Beginner queries...


Well-Known Member
Q81: - Is there any tolerance limit between strike price and actual price, for doing an exercise of option say Nifty 27 Aug 2009 CE 4000...

Say i want to exercise above option"Nifty 27 Aug 2009 CE 4000", on 27 Aug 2009 ... but Nifty index is reading 3999! ... So can i do exercise of this option or I have no RIGHT because it is still 1 point behind 4000 strike price?

So is there any tolerance zone around the strike price where the option becomes exercisable? ... Or is it an absolute Zero tolerance contract?



Well-Known Member

From here after will look for questions which are not available in some general articles.

Best Wishes,


Well-Known Member
No problem TFL ...

You were/are never obligated to answer my questions! :)

So just forgive me for eating your mind!..................And ....................and ... ...................and what???

Just answer my remaining unanswered questions and then the exercise will be complete!! :) :D



Well-Known Member
To Mr. Capricorn ... The link you have provided is just perfect solution to 99% of questions swirling in my head!
This is such a neat way to educate!

...i think I won't put unnecessary questions here from nowon @ options.:)

So Thank you very much for this really really reaaaally useful link!



Well-Known Member
Q82: - 1. With tradetiger(Sharekhan) I tried to Shortsell Hindalco yesterday by pressing normal F2 key ...but it rejected!

2. When I tried to sell 'against margine' , it sold! ... but later when I bought back to make things even... I noticed that my trading margine has been reduced by some 5000Rs. ,...

... So why is that...Why my broker doesn't cut my margine when I buy and sell but it cuts my margine when I shortsell and buy???

Q82: - 1. With tradetiger(Sharekhan) I tried to Shortsell Hindalco yesterday by pressing normal F2 key ...but it rejected!

2. When I tried to sell 'against margine' , it sold! ... but later when I bought back to make things even... I noticed that my trading margine has been reduced by some 5000Rs. ,...

... So why is that...Why my broker doesn't cut my margine when I buy and sell but it cuts my margine when I shortsell and buy???

Hello priyanvada,

looking at ur post i think u may be newbie, if u really want to learn technical analysis, and if u live in mumbai, u may try. i have just joined that course, just 1 lecture held, i will see how good the course is then may be u give it a try.

well, ur a good talker, just joined in june 09 and 250+ post with 50+ thanks. gr8 going :thumb:


Active Member
Q12: - As Sunnyji told me above that I can play in other country's stock exchange sitting right here in India... Then I ask further that, I I make a group of friends and we divide among ourself the working time for whole 24 hours and we got a Demat account in brokers of all stock exchanges of the world... then is it not possible I just transfer my fund through online fund transfer from one Demat account into other and keep day trading for whole 24 hours a day??? Is this possible

hello priyanvada,
looking to the level of your question, it don`t seems that you are a newbie. you are telling about to make a group, which can trade 24 hour in different exchange of world and I am still struggling how to start trade in Indian stock market. Your thread notes of beginner also taught me lesson .now a days i am reading saint sir thread how to fish , very good thread , start with the abc of technical analysis .Any way all the best. Take care



Well-Known Member
looking to the level of your question, it don`t seems that you are a newbie. you are telling about to make a group, which can trade 24 hour in different exchange of world
Thanks!... knowing little @ online fund transfer doesn't certify me i am knowing all the things in share market ... Since I believe in a team effort than individual effort in this field thats why I had asked that question ... There was a Lion Named T-F-L who was ALWAYS ready to Roar on the other side of the river ... So I just didn't hold back my-self in any case ...:)

and I am still struggling how to start trade in Indian stock market. Your thread notes of beginner also taught me lesson .now a days i am reading saint sir thread how to fish , very good thread , start with the abc of technical analysis .Any way all the best. Take care
There should not be much struggle to start a trade ... but there will be a great struggle & fun to earn profit consistently!

I recommend if you have time then do watch the videos at following link...

Traderji should be always more than sufficient for learning many many many things ...

yesterday I have got a link ... looks good for newbies like me ... If it helps to you also use it!

Take care!

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