k-nearest neighbors algorithm


Well-Known Member
sorry for late reply..

Any way, how to use it
Predicting up move on 5 min chart, down move on hourly.
Or is it for daily chart only?
Plz. share your experience. I do not use Metatrader so cannot have a first hand experience.


a 'prediction' is a prediction.
so you never cant rely on this type of indicators for trading!

on other hand, what we do for trading?
we do 'prediction'. we try to imagine what will be market next move and go for order.
i remember once a pro trader told that - i flip a coin, if its head i go for long, if tail i go short. and rest all about money management.

this indicator can help us to make mind set whether i go long or short. WITH OTHER confirmations.price level does not follow it much, it can be use for trend.

this indicator neutral net type. so lower time frame , much noise not accepted. atleast 1 hour min.

and "best fit" also needed on 'Npast' parameter.

but then again

a 'prediction' is a prediction.

below chart i posted 27th july 4.00 p.m

and here is recent scenario..

Last edited:

Please add pop up alert to following indicator

thnx in advance

// ********************************************
// DATE :07-30-04
// PROGRAMMER :M.Lauronen
// COPYRIGHTS :public Domain
// ********************************************

// --------------------------------------------
// Recommended AmiBroker indicator settings:
// Level 0
// Percent
// Middle
// Scaling: Custom 0 - 100
// --------------------------------------------

// Adjust the following parameters to suit your needs
// Adjust the following parameters to suit your needs

//period = Param("% change",0.4,0.1,25,0.1);
//period = 5;
globalTitile=" ";
BuyCond =ShortCond=False;

numChg = i ;
// --------------------------------------------
// Divergence for LONG
// --------------------------------------------

trendMom = RSI(5);

periods = 5;
Ksmooth = 3;
trendStoch=StochK( periods , Ksmooth);

bull=High - EMA(Close,13);
bear=Low - EMA(Close,13);


FI = (Close - Ref(Close, -1)) * V;

trendZig = Zig(L, numChg);

f = trendZig > Ref(trendZig, -1) AND Ref(trendZig, -1) < Ref(trendZig, -2);

p1 = ValueWhen(f, Ref(trendZig, -1), 1);
p2 = ValueWhen(f, Ref(trendZig, -1), 2);
r1 = ValueWhen(f, Ref(trendMom,-1), 1);
r2 = ValueWhen(f, Ref(trendMom,-1), 2);
stockUp1= ValueWhen(f, Ref(trendStoch,-1), 1);
stockUp2= ValueWhen(f, Ref(trendStoch,-1), 2);
bbUP1= ValueWhen(f, Ref(bb,-1), 1);
bbUP2= ValueWhen(f, Ref(bb,-1), 2);
HistUP1= ValueWhen(f, Ref(Hist,-1), 1);
HistUP2= ValueWhen(f, Ref(Hist,-1), 2);
FIUP1= ValueWhen(f, Ref(FI,-1), 1);
FIUP2= ValueWhen(f, Ref(FI,-1), 2);

f = r1 > r2 AND p1 < p2;
fStoch=stockUp1 > stockUp2 AND p1 < p2;
fbb=bbUP1> bbUP2 AND p1 < p2;
HistUP=HistUP1> HistUP2 AND p1 < p2;
FIUP= FIUP1 > FIUP2 AND p1 < p2;

sigRSI = f AND NOT Ref(f, -1) AND trendMom > Ref(trendMom, -1);
sigStockUp = fStoch AND NOT Ref(fStoch, -1) AND trendStoch > Ref(trendStoch, -1);
sigbbUp = fbb AND NOT Ref(fbb, -1) AND bb> Ref(bb, -1);
HistSigUP = HistUP AND NOT Ref(HistUP , -1) AND Hist> Ref(Hist, -1);
FISigUP = FIUP AND NOT Ref(FIUP, -1) AND FI> Ref(FI, -1);

//_N(str = "(" + period + ")");
///Plot(trendMom, "RSI" + str, colorWhite);
Plot(trendZig, "zig", colorBlack,styleOwnScale);
Plot(sigRSI* 100, "RsiSigUp", colorGreen, styleHistogram + styleThick + styleNoLabel);
Plot(sigStockUp* 100, "StockSigUp", colorGreen, styleHistogram + styleThick + styleNoLabel);
Plot(sigbbUp* 100, "bbUp", colorGreen, styleHistogram + styleThick + styleNoLabel);
Plot(HistSigUP * 100, "MACDUp", colorGreen, styleHistogram + styleThick + styleNoLabel);
Plot(FISigUP * 100, "FIUP", colorGreen, styleHistogram + styleThick + styleNoLabel);

