shiksha for market


Well-Known Member
Hi Pranay

I hope reading this post will be worth your time.
Do not waist your money on ANY paid courses. Mostly ALL are CRAP.
Information given by them will be appropriate BUT it will not help you much as a trader but surely help them make money

Here is what you can do instead ;

1) Read books which lay more importance to Price, Risk & Money Management, Trading Psychology, Support & Resistance, Volume (accumulation & distribution)

While having said this, do not get lost in the fancy world of Strategies, Indicators & trading on news.

2) While your chosen course by Himanshu lists Rs. 50,000 as minimum balance required in demat to trade stocks & I do understand out of this maybe 2% will be risked on one trade ....

I SAY DO NOT START WITH MORE THAN Rs. 10,000 out of which you will not trade more than 1 SHARE on one trade, initially, because ;

a) Once you have Rs. 50,000 in demat, YOU WILL OVER TRADE due to not being a disciplined trader as yet & loose most of it & try to get it back after few losing trades.

If you cannot be consistently profitable trading just 1 share, what makes you think you can be successful trading 10 shares or more ???

c) Once you demonstrate to NOONE but YOURSELF that Yes, I can trade 1 SHARE profitably for 2 months straight, You can start trading 5 shares for another 2 months & 10 for another 2 months & so on.

If in between, your net profit PERCENTAGE for a month is not as per your pre decided number say 5 % or its a net loss by even .1 %, you will simply go back to previous trading size used & YOU WILL CONTINUE TO TRADE SAME SIZE FOR ANOTHER 2 MONTHS.

Most traders will give up in between when they have to go back to previous trading size & start trading higher number of shares & leverage until they go broke.

Nobody is willing to practically train in the markets for 2-3 years by trading very small, LIVE in the markets which are your actual teachers.

This experience taught me that a true mentor who actually trades himself & makes real money in the market would rather tell you to pay fees to the market instead of him as he is very much capable of making money on his own.

Think for a minute that if these people who offer courses & have been ACTIVE TRADERS SINCE 19XX :rofl: really knew how to trade - Profitably, Consistently .... Would they really have the time & appetite to teach others how to trade ???

Only a struggling active trader, fraudster or Money oriented person will offer you a course in real life.

Atleast that is something I experienced.

---> Forget paid courses
---> Read & Read Smart (More Books by real & consistently profitable traders & few posts in trading forums)
---> Choose a broker carefully
---> Paper trading will be no good so pay the due tution fees to the market trading LIVE over next 2 years
---> If possible make a group of few traders, trade LIVE together & experience the joy of trading 1 share, day in day out or week in week out :lol:
Share month end reports & motivate each other to stick to the approach.

-------> If your trading account survives & is in plus month after month, two years from now, come back here on this very thread & just thank me once. That simple thanks will mean everything to me :):)

God bless you.

Happy Trading.

Can anyone tell how Is the course of himanshu shah of shiksha for the markets?
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New Member
Can anyone tell how Is the course of himanshu shah of shiksha for the markets?

I have recently completed the Price analysis course taught by Himanshu Shaah. Unlike, most other tutors in the market, Himanshu Sir is a truly committed teacher. We had a mix of students, right from college passouts, housewives, retired individuals, professional traders, and few brokers. And, I myself who had never traded earlier.

He has wonderful teaching skill, and has gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure that no one is left behind. To add icing to cake, we have webinar sessions from Monday to Thursday, where he clarifies the doubts, and shares mechanics of new/existing setups.

The only commitment he asks of us is that we do all the required homework (so that we become comfortable with system and donot feel left out when the class advances to next topics).

I haven't seen such commitment from any of the tutors I have seen right from my 10th grade till completion of B.E.

I donot think any of the other tutors teaching Stock Market trading might be taking even 23.6% of efforts that Himanshu Shaah is taking for success of his students. So, no wonder, that our friend here has suggested the self study route.

