AmiBroker formula Language

hi friends...

Hi friends / moderator
i am a kind of a silent observer on the board..i am using amibroker for some time . i am highly obliged to members out here for sharing the AFL's.I respect them a lot.. thanks to all
In order to allow easier access to all the members ..could we place all the available AFLs in a database marked according to EOD or intraday.There is not need to paste the entire AFL..rather only links can be used..

Re: hi friends...

Hi friends / moderator
i am a kind of a silent observer on the board..i am using amibroker for some time . i am highly obliged to members out here for sharing the AFL's.I respect them a lot.. thanks to all
In order to allow easier access to all the members ..could we place all the available AFLs in a database marked according to EOD or intraday.There is not need to paste the entire AFL..rather only links can be used..

All afls you will get from their sites itself.

Please understand the request fully and then provide a solution, if possible.

It is preferable to be silent, when no solution is available at ones end.

Warm regards

bhai log its ok yaar .. i understood that everthing is avaialble on the web..what i was just trying to do is
many people are not coding experts and many aer intraday traders , some are EOD traders , some are OI traders , some are pattern traders .. so if the site moderator can just to make a broad classification of the afls and group them in those folders..

I love the site and have learned a lot from the site.. u all are great...sikandasr bhai please do not feel bad
I have decided to give back to this site something that i have learnt ..we will try to make some small codes for commom things and try to anslyse the code .As many of us here are not coding experts but may be we can devote a small amout of time to learn


add this line to the top of any AFL. click on the parameters and play with colors

Code is :-

SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("BgTop", ColorRGB( 172,172,172 )),
ParamColor("BgBottom", ColorRGB( 172,172,172 )),ParamColor("titleblock",ColorRGB( 172,172,172 )));

Some analysis of the code used

SetChartBkGradientFill( topcolor, bottomcolor, titlebkcolor = default )

Enables background gradient color fill in indicators.
Please note that this is independent from chart background color (background color fills entire pane, gradient fill is only for actual chart interior, so axes area is not affected by gradient fill)

topcolor - specifies top color of the gradient fill
bottomcolor - specifies bottom color of the gradient fill
titlebkcolor - (optional) the background color of title text. If not specified then top color is automatically used for title background.

We wanted the colous to be under the parameters so we used "paramcolor", the "bgtop" would give a name under parameters window to the top colur similarly for "bgbottom", the ColorRGB( 172,172,172 ) would give us the box type thing to help us choose colurs.

:D try it this way ..instead of the names of "bgtop" used used and "bgbottom " used ..try typing anything else ..hmmm may ur name or ur spouse name...that would give a kind of satisfaction to u all :)



For Colors in Ami i got this one from Net,(use it as reference only)

_SECTION_BEGIN("Color Display ");
/* Color Display */
numbars = LastValue(Cum(Status("barvisible")));
X = IIf(numbars >= 56, floor(numbars / 56), 1);

Plot( 20, "", int(Cum(1/X)%56 ), styleOwnScale | styleArea | styleNoLabel,0,100);
Plot(28*X*sin(Cum(0.112/X)),"", SelectedValue(int(Cum(1/X)%56)),styleOwnScale | styleLine, -X*50, X*40);
Plot(Cum(1)%(56*X) - 28*X,"num",SelectedValue(int(Cum(1/X)%56)),styleOwnScale | styleHistogram | styleNoLabel, -X*50, X*40);

n = SelectedValue(int(Cum(1/X)%56));
colorstring = WriteIf(n ==0, "colorCustom1 - number 0",
WriteIf(n ==1, "colorCustom2 - number 1",
WriteIf(n ==2, "colorCustom3 - number 2",
WriteIf(n ==3, "colorCustom4 - number 3",
WriteIf(n ==4, "colorCustom5 - number 4",
WriteIf(n ==5, "colorCustom6 - number 5",
WriteIf(n ==6, "colorCustom7 - number 6",
WriteIf(n ==7, "colorCustom8 - number 7",
WriteIf(n ==8, "colorCustom9 - number 8",
WriteIf(n ==9, "colorCustom10 - number 9",
WriteIf(n ==10, "colorCustom11 - number 10",
WriteIf(n ==11, "colorCustom12 - number 11",
WriteIf(n ==12, "colorCustom13 - number 12",
WriteIf(n ==13, "colorCustom14 - number 13",
WriteIf(n ==14, "colorCustom15 - number 14",
WriteIf(n ==15, "colorCustom16 - number 15",
WriteIf(n ==16, "colorBlack - number 16",
WriteIf(n ==17, "colorBrown - number 17",
WriteIf(n ==18, "colorDarkOliveGreen - number 18",
WriteIf(n ==19, "colorDarkGreen - number 19",
WriteIf(n ==20, "colorDarkTeal - number 20",
WriteIf(n ==21, "colorDarkBlue - number 21",
WriteIf(n ==22, "colorIndigo - number 22",
WriteIf(n ==23, "colorDarkGrey - number 23",
WriteIf(n ==24, "colorDarkRed - number 24",
WriteIf(n ==25, "colorOrange - number 25",
WriteIf(n ==26, "colorDarkYellow - number 26",
WriteIf(n ==27, "colorGreen - number 27",
WriteIf(n ==28, "colorTeal - number 28",
WriteIf(n ==29, "colorBlue - number 29",
WriteIf(n ==30, "colorBlueGrey - number 30",
WriteIf(n ==31, "colorGrey40 - number 31",
WriteIf(n ==32, "colorRed - number 32",
WriteIf(n ==33, "colorLightOrange - number 33",
WriteIf(n ==34, "colorLime - number 34",
WriteIf(n ==35, "colorSeaGreen - number 35",
WriteIf(n ==36, "colorAqua - number 36",
WriteIf(n ==37, "colorLightBlue - number 37",
WriteIf(n ==38, "colorViolet - number 38",
WriteIf(n ==39, "colorGrey50 - number 39",
WriteIf(n ==40, "colorPink - number 40",
WriteIf(n ==41, "colorGold - number 41",
WriteIf(n ==42, "colorYellow - number 42",
WriteIf(n ==43, "colorBrightGreen - number 43",
WriteIf(n ==44, "colorTurquoise - number 44",
WriteIf(n ==45, "colorSkyblue - number 45",
WriteIf(n ==46, "colorPlum - number 46",
WriteIf(n ==47, "colorLightGrey - number 47",
WriteIf(n ==48, "colorRose - number 48",
WriteIf(n ==49, "colorTan - number 49",
WriteIf(n ==50, "colorLightYellow - number 50",
WriteIf(n ==51, "colorPaleGreen - number 51",
WriteIf(n ==52, "colorPaleTurquoise - number 52",
WriteIf(n ==53, "colorPaleBlue - number 53",
WriteIf(n ==54, "colorLavender - number 54",
WriteIf(n ==55, "colorWhite - number 55",
Title = EncodeColor(n)+"Bars per Color = "+X+ " The current selection is "+ColorString;
HI ken sir, thanks for ur comment :) .. i took the code from the net and read amibroker dunctin reference to know more ant it.. and shared it here.. Since no one replied to asked if anyone had tried :( ....


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