// --------------------------------------------
// Divergence for SHORT
// --------------------------------------------

trendZig2 = Zig(H, numChg);

f = trendZig2 < Ref(trendZig2, -1) AND Ref(trendZig2, -1) > Ref(trendZig2, -2);

p1 = ValueWhen(f, Ref(trendZig2, -1), 1);
p2 = ValueWhen(f, Ref(trendZig2, -1), 2);
r1 = ValueWhen(f, Ref(trendMom,-1), 1);
r2 = ValueWhen(f, Ref(trendMom,-1), 2);
stockDown1= ValueWhen(f, Ref(trendStoch,-1), 1);
stockDown2= ValueWhen(f, Ref(trendStoch,-1), 2);
bbDown1= ValueWhen(f, Ref(bb,-1), 1);
bbDown2= ValueWhen(f, Ref(bb,-1), 2);
HistDown1= ValueWhen(f, Ref(Hist,-1), 1);
HistDown2= ValueWhen(f, Ref(Hist,-1), 2);
FIDown1= ValueWhen(f, Ref(FI,-1), 1);
FIDown2= ValueWhen(f, Ref(FI,-1), 2);

f = r1 < r2 AND p1 > p2;
fStoch=stockDown1 < stockDown2 AND p1 > p2;
fbb=bbDown1 < bbDown2 AND p1 > p2;
HistDown=HistDown1< HistDown2 AND p1 > p2;
FIDown= FIDown1 < FIDown2 AND p1 > p2;

sigRSIDown = f AND NOT Ref(f, -1) AND trendMom < Ref(trendMom, -1);
sigStock = fStoch AND NOT Ref(fStoch, -1) AND trendStoch < Ref(trendStoch, -1);
sigbbDown = fbb AND NOT Ref(fbb, -1) AND bb < Ref(bb, -1);
HistSigDown = HistDown AND NOT Ref(HistDown , -1) AND Hist< Ref(Hist, -1);
FISigDown = FIDown AND NOT Ref(FIDown, -1) AND FI< Ref(FI, -1);

//_N(str = "(" + period + ")");
Plot(sigRSIDown* 100, "rsiSigDown", colorRed, styleHistogram + styleThick + styleNoLabel);
Plot(sigStock* 100, "StockSigDown", colorRed, styleHistogram + styleThick + styleNoLabel);
Plot(sigbbDown* 100, "bbDown", colorRed, styleHistogram + styleThick + styleNoLabel);
Plot(HistSigDown * 100, "MAcdDown", colorRed, styleHistogram + styleThick + styleNoLabel);
Plot(FISigDown* 100, "FIDown", colorRed, styleHistogram + styleThick + styleNoLabel);

divergenceCount+=IIf(sigRSI,1,0) + IIf(FISigUP,1,0)+
IIf(sigStockUp ,1,0)+ IIf(sigbbUp ,1,0)+ IIf(HistSigUp ,1,0);

divergenceCount+=IIf(sigRSIDown ,1,0) + IIf(sigStock ,1,0)+
IIf(sigbbDown ,1,0)+ IIf(HistSigDown ,1,0)+ IIf(FISigDown,1,0);

BuyCondTmp=sigRSI OR sigStockUp OR sigbbUp OR HistSigUp OR FISigUP;
ShortCondTmp=sigRSIDown OR sigStock OR sigbbDown OR HistSigDown OR FISigDown;
highCount+=IIf(BuyCondTmp OR ShortCondTmp,numChg,0.0);

BuyCond = BuyCond OR BuyCondTmp ;
BuyCond=BuyCond AND (highCount>10);
ShortCond= ShortCond OR ShortCondTmp;
ShortCond=ShortCond AND (highCount>10);

globalTitile+=WriteIf(BuyCondTmp OR ShortCondTmp ,""+i,"")+

WriteIf(sigRSI,"rsiup ","")+WriteIf(sigStockUp,"stochup ","")+WriteIf(sigbbUp,"bbup ","")
+WriteIf(HistSigUP ,"macdup ","")+ WriteIf(FISigUP,"FIUP ","")

+WriteIf(sigRSIDown ,"rsiDown ","")+WriteIf(sigStock ,"stochDown ","")+WriteIf(sigbbDown,"bbDown ","")
+WriteIf(HistSigDown ,"macdDown ","")+ WriteIf(FISigDown,"FIDown ","")
+ WriteIf(BuyCondTmp OR ShortCondTmp ,"\n","");

} //for


FirstTradeTime = 091500; // Earliest time to take a trade
LastTradeTime = 151500; // Latest time to take new trades
ExitAllPositionsTime = 151500;
//change = Param("% change",0.1,0.1,25,0.1);
z = Zig(Close, 0.8 );

Buy=(BuyCond ) ;//AND (TimeNum() >= FirstTradeTime AND TimeNum() <= LastTradeTime );
Sell = IIf(z < Ref(z, -1), 1, 0) ;// OR TimeNum() > ExitAllPositionsTime;
Short=(ShortCond ) ;//AND (TimeNum() >= FirstTradeTime AND TimeNum() <= LastTradeTime );
Cover = IIf(z > Ref(z, -1), 1, 0) ;//OR TimeNum() > ExitAllPositionsTime;


Filter=BuyCond OR ShortCond;
//Filter=Filter AND (TimeNum()>091500 AND TimeNum()<100000);

AddColumn(divergenceCount,"no of diver");