChikouSpanCross );
"BuyNeutralChikouSpanCross =" +WriteVal(BuyNeutralChikouSpanCross );
"BuyStrongChikouSpanCross  =" +WriteVal(BuyStrongChikouSpanCross );
"\nSellWeakTKCross                    =" +WriteVal(SellWeakTKCross    );
"SellNeutralTKCross                 =" +WriteVal(SellNeutralTKCross );
"BuyStrongTKCross                 =" +WriteVal(SellStrongTKCross  );
"\nSellWeakPriceCross                 =" +WriteVal(SellWeakPriceCross );
"SellNeutralPriceCross              =" +WriteVal(SellNeutralPriceCross );
"SellStrongPriceCross               =" +WriteVal(SellStrongPriceCross );
"SellKumoBreakout                    =" +WriteVal(SellKumoBreakout );
"\nSellWeakSenkouSpanCross    =" +WriteVal(SellWeakSenkouSpanCross );
"SellNeutralSenkouSpanCross =" +WriteVal(SellNeutralSenkouSpanCross );
"SellStrongSenkouSpanCross  =" +WriteVal(SellStrongSenkouSpanCross );
"\nSellWeakChikouSpanCross    =" +WriteVal(SellWeakChikouSpanCross );
"SellNeutralChikouSpanCross =" +WriteVal(SellNeutralChikouSpanCross );
"SellStrongChikouSpanCross =" +WriteVal(SellStrongChikouSpanCross );


Well-Known Member

I am trying to take a trade after:
1. Buy signal comes as per my indicator below
2. High (on which the buy signal came) + 5 points to validate the signal
and vice versa for Short.

I have been trying to achieve this with the Buyprice and sellprice but no luck so far. I know there must be a straight forward way to do this.
Can the seniors please guide me to achieve this?
Any help or guidance will be much appreciated.

PS: I have posted it as a separate thread but i think the whole universe is here :)

Try this it should work,have added the plot for text to be displayed also.Have also added parameters for the filter.
You can change the buy/sell filter as required

GraphXSpace = 15;
SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("bkcolor",ColorRGB(0,0, 0)));


SetBarFillColor(IIf(C>O,ParamColor("Candle UP Color", colorGreen),IIf(C<=O,ParamColor("Candle Down Color", colorRed),colorLightGrey)));

Plot(C,"nPrice",IIf(C>O,ParamColor("Wick UP Color", colorDarkGreen),IIf(C<=O,ParamColor("Wick Down Color", colorDarkRed),colorLightGrey)),64,0,0,0,0);

Buy_f = Param("Buy Filter",5,0,20,0.1);
Sell_f = Param( "Sell Filter",5,0,20,1);

P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
per1 = Param("EMA1",2,1,20,1);
per2 = Param("EMA2",36,1,50,1);

Buy = Cross(EMA(C,per1),EMA(C,per2));
Sell= Cross(EMA(C,per2),EMA(C,per1)) ;
Buy=ExRem(Buy,Sell) ;
Short=Sell ;
Cover=Buy ;

Plot( EMA( P, per1 ), "EMA1", ParamColor( "Color1", colorCycle ), ParamStyle("Style") );
Plot( EMA( P, per2 ), "EMA2", ParamColor( "Color2", colorCycle ), ParamStyle("Style") );

PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorGreen, 0, L, Offset=-40);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorLime, 0,L, Offset=-50);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,L, Offset=-45);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorRed, 0, H, Offset=40);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorOrange, 0,H, Offset=50);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,H, Offset=-45);
GraphXSpace = 5;
dist = 2.5*ATR(10);
for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ )
if( Buy[i] ) PlotText( "Buy\n" + (C[ i ]-Buy_f), i, L[ i ]-dist[i], colorGreen );
if( Sell[i] ) PlotText( "sell\n" + (C[ i ]+Sell_f), i, L[ i ]+dist[i], colorRed);
Need to alter anything in the following Function ?
function TimeNumToStr(TmNum)
  SS = TmNum % 100;
  MM = (TmNum - SS) % 10000;
  HH = int(TmNum / 10000);
  return StrReplace(NumToStr(HH,1.0,False)+":"+NumToStr(MM,1.0, False)+":"+ NumToStr(SS,1.0,False), " ", "0");
It does not Prefix "0"
and MM displays 4 digits

function TimeNumToStr(TmNum)
SS = TmNum % 100;
MM = int(((TmNum - SS) % 10000) / 100);
HH = int(TmNum / 10000);
return StrReplace(NumToStr(HH,2.0,False)+":"+NumToStr(MM,2.0, False)+":"+ NumToStr(SS,2.0,False), " ", "0");

Dear Friends,

I am working on a strategy and trying to code the same in Amibroker 5.6

Identify the strength in trend:
If sideways = Ignore and if trending then trade in side of move

I tried many technical indicators but somewhere I am not satisfied. So thinking to make something on my own.

I am trying to get angle the moving average line makes with base (x-axis). If angle is very small, market is sideways.

I have attached a pic also. Request you to advise how to get the angle? Thanks



Well-Known Member
Dear Friends,

I am working on a strategy and trying to code the same in Amibroker 5.6

Identify the strength in trend:
If sideways = Ignore and if trending then trade in side of move

I tried many technical indicators but somewhere I am not satisfied. So thinking to make something on my own.

I am trying to get angle the moving average line makes with base (x-axis). If angle is very small, market is sideways.

