Trades on Option II

Sold 1000 Dec 8000 PE at 87.3 and Bought 2000 Dec 8200 PE at 50.71

Also sold 200 Dec 8200 PE at 144

Average 155.47

Nov 8100 CE -1500
Nov 8200 PE - 800
Dec 8200 PE -1200
Dec 8000 PE -1000
Dec 7800 PE +2000

Delta in Calls -949 . Delta in Put 895 Net Delta -54

Will bring delta to + 100 to 200 gradually if needed. There is lot of time . No need to hurry
Can i post screen shot of my profit and loss. I dont know the rules here
Option Sellers take the approach of high probability of profit trades such as Straddle, Strangle, Naked put etc which is a very common way to trade options. It’s really the first thing most option traders learn. Once they make huge loss they start looking at very low risk strategies.
A higher order Greek, is essential understanding for every serious option trader, but unfortunately, the higher order Greeks are seldom taught in the industry and many novice option sellers become victim of the Greeks
Short Straddle and Short Strangle are one of the most risky strategies of all time

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