All You Need For DayTrading


Well-Known Member
Lost Ribbon Trading Technique
(From my Notes)

•Lost ribbons refer to the 5-3-3 and 9-3-3 stochastic %d and %k ribbons.
•Lost ribbons offer a opportunity to:
  1. hold on to your position from a previous trigger,
  2. add to your position
  3. initiate a new position at once
  4. look for trigger after pullback

•Once you have this condition there was already a trigger entry. If the ribbons are lost on the bottom there was already a short trigger, if lost on the top there was already a long trigger.
•Once lost means hold on to your position it will continue in same direction until the ribbons emerge again.
•If you notice the lost ribbons on the 60min timeframe they are already lost on the 30min and previously lost on the 15min.

The line which lost what is that?? and as per image 2nd stochk is of 21


Well-Known Member
Ajeet Singh,

Bro do you have any excel sheet/AFL which can calculate Fib levels.If yes will appreciate if you can share that.

Fibonacci Calculator

Excel Download

_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); 

_SECTION_BEGIN("fib extn up down vijay");
// Setup for Daily Range

TOP_        = Open;
PDH_        = Ref(High,-1);
PDL_        = Ref(Low,-1);
PDO_        = Ref(Open,-1);
PDC_        = Ref(Close,-1);
PDM_        = (PDH_+PDL_)/2;

TOP         = TimeFrameExpand(TOP_,inDaily,expandFirst);
PDH         = TimeFrameExpand(PDH_,inDaily,expandFirst); 
PDL         = TimeFrameExpand(PDL_,inDaily,expandFirst); 
PDO         = TimeFrameExpand(PDO_,inDaily,expandFirst);
PDC         = TimeFrameExpand(PDC_,inDaily,expandFirst); 

TOP         = TimeFrameExpand(TOP_,inDaily,expandFirst);
PDH         = TimeFrameExpand(PDH_,inDaily,expandFirst); 
PDL         = TimeFrameExpand(PDL_,inDaily,expandFirst); 
PDO         = TimeFrameExpand(PDO_,inDaily,expandFirst);
PDC         = TimeFrameExpand(PDC_,inDaily,expandFirst); 
//Bars       = BarsSince(TimeNum() >= 62900 AND TimeNum() < 64400);//,BarIndex(),1); // AND DateNum()==LastValue(DateNum());
// Day High
x0 =BarCount-5;
x1 = BarCount;
y0 = y1= pdh[BarCount-1]+1;
// Day Close
y0 = y1= pdc[BarCount-1]+1;
// Day Low
y0 = y1= pdl[BarCount-1]+1;

PlotText("Day High "+ pdh, BarCount+1, pdh[BarCount-1], colorGreen );
PlotText("Day Close "+ pdc, BarCount+1, pdc[BarCount-1], colorWhite );
PlotText("Day Low "+ pdl, BarCount+1, pdl[BarCount-1], colorRed );

// fib ext
base = pdh -pdl ;
fu423_6 = pdc + (base * 4.236);
fu261_8 = pdc + (base * 2.618);
fu161_8 = pdc + (base * 1.618);
fu127_2 = pdc + (base * 1.272);
fu100 = pdc + (base * 1.000);
fu61_8 = pdc + (base * 0.618);
fu50 = pdc + (base * 0.500);
fu38_2 = pdc + (base * 0.382);
fu23_6 = pdc + (base * 0.236);
fu11_8 = pdc + (base * 0.118);
fd11_8 = pdc - (base * 0.118);
fd23_6 = pdc - (base * 0.236);
fd38_2 = pdc - (base * 0.382);
fd50 = pdc - (base * 0.500);
fd61_8 = pdc - (base * 0.618);
fd100 = pdc - (base * 1.000);
fd127_2 = pdc - (base * 1.272);
fd161_8 = pdc - (base * 1.618);
fd261_8 = pdc - (base * 2.618);
fd423_6 = pdc - (base * 4.236);

x0 =BarCount-10;
x1 = BarCount;

// Up
// FU423_6
y0 = y1= fu423_6[BarCount-1]+1;
Plot(LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0),"",colorBlueGrey,styleLine|styleDashed ); //styleNoRescale colorLightGrey
PlotText("+423.60% @ " + fu423_6 , BarCount+1, y0, colorBlueGrey);

