Wisdom Dump

A Desperate bid to keep this great thread alive........:)

"If you make a bad trade, you have money management, you have a whole bunch of things that will come to your aid, and you're really not in so much trouble if you make a bad trade. But if you miss a good trade there's really nowhere to turn. If you miss good trades with any regularity you're finished, you're doomed in this game"--------Bill Eckhardt


The reading of trading forums is a 4th dimension experience. The customer's innocence/ignorance/unwillingness to try to understand/learn/look seems without limits. At the retail level, there are few attempts to know the market, the brokers, who are the players, what is the leverage, the spread, etc. It seems like people want deliberately to play blindly. When they buy a piece of fish at the fish market, they will carefully compare, weigh, smell, touch, remember, etc. When they buy 10,000 euros with leverage 10, they will base it on two crossing lines from a surrealist Picasso like painting.--------------------------Vincent Andres


Well-Known Member
Wall Street never changes, the pockets change, the stocks change, but Wall Street never changes, because human nature never changes

Quote from Jesse Livermores book How to Trade in Stocks, (originally written in 1940)


Well-Known Member
“All through time, people have basically acted and re-acted the same way in the market as a result of: greed, fear, ignorance, and hope – that is why the numerical formations and patterns recur on a constant basis”

Quote from Jesse Livermore’s book How to Trade in Stocks, (originally written in 1940)


From another forum -
FWIW, it took me 2 years of non-stop research, burning night oils staying up till 2-3 am, and analyzing literally thousands of systems before I started to see the lights of systems development. If you are not willing to put similar efforts to look for the truth, I don't know how else you could become a successful systems developer.