Trading on illusions



Awaken with a slap.

This is what i learnt from Jesse's article:=

In activities where the margins of error are narrow and missteps can produce costly or injurious consequences, personal well-being
is best served by highly accurate efficacy appraisal.

a lack of illusions is associated with a nondefensive personality oriented towards growth and learning and with low ego involvement in
outcomes. They present evidence that self-determined individuals are less prone to these illusions.

that while illusory beliefs about control may promote goal-striving, they are not conducive to sound decision-making. Illusions of
control may cause insensitivity to feedback, impede learning, and predispose toward greater objective risk-taking (since subjective
risk will be reduced by illusion of control).

Personality is most determining of behaviour in `weak' situations, and vice versa.
Good Points.

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