Best Equity Mutual Funds

Re: 1,00,000 after 5 yr.

Wonders do happen in real life and in stock market as well.But let me tell u my dear friend,wonders are accidental.your target is possible but not a sure fire.never aim at the sky.if at all u want to encounter with such a wonder better dont go for a mutual fund rather invest in the market urself with thorough research and a very good portfolio.but let me warn u my friend,there are most chances that it is not achievable.:confused:
Re: 1,00,000 after 5 yr.

My calculation for investing in stock market-
let us discuss with an example. Iam into market with Rs. 100000/-. My aim of target will be 30% pa which works out like this-
Rs 10000/- (ie had i deposited in a bank @ 10% pa interest) + Rs 10000/- (risk in stk mkt) + Rs 10000/- (profit from mkt). Total Rs 30000/-.
If u tgt for this and u achieve u r a successful trader. This small tgts will not make us to fall in the trap of either greed or fear is what i feel.
plzzzzzzzzz help in planning my investments

hello all,

i am an NRI lady invester.

i an new to the world of investments.i do not know even the basics of investments.

recently when went to india i bought 2 ULIP plans,one from ICICI maximiser and another fom HDFC endowment.....are they good ULIP.....what are the other ULIP i can buy.

i do not have a pension policy and retirement policy and life cover policies...........there were so many options and since i was in india only for a few days so i did not take any such policy.....plz guide me for the best life insurance and pension policies...i am 30 years old

i wish to invest 25K a month, where all can i invest and how can i get good returns ..................

i will be grateful if u all could help me.

kind regards and thanks in advance
Re: plzzzzzzzzz help in planning my investments

Do not buy anymore ULIP, ULIPS are very expensive options for investment and insurance.
Do the investment through SIP in any good mutual fund equity scheame.
For insurance by Term insurence policy only, which are cheap for higher risk cover.

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Re: plzzzzzzzzz help in planning my investments

hi deoria,

i am planing to leave the ULIP untouched for 10 it a good idea,what say u.

also, i guess SIP is a wonderful idea.....but could u plz suggest me some good MF

also, if i take MF with high risk, is it too risy or even there the mney is a bit......what do u suggest what is thebest option high,medium or low risk.

Re: plzzzzzzzzz help in planning my investments

I agree with Deoria in choosing good MFs as investment tool.
You may complete 3yrs mandatory period in ULIP, then relocate money in MF.
Many of the threads here will guide u about making a good SIP portfolio.
Risk appetite is highly personal. Depends on ur age, financial liabilities/goals, earnings etc.
Even for retirement planning, do not go in for ULIPs. Carefully managed MF portfolio will give u more returns at the end.
Happy Investing!
mr india

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