// FU261_8
y0 = y1= fu261_8[BarCount-1]+1;
Plot(LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0),"",colorBlueGrey,styleLine|styleDashed ); //styleNoRescale colorLightGrey
PlotText("+261.80% @ " + fu261_8 , BarCount+1, y0, colorBlueGrey);
// FU161_8
y0 = y1= fu161_8[BarCount-1]+1;
Plot(LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0),"",colorBlueGrey,styleLine|styleDashed ); //styleNoRescale colorLightGrey
PlotText("+161.80% @ " + fu161_8 , BarCount+1, y0, colorBlueGrey);

// FU127_2
y0 = y1= fu127_2[BarCount-1]+1;
Plot(LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0),"",colorBlueGrey,styleLine|styleDashed ); //styleNoRescale colorLightGrey
PlotText("+127.20% @ " + fu127_2 , BarCount+1, y0, colorBlueGrey);

// FU100
y0 = y1= fu100[BarCount-1]+1;
Plot(LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0),"",colorBlueGrey,styleLine|styleDashed ); //styleNoRescale colorLightGrey
PlotText("+100.00% @ " + fu100 , BarCount+1, y0, colorBlueGrey);

// FU61_8
y0 = y1= fu61_8[BarCount-1]+1;
Plot(LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0),"",colorBlueGrey,styleLine|styleDashed ); //styleNoRescale colorLightGrey
PlotText("+61.80% @ " + fu61_8 , BarCount+1, y0, colorBlueGrey);

// FU50
y0 = y1= fu50[BarCount-1]+1;
Plot(LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0),"",colorBlueGrey,styleLine|styleDashed ); //styleNoRescale colorLightGrey
PlotText("+50.00% @ " + fu50 , BarCount+1, y0, colorBlueGrey);

// FU38_2
y0 = y1= fu38_2[BarCount-1]+1;
Plot(LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0),"",colorBlueGrey,styleLine|styleDashed ); //styleNoRescale colorLightGrey
PlotText("+38.20% @ " + fu100 , BarCount+1, y0, colorBlueGrey);

// FU23_6
y0 = y1= fu23_6[BarCount-1]+1;
Plot(LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0),"",colorBlueGrey,styleLine|styleDashed ); //styleNoRescale colorLightGrey
PlotText("+23.60% @ " + fu23_6 , BarCount+1, y0, colorBlueGrey);

// FU11_8
y0 = y1= fu11_8[BarCount-1]+1;
Plot(LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0),"",colorBlueGrey,styleLine|styleDashed ); //styleNoRescale colorLightGrey
PlotText("+11.80% @ " + fu11_8 , BarCount+1, y0, colorBlueGrey);


// FD11_8
y0 = y1= fd11_8[BarCount-1]+1;
Plot(LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0),"",colorDarkYellow,styleLine|styleDashed ); //styleNoRescale colorLightGrey
PlotText("-11.80% @ " + fd11_8 , BarCount+1, y0, colorDarkYellow);

// FD23_6
y0 = y1= fd23_6[BarCount-1]+1;
Plot(LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0),"",colorDarkYellow,styleLine|styleDashed ); //styleNoRescale colorLightGrey
PlotText("-23.60% @ " + fd23_6 , BarCount+1, y0, colorDarkYellow);

// FD38_2
y0 = y1= fd38_2[BarCount-1]+1;
Plot(LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0),"",colorDarkYellow,styleLine|styleDashed ); //styleNoRescale colorLightGrey
PlotText("-38.20% @ " + fd38_2 , BarCount+1, y0, colorDarkYellow);

// FD50
y0 = y1= fd50[BarCount-1]+1;
Plot(LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0),"",colorDarkYellow,styleLine|styleDashed ); //styleNoRescale colorLightGrey
PlotText("-50.00% @ " + fd50 , BarCount+1, y0, colorDarkYellow);

// FD61_8
y0 = y1= fd61_8[BarCount-1]+1;
Plot(LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0),"",colorDarkYellow,styleLine|styleDashed ); //styleNoRescale colorLightGrey
PlotText("-61.80% @ " + fd61_8 , BarCount+1, y0, colorDarkYellow);

