"NOW YOU SEE ME" - The Secret Cult Kings of Trading

Hello Respected Friends,
Can anybody post 5 minute GFDL chart(which Subhadeep Sir Suggested) of HEROMOTOCO of today & previous trading day, means 5 minute chart of today & Friday(16th).
I'l take their trial today but before that i wanted to check on it.

Thanks a lot.


Well-Known Member
Hello Friends,
I have been trading for a long time without success, recently developed a new strategy & it works like a charm but I am still in loss, dnt seem to pinpoint where I am going wrong, its been a long hard working painful journey, I gave away my entire professional Life & sort of personal life too so I dnt want to quit it now when I am so near to achieve my life's only goal of being a professional trader.

Now lets come to this thread:
I truly believe that the strategy I am following is being followed by THE BIG BOYS(The Kings) of trading, I can see it from my eyes & feel it in successful trades, what I have found that Best Traders hunt in packs & take the same trades, they might be using different strategies but they definitely work on same level of collective Brain frequency.
In this thread i'l be posting my live trades in the hope that one of The Big Boys(TopGun, The King) might see me struggling with the right system but lacking a little bit so will have some sort of sympathy towards me & will pick me up & fine tune my silly mistakes & welcome me in the club just like in the movie..... "NOW YOU SEE ME"
I can be very useful for him/her as an assistant which will reduce his/her workload a little bit.
Will start it from today a new Month which is coincidentally my birthday Month.
Monk trader, Horary astrology will tell you which trades to keep out of. One good trade a day is enough, right? The learning curve is worth it.


Well-Known Member
@dear Monk Trader as per your opinion i think you are afraid to jump into the trade. you might be using a discretionary trading system in which entries are fixed but you are afraid to enter the trade as you might have some doubt. you need to code your entry and make defined rule of this with SL. by this way u will not fear to enter the trade once it triggered while ur having a valid setup. i may be completely wrong on this....

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