Loan Against Securities

Are you asking "why one should take loan against securities? or you are inquiring "if it is possible to take loan against securities"

Please be clear so people can help you
Loan against securities means can take a loan on mutual fund, shares and bond. This type of loan is secure and interest rate is also slow. It is depend on your requirement. If you want you can take help of some financial adviser like JM Financial group.
I would speak from the bank's point of view as well our angle... in this query...

Bank's point of view: lending our loan becomes easy if there is any security that we keep with the bank as their loan is secured against the property or the papers we keep as security against the amount we take.

From our angle: Even we have a security that our loan would not get rejected if the security that we have been showing to get the loan fits in banks' terms and conditions.

So, while taking the loan with security is safe and helpful for both parties.
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