The Survivors!!

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Opening a thread that is dedicated to the guys still doggedly after the markets all these years,....dedicated to them but not restricted to them.... :D

Some of us have done well,some of us may be struggling,some have had their troubles and coming out of them,some have focussed on the research and development part and now getting ready to fire,some have made a tonne.....

To all of these guys,humble guys are on a Rodeo Bull called the Markets and whether you've been thrown off the Bull a 100 times or a 1000 times,you have not given up with the concept of Riding that Crazy Bull.Hats off!!

Have not been here in many years,and it is so nice to see many of these Survivors......... This thread is a mix of everything,it can range from Super sensible talk to Frivilous talk,from talking about methods to talking about failures and successes.

Open to the Survivors from the Past and to the wannabe Survivors........ we might have made a tonne of money,or maybe not...But we definitely have made a tonne of mistakes you don't need to repeat to succeed to cut short your Learning Curve. :)

Welcome back Saint brother......... nice to see you back in action........:clapping::thumb::)

This kind of patterns on Crude Oil Oct,...beauties......where resistances have been broken into,higher pivot lows being made,still offcially in a downtrend,meaning both Bulls and Bears see what they want to see.

And as Price squeezes here,....hmm,yummy move about to happen.If this hourly bar closes hereabouts,the next one will be some fun to go at,either above the hghs or below the lows of this ongoing candle.Depending on the closes ...another 20mins to go.


Well-Known Member
Opening a thread that is dedicated to the guys still doggedly after the markets all these years,....dedicated to them but not restricted to them.... :D

Some of us have done well,some of us may be struggling,some have had their troubles and coming out of them,some have focussed on the research and development part and now getting ready to fire,some have made a tonne.....

To all of these guys,humble guys are on a Rodeo Bull called the Markets and whether you've been thrown off the Bull a 100 times or a 1000 times,you have not given up with the concept of Riding that Crazy Bull.Hats off!!
Welcome back Saint. You are teacher of many new person who join traderji first; Atleast once go to your method. :clap: :clapping: :thumb:

"When you want to see a rising Sun you always look East"
- KK​

Hope you were referring to the Signature....... Never anticipate the outcome of the Fight,
but keep your mind in the present, in the Fight.
- Bruce Lee

Super excellent stuff!!

As far as those abs go,that's another quite happy with my one pack... :D
Hi Saint, I saw the thread earlier but hadn't gotten to reading it. Was busy scraping myself off the floor :D..

But how come you are posting a new thread during market hours ?? You must've made tons of money today.. tell tell.. we want to know :D :D

you guys are on a Rodeo Bull called the Markets and whether you've been thrown off the Bull a 100 times or a 1000 times,you have not given up with the concept of Riding that Crazy Bull.Hats off!!

Open to the Survivors from the Past and to the wannabe Survivors........ we might have made a tonne of money,or maybe not...But we definitely have made a tonne of mistakes you don't need to repeat to succeed to cut short your Learning Curve. :)
Great minds think alike !!.. It was just last night that I was comparing the markets to a Rodeo Bull...

Great to have you around. Your presence will certainly enthuse the members and cool down the spammers and fight-pickers, and ensure continuance of all the free thinkers in the markets. May all their trading thoughts find their way in this forum :thumb::thumb:

(rajgreenpeace, hope you read the last line :D)


Well-Known Member
Ladies and Gentlemen, the SAINT is officially back ;)

Thanks a lot Saint, I am a big fan of you, your teach a man to fish stays at my home in printed form as a bible for trading to me. I have read most of the posts by, and the post where you describe taking full time trading as profession quitting your profession as doctor stays in my motivational book.

Thanks a lot for everything in the past and anything in the future that you have done and will do respectively.

Since, Dan has knighted you, thanks a lot Sir Saint :p
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