confusion in option rules

hello all friend in trederji forum.I am akhil and my traderji user name is `online trader`.I am just two year old in share my experience is not countable.but I feel the share market is good way to make money.if we have following some rules of discipline we make sure money in share market. my investment in share market is some fundamentally and technicality good stock. I am also invest some money is future market. I am interested in option market but there are some confusion in my mind. If I buy call and put both are strike price.In the expiry both are almost nil if i don't write what amount credit or debit in my account. friends plz solve my confusion.


Well-Known Member
Akhil, if you are planning to learn options in this way i.e. question by question, then I think it might take you few years to figure out how to trade options profitably.
Option trading have lot many variable/factors then stock or futures trading hence it is better to learn them in a structured way.

In 3rd or 4th post of my thread on "Low risk strategy -" I have given links to some of the good and free sources to learn about options.
I will suggest you to refer to them and I am sure, within 1 hr you will have answer of your question.

Happy Learning

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