Scope for trading Crude Oil


have done a fair bit of Crude Oil trading so far.

Last to last month with the help of a dealer I was able to make 200K within a span of less than month thats what piqued my interest

I have a few questions about it:

Which books to read? Does Hot Commodities from Jim Rogers help?

How much is Brent Crude levels correlated to MCX Crude really?

Are there any crude oil traders you can follow in India?

Any courses available in Mumbai?

I want to really make a dent in crude oil trading as its a subject close to my heart


Active Member

have done a fair bit of Crude Oil trading so far.

Last to last month with the help of a dealer I was able to make 200K within a span of less than month thats what piqued my interest

I have a few questions about it:

Which books to read? Does Hot Commodities from Jim Rogers help?

How much is Brent Crude levels correlated to MCX Crude really?

Are there any crude oil traders you can follow in India?

Any courses available in Mumbai?

I want to really make a dent in crude oil trading as its a subject close to my heart
Courses, training, signals.. do you really think that somebody will really share their bread with you? Why? If everybody's goal is to maximise their gain what is the point to exchange your fee for education for a trick that will bring much more money if used privately. Idk why people don't ask themselves this simple question.
Stoch what is the forum about then?

Sharing information about anything doesn't mean the other person will start earning money.

Dude seriously what is wrong with you
Trading crude oil offers ample opportunities for profit due to its high liquidity and volatility, but it also carries significant risk, requiring careful analysis of market trends and geopolitical factors.


Active Member

have done a fair bit of Crude Oil trading so far.

Last to last month with the help of a dealer I was able to make 200K within a span of less than month thats what piqued my interest

I have a few questions about it:

Which books to read? Does Hot Commodities from Jim Rogers help?

How much is Brent Crude levels correlated to MCX Crude really?

Are there any crude oil traders you can follow in India?

Any courses available in Mumbai?

I want to really make a dent in crude oil trading as its a subject close to my heart
Trading crude oil offers significant opportunities due to its high liquidity, volatility, and correlation with geopolitical events and economic factors. Traders can profit from price fluctuations by employing various strategies, such as trend following, range trading, or news-based trading. However, it's essential to stay informed about supply and demand dynamics, OPEC decisions, and global economic indicators to effectively navigate the complexities of crude oil trading.
The scope for trading crude oil includes futures contracts, options, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) tied to the commodity's price, offering opportunities for speculation and hedging against price fluctuations in the global oil market.


Active Member

have done a fair bit of Crude Oil trading so far.

Last to last month with the help of a dealer I was able to make 200K within a span of less than month thats what piqued my interest

I have a few questions about it:

Which books to read? Does Hot Commodities from Jim Rogers help?

How much is Brent Crude levels correlated to MCX Crude really?

Are there any crude oil traders you can follow in India?

Any courses available in Mumbai?

I want to really make a dent in crude oil trading as its a subject close to my heart
Consider reading "The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power" by Daniel Yergin for a historical perspective on the oil industry's dynamics. "Trading Crude Oil: The Consilience Guide" by Stavros C. Stavrou offers practical insights and strategies tailored specifically to trading crude oil, while "A Trader's First Book on Commodities: An Introduction to the World's Fastest Growing Market" by Carley Garner provides a beginner-friendly introduction to commodity trading, including valuable insights into trading oil.
Hot Commodities" by Jim Rogers is a great read if you're interested in understanding the world of commodities investing. Jim Rogers provides valuable insights into the commodities markets, explaining why they are essential and how they can be profitable for investors. He discusses various commodities, from oil and gold to agriculture products, and offers practical advice on how to invest in them.

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