To Summarize, SHIKSHA SYSTEM is an amazing system, taught by a GREAT TEACHER....HIMANSHU SHAAH.

First of let me appreciate the points you have mentioned to be successful trader. They are damn right. I had same thoughts and same experiences. I have done lot many courses (TA course from BLB institute in Mumbai, OTA from sharekhan) and attended number of seminars ( of Yogengra Vashishth (crap), sudarshan sukhani, CK narayan, etc). Everyone i came across given guarantee that if I follow their system i will be winner. And end of the day more or less my account was bleeding. I was planning to leave markets completely after losses and no system or strategy in place.

My ex-boss attended Himanshu Shaah's 2 day seminar and immediately told me to enroll for his advanced course. i was reluctant initially based on my past experience with other tutors and not wanted to waste money once again. Some how boss forced and i enrolled to give it a last shot.

It's been past 6 years since i was introduced to "Shiksha for the Market" and Himanshu Shaah and i am still practicing it, trading successfully by following single system. It was obviously a paid course when i did it, later on sir kept it improving system based on his own study and kept sharing the same via emails without charging an extra cost. We met frequently in follow up refresher courses by paying infrastructure cost to learn and update something new. He had allotted 2 hours time slot for 4 days a week for past 6 years and now same is replaced by live webinar sessions which is completely a different experience, and i have seen attendees are getting much more benefited as webinar is usually consist of live markets. He even shared newly developed software for more than two years as evolution version (which is now paid version). In short, this tutor kept following up with his students, and I am one of the old student of Shiksha.

The points which u mentioned like Risk Management, Position Sizing, Trading Psychology, Practice, reading are other areas where i kept on working hard as Trading is my passion as well as bread and butter. As we know not a single system in this world is 100% loss proof, stop losses and risk management has to be always there to mitigate risk and to preserve capital. I believe it's Trader's Psychology and his tools which ultimately results in his performance, any trading system is just a another tool, not a key to success. Sad part for trading profession worldwide is, every skill based profession needs study/practice and hard work to follow with continuous up gradation (like being doctor, engineer, CA and so on), but in our trading business no one understands this basic and simple parameter, everyone starts trading as a second part time business to earn easy money with no study or strategy and eventually they make losses and quit trading by blaming stock market is just a gamble. We know trading is never ever easy skill to develop and be successful in long run, its a very very difficult to handle personal psychology almost every minute. Many of My co-participants of Shiksha course, left this system as it was either too complex for them or they never find time to master the skill and system of trading or for the reasons which I don’t know.

All in all, my experience with Himanshu Shaah was not which i had with other tutors who charges a hefty fees and don't care later on whether you understood/benefited or not. He kept us upgraded as & when market dynamics changed by bringing in the chang in system or concept. Ultimately he kept on caring for those who remained with him.
My advice for the thread opener here is simple and clear, Join the course if you determine to study and practice system and if you plan to improve your personal psychology along with it and you are not looking for a system to recover your old losses.

Best of Luck,


Well-Known Member

I have recently completed the Price analysis course taught by Himanshu Shaah. Unlike, most other tutors in the market, Himanshu Sir is a truly committed teacher. We had a mix of students, right from college passouts, housewives, retired individuals, professional traders, and few brokers. And, I myself who had never traded earlier.

He has wonderful teaching skill, and has gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure that no one is left behind. To add icing to cake, we have webinar sessions from Monday to Thursday, where he clarifies the doubts, and shares mechanics of new/existing setups.

The only commitment he asks of us is that we do all the required homework (so that we become comfortable with system and donot feel left out when the class advances to next topics).

I haven't seen such commitment from any of the tutors I have seen right from my 10th grade till completion of B.E.

I donot think any of the other tutors teaching Stock Market trading might be taking even 23.6% of efforts that Himanshu Shaah is taking for success of his students. So, no wonder, that our friend here has suggested the self study route.