I have attached a pic also. Request you to advise how to get the angle? Thanks
P = ParamField("Price field",-1); //Can select Open, High, Low or Close based MA
Periods = Param("Periods", 15, 2, 500, 1, 10 ); //Can select period here. 200 DMA avergae or nay you like
Plot( MA( P, Periods ), _DEFAULT_NAME(), IIf(MA(P,Periods) > Ref(MA(P,Periods),-10), colorGreen, colorRed), ParamStyle("Style") );
//Default lookup period for calculating slope is 10. You can adjust look back period by adjusting this number below 0. The more below you go the more long term trend it reflects.


Well-Known Member
P = ParamField("Price field",-1); //Can select Open, High, Low or Close based MA
Periods = Param("Periods", 15, 2, 500, 1, 10 ); //Can select period here. 200 DMA avergae or nay you like
Plot( MA( P, Periods ), _DEFAULT_NAME(), IIf(MA(P,Periods) > Ref(MA(P,Periods),-10), colorGreen, colorRed), ParamStyle("Style") );
//Default lookup period for calculating slope is 10. You can adjust look back period by adjusting this number below 0. The more below you go the more long term trend it reflects.
Thanks for your reply ,

I think dinesh is requesting value of angle that moving average makes with X -Axis rather than color ,based on this value he will quantify Uptrend/Downtrend and Sideways.

It would be great help if we are able to quantify this Angle value.
Last edited:
P = ParamField("Price field",-1); //Can select Open, High, Low or Close based MA
Periods = Param("Periods", 15, 2, 500, 1, 10 ); //Can select period here. 200 DMA avergae or nay you like
Plot( MA( P, Periods ), _DEFAULT_NAME(), IIf(MA(P,Periods) > Ref(MA(P,Periods),-10), colorGreen, colorRed), ParamStyle("Style") );
//Default lookup period for calculating slope is 10. You can adjust look back period by adjusting this number below 0. The more below you go the more long term trend it reflects.
Thanks for your help Jagan...however like Aman has pointed correctly ... I am looking to get value of angle made by moving average line with x-axis. I am sure you can help us with the same too.

Aman, thanks to point it out on my behalf. Really appreciate it.:thumb:


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Dear Friends,

I am working on a strategy and trying to code the same in Amibroker 5.6

Identify the strength in trend:
If sideways = Ignore and if trending then trade in side of move

I tried many technical indicators but somewhere I am not satisfied. So thinking to make something on my own.

I am trying to get angle the moving average line makes with base (x-axis). If angle is very small, market is sideways.

I have attached a pic also. Request you to advise how to get the angle? Thanks

Found this on the net.Gives angle values for 34EMA.Check if it works.
You can always edit the EMA value in the AFL Editor.

EMA34 = EMA(C,34);
PI = atan(1.00) * 4;
periods = 30;
HighHigh = HHV(H, periods);
LowLow = LLV(L, periods);
range = 25 / (HighHigh - LowLow) * LowLow;
x1_EMA34 = 0;
x2_EMA34 = 2;
y1_EMA34 = 0;
y2_EMA34 = (Ref(EMA34, -2) - EMA34) / Avg * range;
c_EMA34 = sqrt((x2_EMA34 - x1_EMA34)*(x2_EMA34 - x1_EMA34) + (y2_EMA34 - y1_EMA34)*(y2_EMA34 - y1_EMA34));
angle_EMA34 = round(180 * acos((x2_EMA34 - x1_EMA34)/c_EMA34) / PI);
TitleAngleEMA34 = EncodeColor(colorWhite) + "\nEMA34 angle = ";
angle_EMA34 = IIf(y2_EMA34 > 0, - angle_EMA34, angle_EMA34);
if(abs(SelectedValue(angle_EMA34)) >= 25)
TitleAngleEMA34 = TitleAngleEMA34 + EncodeColor(colorLime);
else if(abs(SelectedValue(angle_EMA34)) >= 15)
TitleAngleEMA34 = TitleAngleEMA34 + EncodeColor(colorYellow);
TitleAngleEMA34 = TitleAngleEMA34 + EncodeColor(colorRed);
TitleAngleEMA34 = TitleAngleEMA34 + angle_EMA34;

Color_ema_eangle= IIf(angle_ema34>=5,ParamColor("EMA34 trending up",colorTurquoise),IIf(angle_ema34<=-5,ParamColor("EMA34 trending down",colorRed),ParamColor("EMA34 not trending",colorYellow)));
Plot(EMA34,"EMA ",Color_ema_eangle, styleDashed| styleThick );


//this is coded By T.J

Var = MA(C,14);
Plot( Var,"",9, 128);

START=34; // can use param and define Lookback periods
END= 1;
ARRAY= Var ;
L1=LastValue( Cum(1));
Y0=ARRAY[X0] ;
Y1=ARRAY[X1] ;
PixelFactor = Status("pxheight" )/Status( "pxwidth" );
XYFactor =
(Status("axismaxy" )-Status( "axisminy" ))/(Status( "lastvisiblebarindex")-Status("firstvisiblebarindex"));
FACTOR = PixelFactor / XYFactor;
ANGLE=atan(FACTOR* (Y1-Y0)/( X1-X0));
Color = IIf(Y1 > Y0,5,4); // Green = Positive Red = Negative
Title1="ANGLE= "+WriteVal( ANGLE)+" RADS"+",
["+WriteVal( 45*ANGLE/ atan(1),1.0)+" DEGS]";
Plot(ARRAY," ",12,1);
Plot(LineArray( X0,Y0,X1, Y1),Title1 + "\nLine to Last Value of End Point
Value",Color ,1);
Plot(LineArray( X0,Y0,X1, Y0),"Horizontal" ,2,1);
Plot(LastValue( Y0),"\nBegin at This point in the Array",10,1);

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