

New Member
Jan 16, 2012
Hello All,

I've been trading for about 10 years - I started paper trading stocks and went to stock options to maximize my small account. It took me about a year to work my way through the holding time frames and found that day trading suited me best.

As with many new traders, I had an incredibly successful trading record and it did not come without endless study and practice. I probably spent a year at it before I had scraped up enough money to open my first account.

You can imagine how shocked I was when the trades didn't work and I found myself plaqued by trading issues recounted by other traders that I thought I'd never have to deal with. I discovered big holes in my trading plan, my strategies didn't work in all market conditions, and that there were a whole lot of other things I didn't know, particularly "mind management".

Since then I've switched to the ES to keep it simpler, read a library of books on trading and trading psychology, attended a number of webinars and studied methods of other successful traders. I've traveled the same road as every other trader out there who refused to give up. Oh, and I quit trying to trade in all market Now I manage myself in all market conditions.

I am finally profitable and am working toward consistency in executing my trading plan and strategies. This year I am aiming to reach the trading goals I set for myself several years ago

I found this site through a link in an article appearing in the DTG (Denver Trading Group) archives.

I live in northwest Colorado, and when I'm not eating, sleeping & breathing trading, I spend time with my family hiking, playing music, and having BBQ's.

Thanks for reading!
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