To Summarize, SHIKSHA SYSTEM is an amazing system, taught by a GREAT TEACHER....HIMANSHU SHAAH.
I will disagree....there are people not in public....doing good job.....Because...they are not making money selling some scrap product....

Point is, no trainer will give any commitment and no emotions on Himanshu Shaah training (I know the people lost based on his system)....

Be cautious...
Hi Pranay

I hope reading this post will be worth your time.
Do not waist your money on ANY paid courses. Mostly ALL are CRAP.
Information given by them will be appropriate BUT it will not help you much as a trader but surely help them make money

Here is what you can do instead ;

1) Read books which lay more importance to Price, Risk & Money Management, Trading Psychology, Support & Resistance, Volume (accumulation & distribution)

While having said this, do not get lost in the fancy world of Strategies, Indicators & trading on news.

2) While your chosen course by Himanshu lists Rs. 50,000 as minimum balance required in demat to trade stocks & I do understand out of this maybe 2% will be risked on one trade ....

I SAY DO NOT START WITH MORE THAN Rs. 10,000 out of which you will not trade more than 1 SHARE on one trade, initially, because ;

a) Once you have Rs. 50,000 in demat, YOU WILL OVER TRADE due to not being a disciplined trader as yet & loose most of it & try to get it back after few losing trades.

If you cannot be consistently profitable trading just 1 share, what makes you think you can be successful trading 10 shares or more ???

c) Once you demonstrate to NOONE but YOURSELF that Yes, I can trade 1 SHARE profitably for 2 months straight, You can start trading 5 shares for another 2 months & 10 for another 2 months & so on.

If in between, your net profit PERCENTAGE for a month is not as per your pre decided number say 5 % or its a net loss by even .1 %, you will simply go back to previous trading size used & YOU WILL CONTINUE TO TRADE SAME SIZE FOR ANOTHER 2 MONTHS.

Most traders will give up in between when they have to go back to previous trading size & start trading higher number of shares & leverage until they go broke.

Nobody is willing to practically train in the markets for 2-3 years by trading very small, LIVE in the markets which are your actual teachers.

This experience taught me that a true mentor who actually trades himself & makes real money in the market would rather tell you to pay fees to the market instead of him as he is very much capable of making money on his own.

Think for a minute that if these people who offer courses & have been ACTIVE TRADERS SINCE 19XX :rofl: really knew how to trade - Profitably, Consistently .... Would they really have the time & appetite to teach others how to trade ???

Only a struggling active trader, fraudster or Money oriented person will offer you a course in real life.

Atleast that is something I experienced.

---> Forget paid courses
---> Read & Read Smart (More Books by real & consistently profitable traders & few posts in trading forums)
---> Choose a broker carefully
---> Paper trading will be no good so pay the due tution fees to the market trading LIVE over next 2 years
---> If possible make a group of few traders, trade LIVE together & experience the joy of trading 1 share, day in day out or week in week out
Share month end reports & motivate each other to stick to the approach.

-------> If your trading account survives & is in plus month after month, two years from now, come back here on this very thread & just thank me once. That simple thanks will mean everything to me :):)

God bless you.

Happy Trading.

Hi rishi,
Please suggest some books for beginners.

Sent from my KIW-L22 using Tapatalk


New Member
I will disagree....there are people not in public....doing good job.....Because...they are not making money selling some scrap product....

Point is, no trainer will give any commitment and no emotions on Himanshu Shaah training (I know the people lost based on his system)....

Be cautious...
There are people who are not in public, and doing good work. I met one...Himanshu Shaah. As per my understanding, Himanshu Shaah is still quiet low profile. Only accepts students by reference. No advertisement or publicity. I came to know about him only through a friend of mine.

Prior to that I was looking at the most advertised and commercially available options. They seemed to lack substance that I was looking for.

