Exit poll on traderji-

Whom you want as PM

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Well-Known Member
NaMo is leading in the Exit Poll on this thread at TJ:

One single reason I would like to see him on the hot seat is : HE IS HUNGRY.

He may not be white-washed cleanest politician around, but he sure is ambitious. Not just plain vanilla ambitious, he is internationally ambitious. He wants his image to be highlighted world over. He is working bloody hard for it.

And who knows, to set the record straight he might even expose Soniaji's lakhs of crores of Rupees with Swiss Bank putting an end to their Oligarchy.
Given a chance every rascal politician wants to be a PM, but they have no guts to say so, they wait for somebody else to push their name, but Namo has guts to say that he wants to be PM, and he will become PM.:clapping:
Given a chance every rascal politician wants to be a PM, but they have no guts to say so, they wait for somebody else to push their name, but Namo has guts to say that he wants to be PM, and he will become PM.:clapping:
He has never said it himself, has he ?? Not directly.
INDIA's most well-known film script-writer Salim Khan (actor Salman Khan's father) said - "Does anyone remember who the chief minister of Maharashtra was during the Mumbai riots which were no less deadly than the Gujarat riots of 2002?
and who the chief minister of Delhi was during the massacre of Sikhs in 1986 took place in the capital of India where more then 3000 sikhs were burnt live? Does anyone recall the name of the chief minister of UP during Malliana and Meerut riots or that of the Bihar CM when the Bhagalpur or Jamshedpur riots under Congress regimes took place?

How come Narendra Modi has been singled out as the Devil Incarnate as if he personally carried out all the killings during the riots of 2002 even when he got clean chit from CBI, SC and all other official authorities?."
Both Muslim and Hindu of Gujarat loves him then why people who did not know what is going on under him are blindly against him?