// FD100
y0 = y1= fd100[BarCount-1]+1;
Plot(LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0),"",colorDarkYellow,styleLine|styleDashed ); //styleNoRescale colorLightGrey
PlotText("-100.00% @ " + fd100 , BarCount+1, y0, colorDarkYellow);

// FD127_2
y0 = y1= fd127_2[BarCount-1]+1;
Plot(LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0),"",colorDarkYellow,styleLine|styleDashed ); //styleNoRescale colorLightGrey
PlotText("-127.20% @ " + fd127_2 , BarCount+1, y0, colorDarkYellow);

// FD161_8
y0 = y1= fd161_8[BarCount-1]+1;
Plot(LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0),"",colorDarkYellow,styleLine|styleDashed ); //styleNoRescale colorLightGrey
PlotText("-161.80% @ " + fd161_8 , BarCount+1, y0, colorDarkYellow);
// FD261_8
y0 = y1= fd261_8[BarCount-1]+1;
Plot(LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0),"",colorDarkYellow,styleLine|styleDashed ); //styleNoRescale colorLightGrey
PlotText("-261.80% @ " + fd261_8 , BarCount+1, y0, colorDarkYellow);

// FD423_6
y0 = y1= fd423_6[BarCount-1]+1;
Plot(LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0),"",colorDarkYellow,styleLine|styleDashed ); //styleNoRescale colorLightGrey
PlotText("-423.60% @ " + fd423_6 , BarCount+1, y0, colorDarkYellow);

// Setup for Weekly Range
TOW_        = Open;
PWH_        = Ref(High,-1);
PWL_        = Ref(Low,-1);
PWO_        = Ref(Open,-1);
PWC_        = Ref(Close,-1);

TOW         = TimeFrameExpand(TOW_,inDaily,expandFirst);
PWH         = TimeFrameExpand(PWH_,inDaily,expandFirst); 
PWL         = TimeFrameExpand(PWL_,inDaily,expandFirst); 
PWO         = TimeFrameExpand(PWO_,inDaily,expandFirst);
PWC         = TimeFrameExpand(PWC_,inDaily,expandFirst); 

// Weekly High
x0 =BarCount-40;
x1 = BarCount;
y0 = y1= pwh[BarCount-1]+1;
// Weekly Close
y0 = y1= pwc[BarCount-1]+1;
// Weekly Low
y0 = y1= pwl[BarCount-1]+1;

PlotText("Weekly High "+ pwh, BarCount+1, pwh[BarCount-1], colorGreen );
PlotText("Weekly Close "+ pwc, BarCount+1, pwc[BarCount-1], colorWhite );
PlotText("Weekly Low "+ pwl, BarCount+1, pwl[BarCount-1], colorRed );

// Setup for Monthly Range
TOM_        = Open;
PMH_        = Ref(High,-1);
PML_        = Ref(Low,-1);
PMO_        = Ref(Open,-1);
PMC_        = Ref(Close,-1);

TOM         = TimeFrameExpand(TOM_,inDaily,expandFirst);
PMH         = TimeFrameExpand(PMH_,inDaily,expandFirst); 
PML         = TimeFrameExpand(PML_,inDaily,expandFirst); 
PMO         = TimeFrameExpand(PMO_,inDaily,expandFirst);
PMC         = TimeFrameExpand(PMC_,inDaily,expandFirst); 

// Monthly High
x0 =BarCount-20;
x1 = BarCount;
y0 = y1= pmh[BarCount-1]+1;
// Monthly Close
y0 = y1= pmc[BarCount-1]+1;
// Monthly Low
y0 = y1= pml[BarCount-1]+1;

PlotText("Monthly High "+ pmh, BarCount+1, pmh[BarCount-1], colorGreen );
PlotText("Monthly Close "+ pmc, BarCount+1, pmc[BarCount-1], colorWhite );
PlotText("Monthly Low "+ pml, BarCount+1, pml[BarCount-1], colorRed );


Well-Known Member

In one of your previous posts you have given pictures for various trading chart patterns.Kindly can you let me know from where can we get more details for individual chart patterns for self learning.


Well-Known Member

In one of your previous posts you have given pictures for various trading chart patterns.Kindly can you let me know from where can we get more details for individual chart patterns for self learning.
Visit Here may be its of some help to you.
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