I had read books by good traders like Alexander Elder, Curtis Faith, Van Tharp, Michael Douglas. So I had basic understanding as to what to look for in a sound trading approach. I found all of them in Himanshu Shaah's SHIKSHA system.

And regarding people who have lost, you would agree that, one can take horse to the fodder, but he cannot feed the horse.

Yes the system is quiet comprehensive in terms of how to decide ENTRY, EXIT, STOP-LOSS and RE-ENTRY. A lot has to be taken in before you can start to trade any of the numerous setups based on the system.

I am new to trading. I too lost initially, when my understanding of the system was nascent. I made mistakes not just in the system but also in placing orders. But with constant perseverance, I was able to understand the basics of the system. Backtested on historical data one of the setups that suited my temperament. In my two months of trading I am net positive in my trading account. And the returns per month are in double digits percentage wise.

One will loose big time in this market irrespective of whose system you are following, if he
  • fails to maintain sound position sizing
  • does not understand his entry and exit strategies
  • goes beyond his emotional capacity for trading (taking too large position)
  • Over trades
  • force trades
  • Fails to have a stop loss
  • Looks for easy profits without putting in efforts
  • Switches setups frequently (most likely because none have been backtested to build conviction)
  • tries to trade contrary to what market wants

And most traders would agree that Stock Market trading is a game of positive expectancy. And this system does have a very good positive expectancy.
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Well-Known Member
There are people who are not in public, and doing good work. I met one...Himanshu Shaah. As per my understanding, Himanshu Shaah is still quiet low profile. Only accepts students by reference. No advertisement or publicity. I came to know about him only through a friend of mine.

Prior to that I was looking at the most advertised and commercially available options. They seemed to lack substance that I was looking for.

I had read books by good traders like Alexander Elder, Curtis Faith, Van Tharp, Michael Douglas. So I had basic understanding as to what to look for in a sound trading approach. I found all of them in Himanshu Shaah's SHIKSHA system.

And regarding people who have lost, you would agree that, one can take horse to the fodder, but he cannot feed the horse.

Yes the system is quiet comprehensive in terms of how to decide ENTRY, EXIT, STOP-LOSS and RE-ENTRY. A lot has to be taken in before you can start to trade any of the numerous setups based on the system.

I am new to trading. I too lost initially, when my understanding of the system was nascent. I made mistakes not just in the system but also in placing orders. But with constant perseverance, I was able to understand the basics of the system. Backtested on historical data one of the setups that suited my temperament. In my two months of trading I am net positive in my trading account. And the returns per month are in double digits percentage wise.

One will loose big time in this market irrespective of whose system you are following, if he
  • fails to maintain sound position sizing
  • does not understand his entry and exit strategies
  • goes beyond his emotional capacity for trading (taking too large position)
  • Over trades
  • force trades
  • Fails to have a stop loss
  • Looks for easy profits without putting in efforts
  • Switches setups frequently (most likely because none have been backtested to build conviction)
  • tries to trade contrary to what market wants

And most traders would agree that Stock Market trading is a game of positive expectancy. And this system does have a very good positive expectancy.
Whether he is high profile or low profile....doesn't matter....

Ultimately, money matters...

You are talking on your view....I am not disagreeing....

Same view is his system is not generating money as you projecting.....people has lost money obeyed the method....

I am no way concerned...whether he is right or wrong....

As a member...I am cautioning the simple as that...


Well-Known Member
i have completed his course in 2011 ... himanshu shaah... chennai
i have found this as the worst tutor of all times...
a very hefty fees.... truly bol bachan....
as soon as all his students starts making losses.... he changes the system...
so much of nick names of different patterns given by him....
promises lots of things... gives much hope.. but all useless...
tells u all the time to write testimonial for him... and send good emails... which others can see....
the system never works... his views changes as market progesses...
always tells to speak only about system ( if you talk about the trades.. he will be caught ... lol )
Ahhh, a true master than, a master must have quality of chameleon:lol::lol::lol:

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