SILVER long term view

chart is cool i think they are going to do yearly based head and shoulder.
and we might see silver back to 38 to 40 level and then back wave c breaking 33.5K and reaching 31K

Santoshji u share which afl is that i loved the colors it;s blue ^^


Well-Known Member
Testing of 30,000 lvl which is a good support is inevitable. My analysis is if its best for picking in Indian terms is in range between 25-20 k. Yes it looks very far but for a commodity like silver its possible.
chart is cool i think they are going to do yearly based head and shoulder.
and we might see silver back to 38 to 40 level and then back wave c breaking 33.5K and reaching 31K

Santoshji u share which afl is that i loved the colors it;s blue ^^
Its not amibroker charts ...It's java web charts..

chart downloaded from icharts..
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