Need Help in this Trend Color Code


Active Member
HI all,

Dear Seniors fellow members i need help in the code which i downloaded from the internet.

This is the code in which i made some modifications ...

_SECTION_BEGIN("Trend Check");

p= Param("shortperiods",15,2,300,1);

e1= EMA(C,p);

p2= Param("medperiods",25,2,300,1);

e2= EMA(C,p2);

p3= Param("longperiods",35,2,300,1);

e3= EMA(C,p3);

d1= e1-e2;

d2= e2-e3;

df= d1-d2;

Plot(d1,"aggy",IIf(d1>Ref(d1,-1) AND d1>d2,colorGreen,IIf(d1>Ref(d1,-1) AND d1<d2,colorYellow,IIf(d1<Ref(d1,-1) AND d1<d2,colorRed,IIf(d1<Ref(d1,-1) AND d1>d2,colorYellow,colorBlue)))),styleLine);
Plot(d2,"advika",IIf(d2>Ref(d2,-1) AND d1>d2,colorGreen,IIf(d2>Ref(d2,-1) AND d1<d2,colorYellow,IIf(d2<Ref(d2,-1) AND d1<d2,colorRed,IIf(d2<Ref(d2,-1) AND d1>d2,colorYellow,colorBlue)))),styleLine);

Plot(d1,"aggy",IIf(d1>Ref(d1,2) AND d1>d2,colorYellow,IIf(d1>Ref(d1,2) AND d1<d2,colorRed,IIf(d1<Ref(d1,2) AND d1<d2,colorYellow,IIf(d1<Ref(d1,2) AND d1>d2,colorGreen,colorBlue)))),styleLine);
Plot(d2,"advika",IIf(d2>Ref(d2,2) AND d1>d2,colorYellow,IIf(d2>Ref(d2,2) AND d1<d2,colorRed,IIf(d2<Ref(d2,2) AND d1<d2,colorYellow,IIf(d2<Ref(d2,2) AND d1>d2,colorGreen,colorBlue)))),styleLine);

My problem is in my code the line color change to BLUE instead of GREEN kindly help me out.
Same with if trend change RED it shows BLUE
KIndly help me out thanks in advance


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