Why is it so for options?


Active Member
When buying/shorting futures, we just buy or short. But about options, we have to specify if its 5100 call, 5200 call or same for put. Why cant I just buy a nifty call or put?
I am a toddler in options, so please explain.
Thank you.


Well-Known Member
When buying/shorting futures, we just buy or short. But about options, we have to specify if its 5100 call, 5200 call or same for put. Why cant I just buy a nifty call or put?
I am a toddler in options, so please explain.
Thank you.

Simple spoken: An option and a future are two very different types of derivatives/security's which work, behave and are used in complete different ways.

Options are separately created for different strike levels. Means, you have one separate option or product on the strike level by 5100 and you have an other separate option/product on the strike level by 5200. This is done on every strike level with call options and put options.

As this are all different options/products, you have to choose, which product you will take.

The future is always one and the same security/product in one market like Nifty. Only the value of the future changes.

If you now go in a shop and buy pure gold (Future), only the price of pure gold (99%) will change day by day, but it is pure gold. At the moment you look for a jewel, you will buy pure gold (Future) with noble stones (Options) and you will have to choose, which noble stone (Options) you will take to decorate this jewel. And there are many noble stones to choose like there are many options to choose but there is only one kind of pure gold (99%) like there is only one future.



Hope it helps
